I checked the last 4 pages, and it doesn't seem like there is any forum game like this. So if there is feel free to lock or delete it, mods. This might or might not work but oh well.
Basically the poster must say things about him/herself and 1 of of them must be a lie. (3 things is the minimum, only 1 of them can be a lie.) Then the rest of the players must try and guess which statement is the false one. They must guess with a reason to why they believe the statement is a lie. (The reason can be ridiculous and stupid if you feel like it xD).
Once it is guessed, the person that guessed it right can start again.
Rules: *No insults, flaming, trolling, etc. *You must post a reason to why you think the 1 of the statements is a lie. *No inappropriate reason or statements. *Have fun.
I'll start.
1. I am 5'9'' 2. I play football 3. I love country music
Well I probably shouldn't have made this at this time considering I'm going to bed and I can't tell people who have guessed if they got it right or not. FLAWS in the system I say!
True But you didn't say something about collecting bottle caps And didn't put your 3 things So I again 1. I'm Orthodox 2. I'm Catholic 3. I'm Protestant
1. My favorite animals are frogs and spiders 2. I'm not going to High School 3. I drink a lot of mineral water