ForumsForum GamesColonize a planet for SOLAR DOMINATION!

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Story: There are many gods in this Whatever this is, and the they decide to create and fight over a single solar system. However, the winner of this solar system shall become the new god of gods. You are one of these gods, and you create a planet for this challenge.. But the god of gods make many other tribes on your planet and on othera for your nations to conquer.

You must evolve your tribe and destroy the other tribes and gods to become the almighty god! There are only 8 planets, but in a random event more solar systmes may be made for more people.

Solar system:
Vacant planet 1
Vacant planet 2
Vacant planet 3
Vacant planet 4
Vacant planet 5
Vacant planet 6
Vacant planet 7
Vacant Planet 8

Planet sheet:

Planet name:
Tribes name:
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, the size gives your planet more Health, but also more enmies.)
Planets health: (Depends on size) (The reason for this is like the amount of resources on the planet and once it hits zero it will basically explode, so becareful how much you hurt the planet)
Main resource: (I decide)
POP: 200
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: none
Millatary: None
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: None
Number of tribes: (I decide, size does factor on this though)
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

I hope lots of people play!

  • 94 Replies
2,613 posts

Planet name:Vishaka IV
Tribes name:Vish Oligarchy
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: XL
Planets health: 999,000,000
Main resource: Wood
POP: 74
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: Stone picks (0/30)
Weapons: Stone axes
Training: 4 stone axemen, (0/20)
Military: 20 unarmed, (20)
96 workers, (96)
30 Club wielders (0)
150 Researchers (0)
Known enemies: Small barbaric camp
Owned deposits/forests: Forest of derp (300,000 Wood)
Stone quarry (5000 Stone)
Number of tribes: 20
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

You only find 20 spare stones, so you start training 4 workers (Im going to say workers instead of pop) to wield stone axes. The other group seems to be working on researching Statues. They are pretty weak, and their only (Seen) defence is 32 unarmed fighters.

Planet name: Omega
Tribes name: (forgot to name your tribe ^^)
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: XXL
Planets health: 1,000,000,000
Main resource:
POP: 350
Resources: People
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: none
Millatary: None
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: None
Number of tribes: 34
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

I wont start you until you name your tribe. Congrats! your planet is overabundant with people! Yay!

Player list:
blk (kicked soon)
balboros (NPC)

Solar system..... FILLED!

604 posts

Planet name: Omega
Tribes name: Templars
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: XXL
Planets health: 1,000,000,000
Main resource:
POP: 350
Resources: People
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: none
Millatary: None
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: None
Number of tribes: 34
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

192 posts

Thanks for skipping me...

216 posts

Planet name: Sureafen
Tribes name: Frontrosis
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: L
Planets health: 750,000,000
Main resource: Gold
POP: 66
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Tech: Fighting (5/10), Fishes (5/20) (50) Trees (0/5) (30)
Known landform: The water is composed of 87% salt
Tasks: scavenging (0/N/A) (38)
50 Hand to hand (50)
100 Researchers (0)
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: Disliked forest (100,000 peices of wood)
Number of tribes: 4
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

Yes you re very close to the waters, right next to them, actually. But this may be useful against direct assualts through sea, but if you still want to move your camp itll cost 50 days or so. yes you can name them levis.

(Tip, Theres a few beached sharks, you may be able to research them and see more about them)
(Your also the only person that hasent started researching tools, you think thats ok?)

Hee, thanks for the tip, nearly forgot about tools... Alright, I'll start up researching spears(fishing, mainly) with 36 researchers (from 66 pop). The last 30 will study the beached levis.
2,613 posts

Pretty sure I didnt but heres a repost/post.

Planet name: HellBend
Tribes name: HellBenders
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: Medium
Planets health: 175,000,000
Main resource: None
POP: 165
100/100 Iron
100/100 Wood
100/100 Stone
100/100 silver
0/100 Gold
100/100 Copper
Techs: Tools (0/20) (30)
Millatary: 25 explorers (0)
30 Researchers (0)
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: None
Number of tribes: 4
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

You must first research tools, then be more specific. so Im starting you off with tools.

NOTE: You can read other's sheets and even ask them for help, but do not overabuse this.

16,287 posts

Planet name:Vishaka IV
Tribes name:Vish Oligarchy
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: XL
Planets health: 999,000,000
Main resource: Wood
POP: 74
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: Stone picks (0/30)
Weapons: Stone axes
Training: 4 stone axemen, (0/20)
Military: 20 unarmed, (20)
96 workers, (96)
30 Club wielders (0)
150 Researchers (0)
Known enemies: Small barbaric camp
Owned deposits/forests: Forest of derp (300,000 Wood)
Stone quarry (5000 Stone)
Number of tribes: 20
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

gather the 30 club wielders a short walks away from the camp, and wait until nightfall, have them slowly surround the camp, and then once surrounded, they all scream at the top of their lungs and charge the camp, both to demoralize them and make them believe there are many more of us then there really are

604 posts

Can u so mine

2,613 posts

Planet name: Sureafen
Tribes name: Frontrosis
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: L
Planets health: 750,000,000
Main resource: Gold
POP: 7
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Weapons: advanced martial arts (Now this skill is permantly earned!)
Tech: Fishes (10/20) (50) Trees (3/5) (30) Tools (0/20) (36) Levi's (AKA whalesharks) (0/45) (30)
Known landform: The water is composed of 87% salt
Tasks: scavenging (4/N/A) (38) (+4 wood)
50 Hand to hand (50)
166 Researchers (0)
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: Disliked forest (100,000 peices of wood)
Number of tribes: 4
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

(The giant sharks arent actually whalesharks, whalesharks are my favorite fishes, so I named them that :3)

To all people: Before your able to research any type of tool specificly, you must research tools. also, if you run out of pop, you MUST make some soldiers resign, lest you want an unpopulated camp. (Remember that millatary units do not count as pop.)

Planet name: Omega
Tribes name: Templars
Weather: Extremely rainy
Planet size: XXL
Planets health: 1,000,000,000
Main resource: People
POP: 350
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: none
Millatary: None
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: None
Number of tribes: 34
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

You are in a more tropical world that rains alot. Note, raining reduces pop earned per turn, but this raining completely decreases it. Try building some houses.
Evolution wheel to houses:
Tools-Stone plows- mud houses

2,613 posts

Planet name:Vishaka IV
Tribes name:Vish Oligarchy
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: XL
Planets health: 999,000,000
Main resource: Wood
POP: 81
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: Stone picks (15/30) (150)
Weapons: Stone axes
Training: 4 stone axemen, (4/20)
Military: 20 unarmed, (20)
96 workers, (96)
30 Club wielders (0)
150 Researchers (0)
Known enemies: Small barbaric camp
Owned deposits/forests: Forest of derp (300,000 Wood)
Stone quarry (5000 Stone)
Number of tribes: 20
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

Your strategy works extremely well, but there were some hidden units that you didnt know of. here are the battle results:

Your men:
30 Club wielders -30

24 unarmed- 24
3 Stonebow archers -2
Command tent (1000) -670

Enemy camp:
techs: tools, stone tools, archery, stone bows, stone axes, stone pikes.
Pop: 44
32/100 Iron
40/100 Lead
87/100 Wood
100/100 Stone
10/100 silver
23/100 Gold
74/100 Copper
Millatary: 1 stonebow archer, ????

2,613 posts

Planet name:Vishaka IV
Tribes name:Vish Oligarchy
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: XL
Planets health: 999,000,000
Main resource: Wood
POP: 81
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: Stone picks (15/30) (150)
Weapons: Stone axes
Training: 4 stone axemen, (4/20)
Military: 20 unarmed, (20)
96 workers, (96)
30 Club wielders (0)
150 Researchers (0)
Known enemies: Small barbaric camp
Owned deposits/forests: Forest of derp (300,000 Wood)
Stone quarry (5000 Stone)
Number of tribes: 20
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

Your strategy works extremely well, but there were some hidden units that you didnt know of. here are the battle results:

Your men:
30 Club wielders -30

24 unarmed- 24
3 Stonebow archers -2
Command tent (1000) -670

Enemy camp:
techs: tools, stone tools, archery, stone bows, stone axes, stone pikes.
Pop: 44
32/100 Iron
40/100 Lead
87/100 Wood
100/100 Stone
10/100 silver
23/100 Gold
74/100 Copper
Millatary: 1 stonebow archer, ????
Command tent: 330/1000

16,287 posts

Planet name:Vishaka IV
Tribes name:Vish Oligarchy
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: XL
Planets health: 999,000,000
Main resource: Wood
POP: 81
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: Stone picks (15/30) (150)
Weapons: Stone axes
Training: 4 stone axemen, (4/20)
Military: 20 unarmed, (20)
96 workers, (96)
30 Club wielders (0)
150 Researchers (0)
Known enemies: Small barbaric camp
Owned deposits/forests: Forest of derp (300,000 Wood)
Stone quarry (5000 Stone)
Number of tribes: 20
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

well now that we have axes, start cutting down trees, and build a Lumber Yard

2,613 posts

Planet name:Vishaka IV
Tribes name:Vish Oligarchy
Weather: Sunny
Planet size: XL
Planets health: 999,000,000
Main resource: Wood
POP: 89
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Weapons: Stone axes,
Stone picks
Training: 4 stone axemen, (8/20)
Military: 20 unarmed, (20)
96 workers, (0)
150 Researchers (150)
Known enemies: Small barbaric camp
Owned deposits/forests: Forest of derp (300,000 Wood)
Stone quarry (5000 Stone)
Number of tribes: 20
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health) Lumber yard (0/50) (96) (+400 to wood storage)

Enemy camp:
techs: tools, stone tools, archery, stone bows, stone axes, stone pikes.
Pop: 48
32/100 Iron
40/100 Lead
87/100 Wood
100/100 Stone
10/100 silver
23/100 Gold
74/100 Copper
Millatary: 1 stonebow archer, ????
Command tent: 330/1000

Your axemen are'nt done training, nd you do know hat the enemy may attack back? (to make unit training time go down, build barracks.

604 posts

Planet name: Omega
Tribes name: Templars
Weather: Extremely rainy
Planet size: XXL
Planets health: 1,000,000,000
Main resource: People
POP: 350
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: none
Millatary: None
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: None
Number of tribes: 34
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

i have 50 people draft to the military and put 10 of them in command positions. I have 100 people look into our surrounds,100 people look into a plow, 50 people look into mud houses, and 50 people talking and socializing to boost spirits

2,613 posts


Planet name: Omega
Tribes name: Templars
Weather: Extremely rainy
Planet size: XXL
Planets health: 1,000,000,000
Main resource: People
POP: 350
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: none
Millatary: None
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: None
Number of tribes: 34
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

Yea.... not how the game works :P

604 posts

Planet name: Omega
Tribes name: Templars
Weather: Extremely rainy
Planet size: XXL
Planets health: 1,000,000,000
Main resource: People
POP: 350
0/100 Iron
0/100 Lead
0/100 Wood
0/100 Stone
0/100 silver
0/100 Gold
0/100 Copper
Techs: none
Millatary: None
Known enemies: None
Known deposits/forests: None
Owned deposits/forests: None
Number of tribes: 34
Buildings: Command tent (1000/1000 Health)

wait then what do you do? there wheren't any real guide lines on page one :P sorry for being a noob

Showing 46-60 of 94