All you have to do is make an insane lie about the person above you.Example:Me: *makes thread*User 1: pees his pants all the timeUser 2: failed his last testUser 3: married a donkeyand so on...
Is his secret fan.
Is the worlds last hope against enemy ninja!
Wears a crown every day and demands that everyone calls him "your highness".
Wears a red suit and pretend that is Santa Claus every christmas.
ChapZ likes birds, only after he kills them.
Isn't be Legendary
Is a triangle
Is the apocalypse!
is a symbol of the apocalypse (come one! An Eagle with a ... what is that thing anyway?)
Eat children
(And I don't know, maybe a staff? I'M A EAGLE WIZARD!)
Is Unleashed's son.
Is the cookie of R2
I didn't realize you had ninja'd me.
Is actually a real ninja!
Is the creator of AG
Is a wizard
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