All you have to do is make an insane lie about the person above you.Example:Me: *makes thread*User 1: pees his pants all the timeUser 2: failed his last testUser 3: married a donkeyand so on...
Is a little old man that lives in a mushroom overlooking a waterfall.
Is inside the matrix.
Made the Matrix.
Likes to chew on shoes and chase cats!
Loves to draw her hand on the walls.
Loves to run around singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" backwards in Spanish and throwing confetti everywhere while he sings.
Loves to be on the roof pretending to be Batman.
Is secretly Robin, Batman's sidekick.
Is documenting everything that's going on with this new shweeet romance thingy...
Is R2's cookie vendor, keeper of all my souls and Unleashed's heads on pikes and Storm's bank details bookkeeper.
is a fiiiish.
Has rainbow coloured skin and hair.
has not recently spoken a lie.
Has unusually good luck when it comes to gambling.
left his llama out, and now it's eating all my food.
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