All you have to do is make an insane lie about the person above you.Example:Me: *makes thread*User 1: pees his pants all the timeUser 2: failed his last testUser 3: married a donkeyand so on...
Is Sakman.
Lives in a cemetery.
Is a shared hallucination by everyone on earth.
Only lives with cats and is a hippie
Will eat worms for money.
His grocery store is a garbage can. He still pays for it.
Goes to jewelry stores and cradles rings, saying "My precious..."
Says "What?" at the end of every sentence that he makes.
Created Dragon Ball Z.
Has a pet dragonfly called Ivan
regularly confuses salt with sugar...
Burbs while coughing, having hiccups, and sneeze all at the same time without dying.
Is NOT the AG architect... We've been fooled
Didn't post an insane lie about the person above him.
Is not a red present...
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