Name: Will o'Wisp
Bio: Not much is known about this species; though there are many speculations, like how they evolved from fireflies.
Description: Ball of fire , 'fire' color ranges (can be nearly any colo) but they are typically red and orange, core color seems to be dark (black, grayish, brownish, etc)
1. Levitation (Heat emission)
2. Hard core
(LOCKED) (you will discover this later...
Seems like fun, may I join? (Sorry about the long description, and also tell me if it's too overpowered, I'll try to change it up.)
Description is too long, to me, so I'm putting it here;
Ball of Fire - though it looks like a ball of fire, the actual creature is the 'core', just 'radiates light and heat, making it look like one; the core looks and feels like an ordinary rock, with the exception of it being 'warm' (depends on how long it has been 'hibernating' -- hibernation happens when it's temperature cools rapidly, such as when it gets wet) and durable, more so then even diamond even, as no one has been able to 'crack' one open -- this is why people can't say for sure if they evolved from fireflies or not.
Color - Mainly depends on 'heat', though there are other factors, such as: gases it is exposed to, how old it is (mainly as it grows older, it generates more heat), what it 'consumes', and various others that haven't been 'discovered' yet.
Breeding - From 'studies', it seems to have two primary ways of 'breeding', if you would call it that.
Fusion -- where two, or more (most likely, though there hasn't been any accounts of), 'combine' or 'melds' together and 'forms' a new, bigger, one.
Separation -- where one 'breaks apart' into two, or more (same as fusion). No one really knows how this happens, as the 'shell' is way too hard for 'humans' to 'open'.
Solids - From 'studies', Will o'Wisps seem to be able to 'eat' anything that can burn. Though they seem to prefer organic material, they aren't limited to them -- metal, ores, and even plastic have been observe as their 'food' source. No one how they 'consume' the 'food', but it happens.
Liquid - Will o'Wisps have never been seen 'drinking', but 'researchers' theorize they 'drink' like how a fire does with oxygen.
1. Levitation - (theorize)Due to their ability to generate heat, they are able to float, like a hot-air balloon. They seem to have a greater grasp of this concept then us 'humans', as they are able to control their attitude, speed, and even direction of their 'flight' -- this is most likely because they are able to release an 'exhaust' in any direction they want -- and change it as if it was flying (reference: the elusive flies)
2. Solid Shell - 'Humans' don't know how their 'shells' came to be so 'solid', but they would probably give anything to find out. Researchers theorize though, that it is due to their ability to generate heat; they somehow 'carbonize"(reference: coal) the organic (and metallic) material they consume; though researchers don't know how they are able to make their shell that 'solid', many speculate they have some what of applying a high amount of pressure and keep it in tact -- this is supported by their known breeding process, and many want to know how they acquired this ability.
Ps. Since it's probably 'overpowered', with how the 'core' is harder then diamond (Moh hardness), I'll say it only happens when it's 'hibernating' (as to protect itself). 'Humans' can only analyze it's composition while it's hibernating, as while it's active, they 'eat' their equipment.
Ps2. Though they prefer organic material, they prefer it 'rotting' rather then 'living', and plants over animals, otherwise, they'll prefer metallic.