ForumsGamesWhat is the best class in Sinjid?

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1 posts

I have been playing this game for a while now. Im playing it on normal. But it seems as though each time i have to fight a boss he is impossible to beat. After many tries i will eventually get them, but now ive hit a wall, can anyone tell me what im doing worng. or which class to play, because i know that this game should not me this difficult on normal difficulty.. or i just suck.

  • 61 Replies
1,673 posts

What class do you have? I suggest looking through your abilities and seeing if some can be discarded for more useful ones in given situations. A lot of abilities I thought would be great when I got them early-game fizzled out and were useless come late game.

All of the classes seem to have their strengths and weaknesses. I started the game as a Warrior on easy, then I tried Assassin and normal, and now I'm a Priest on hard mode. All of them have actually pretty much the same degree of difficulty for me, but to be honest I think the classes are for now all able to be used at very high levels.

27 posts

warrior class is the best

3,437 posts

I have purchased the premium so I can give you a rundown on the hunter. It's absolutely fantastic. However... early game is a challenge with the Hunter. This comes mainly from the fact that the Hunter requires some skill to use, and you will have to respec to figure out a combo that works for you. The lack of focus regeneration ability is also troublesome early one.

However, if you can get around that the Hunter becomes a force to be reckoned with especially if you upgrade your equipment wisely. But, even late game the Hunter requires you to know how to time things properly, and does require a bit more skill than the other classes, like the description says, mistakes are costly.

As for the OP. No one class is the best. This game is built more on how you use your skills than what build and skills you use. Which is nice, it allows for you to experiement.

7 posts

As you can see the normal attack is 610, Tactical Strike deals 1460 damage and the ultimate throws 4 harpoons each dealing 1156 damage. I also have patience maxed which makes the Hunter deal 300% more damage on the next attack. Make the calculation by yourself and figure it out how many seconds do I need to wipe out the bosses.

1 posts

can someone tell me why i can't use sinjid i wait ten min, then refresh the page and it starts to come up. This situation always happens and realy frustates and annoys me can someone please give me a quick tip?

3,437 posts

djroen I suggest you update your flashplayer.

Pinchfire, I'd like to see a screenshot of the skill tree as well. I have found that getting the Divine set along with the elemental bo is a much more effective combo than what you have equiped.

3 posts

what is the best skills to have when warrior class aginst the poinsion lord

23 posts

Aside from the Bladestorm since it's more or less bread and butter for the most of your slash-happy (Or not happy, your call.) days.

Doomblade has a nifty side-effect of reducing heal-rate. As the death hint goes, he has regeneration, keep up the pressure, even if you have no active skills, just harass the guy with smacking.

Conveniently the Warrior can stun with basic melee, so if you're lucky that occurs, and you can get some cheap-shots in before you either chuck a Heavy Shuriken or a Slam to keep him from stun-gassing you.

408 posts

The best class is warrior...

348 posts

For me i'd go to hunter or warrior. Assasins and priest are not meant to do close quarter combat like using your physical strength to defeat enemies but using your brain and strategy of how to take them down.

2 posts

I tried going through the game as the assassin, and it was literally impossible. As in, I couldn't kill a hunter / warrior duo in the third / 4th stage. I simply couldn't do enough damage to kill them before they killed me. I tried blocking, stunlocking, kiting, using different food buffs, and I even grinded an extra level and went back and bought a couple of pieces of armor for extra defense. Tried respeccing, but nothing worked... the damage simply wasn't there. Keep in mind that this is on hard.

So I rerolled hunter (I had already bought premium, so I already had 2 free talent points with assassin). Hunters are incredibly overpowered... the dart is basically a 3 second stun on multiple targets with a 6 second CD, choke is an AOE spell that deals 2.5x your int (LOL). Riposte is a guaranteed block (for 100% damage) that doesn't require you to crouch, and gives you a stun + 100% bonus dmg on ur next attack. They also have a heal with no cooldown. This is absolutely absurd compared to the assassin, who has a 120 second CD on his potion. Basically, you just stack int and you can destroy anything because the hunter has HUGE int modifiers on his spells.

29 posts

I agree, if you bought Premium, the Hunter is by far the most powerful class. In addition to what Ixoziel said, Hunters also have a dash with a 1 second CD and guaranteed critical chance on the next hit, a stealth ability available at low levels and an ultimate that deals about twelve times (!) your weapon damage to your enemy, plus base damage and Strength scaling. If you equip Kabuki Mask/Mask of Insanity and the right talents, you can deal 11K crits with your basic attack at the end of a combo.

The rest of the classes are actually dependent on whether or not you bought the expansion: Priests are the most powerful pre-expansion, since you can kill anything in a few shots by spamming your main damage spell from one edge of the map and get a lot of tanky abilities late game, but fall off in the Throne of Flame, where enemies can get to you quicker and become untargetable. Assassins suck towards the end of Sinjid pre-expansion, but with enough Shadow Gems to boost their attack speed and Throne of Flame's better item sets they do pretty well. Warriors are good throughout the whole game, and really become godly after you play for premium, as you get to pick all the good damaging and tanky talents you need.

9 posts

I beat normal with Assassin fairly easily (mirage was op).

125 posts

I play better with the priest, although I'm still level 6 or so. Hope I can finish the game today or tomorrow. Also, I have played with the warrior class and didn't find it very useful at first. Didn't play with the assassin class as of yet, but will do so as soon as I finish the game with both priest and warrior.

22 posts

It depends on how you want to play. The Assassin class is best for diving in and out of battle. From what I've seen of the Monk, it is king of ranged attack (non-premium, idk about the hunter). If you want to be able to survive even under a gauntlet, use the Warrior (if you run into a problem of the enemies running away, fully upgrade the Kunai spec).

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