ForumsWEPRThoughts on Mormonism

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I would just like to know everyone thoughts on Mormonism

  • 132 Replies
2,487 posts

And Mr. Mormon (to lazy to copy your username, so I wrote this sentence instead.), where do you get the belief that you will become a god with your own universe when you go to Heaven, doesn't that contradict the "only one god" thing mentioned a few times in the Bible?

I can answer that:

the belief is that there is a one true god, but each of their faithful male priesthood holders will get their own planet to watch over, while only giving the credit of being the planet's god to the "true god". there are some bible verses that can be used to justify this thought process, but the main source of this comes from the mormon books known as the doctrine and covenenants, and the pearl of great price.

93 posts


I remember you saying that you are Mormon. Well do you remember that it was Satan that wanted to take away are freedom and God and Jesus wanted us to have freedom .

93 posts

[b]And Mr. Mormon (to lazy to copy your username, so I wrote this sentence instead.), where do you get the belief that you will become a god with your own universe when you go to Heaven, doesn't that contradict the "only one god" thing mentioned a few times in the Bible?

Like Blade just said most of the ways we get this belief is from the Book Of Mormon (The reason we are called Mormons is from the book which is incorrect the true name of are church is The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints). You can Also find why we believe that we can make are own planet in certain parts of the Bible.

2,487 posts

I remember you saying that you are Mormon. Well do you remember that it was Satan that wanted to take away are freedom and God and Jesus wanted us to have freedom .

where do I even begin?

1. satan never gives you a choice from the beginning, but god gives you a choice, and then threatens to punish you should you choose wrong. it's a catch-22 (an unwinnable situation due to its employment of twisted logic) where you lose your freedom to satan, lose it to god, or suffer for attempting free will.

2. if you look in the bible and the book of mormon, god is the number one cause of death. he punishes everyone who has a difference of opinion. don't point to the prophets of the old testament because half the time they were telling the jews to kill others, and don't use the book of mormon either because in the end the nephites chose free will, and was destroyed because of it.

remember, what your beliefs define as sin, my experience has defined it as a person's desire to live. from what I noticed with your god, it was either kill your spirit in his service, or get killed for not killing your spirit. seeing this made me realize that god isn't the nice guy that the new testament painted him out to be.

93 posts

First Question How do you make the huge I ?

Second Question Where did you get the information that Satan never gave us a choice in the first place. The real thing is that Satan said that he would get everybody back to heaven but nobody would have freedom of choice.One third of heaven went with his plan the rest went with Jesus and God's plan.

2,487 posts

First Question How do you make the huge I ?


Second Question Where did you get the information that Satan never gave us a choice in the first place. The real thing is that Satan said that he would get everybody back to heaven but nobody would have freedom of choice.One third of heaven went with his plan the rest went with Jesus and God's plan.

that is what I said. the way I said it, however, is different from how it's normally taught. it wasn't romanticized. I'm speaking as bluntly as possible on this matter.

the choice was rigged from the very beginning to not benefit the players of god's game. this fact is hidden through the use of feathery words like "atonement" and "repentance" and not to mention "salvation". the BoM says that men are free according to the flesh, and they can either choose the lord and his "salvation", or they can choose the devil and his "captivity" (an obvious paraphrase of course). the point of the matter is that all choices laid out before us will really screw us in the long run, so why not get out of the fork in the road, and get onto the road less traveled. to paraphrase robert frost "I picked the road less traveled... and that has made all the difference."

93 posts

And that one third never got a body. And all of us that chose Jesus plan went to earth to get a body.

93 posts

The big I thing is that thing on the very first word you put down.
And through repentance and the gospel we can go to heaven. So in the Long run we can Live in heaven with are families for ever and be happy. And right now you sound like you are religious.

2,487 posts

And that one third never got a body. And all of us that chose Jesus plan went to earth to get a body.

the ones who get their body now get to suffer on earth for god's plan (which has no credibility because nobody can plan around free will. not even an all knowing, all powerful god. also, how can there be free will if god already knows your choice? that was another question I asked. another fun one is how can satan oppose god's will if nothing can oppose him? don't give me that "god lets satan have his time" crap).

face it, you get a body, but you either lose your spirit, or kill your body. this is what I have been saying this whole time, the game is rigged, and the only one who comes out on top is the sadistic child with the magnifying glass who spends his time frying ants for pleasure (god).

3,437 posts

Blairlarson, is your first language English? Because I am having an extremely hard time following your arguments.

Aside from that, what proof do you have?

Proof does NOT include:


Proof DOES include:

Any empirical (measurable) and concrete evidence that can be scientificly studied.

2,487 posts

The big I thing is that thing on the very first word you put down.

you don't know how to use the quote funtion, do you?

it's simple, copy words, paste words, highlight words, hit quote button. it's that simple.

And through repentance and the gospel we can go to heaven. So in the Long run we can Live in heaven with are families for ever and be happy.

and fairies will be your slaves forever and ever. it sounds good when put to paper and given a good speaker to say it, but it is still a feather, soft, but no mass.

And right now you sound like you are religious.

I learned a long time ago that the only way to argue with the religious is to use their own rhetoric against them.

93 posts

it's simple, copy words, paste words, highlight words, hit quote button. it's that simple.

Thank you

And fairies will be your slaves forever and ever. it sounds good when put to paper and given a good speaker to say it, but it is still a feather, soft, but no mass.

It looks like that you do not like the Plan of Salvation. And it looks like the only reason that you hate it is because you do not understand it.
3,437 posts

Plan of Salvation. And it looks like the only reason that you hate it is because you do not understand it.

Because sounding Elitist is always the best course of action.

This is what I personally hate about religion. EVeryone in a religion, to some extent, believes that they and they alone have special knowledge. That everyone else is lesser to them because everyone else does not have this knowledge. And that it is their duty to share the special special knowledge. And if those they share it with do not accept? Well too bad, they're "lost".

Here's the big problem. Vary rarely do because care about why you think you're better than them. Your belief does not make you special, you thinking it makes your important or "saved" or anything else is elitist and irritating as hell.
2,487 posts

And it looks like the only reason that you hate it is because you do not understand it.

I've spent 17 years in the church, and heard every lesson. it's not that I don't understand it, its that the only way this will end is to give up your free will. I hate it because I understand it.

the entire plan as follows:

1.get a body. according to the gospel.
3.go to place of first judgement after death (spirit paradise/ prison)
4.go to one of 4 places after 2nd judgement (celestial, terrestrial, telestial, outer darkness)
5.spend the rest of eternity in those places worshipping god, and (if you got priesthood) become a watcher over a planet without even a bit of notice for it. doing it because you love god.

I know all there is to know, but that isn't why I hate it. I hate it because it isn't true. I hate it because its promises are hollow, and the god nonexistient.

my challenge to you is to find one war before the year 1500 that isn't religiously motivated (mongol agenda doesn't count unfortunately).

let it be known that I'm not doing this to withstand your judgement. I'm doing this to show you that nothing is as it seems.

93 posts

my challenge to you is to find one war before the year 1500 that isn't religiously motivated (mongol agenda doesn't count unfortunately).

The Chinese Warring states period.
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