I want to learn game programing but I'm not sure where to start. I really want to make a profession out of it. I can use Flash and I know the basics of actionscipt 2.0. Should I learn all I can with 2.0 then move on, or go stait to 3.0? I can't find any books over 2.0 at any local bookstores, I only know what I've learned from searching on google. I found a great book on 3.0 though, In the book it says you can learn AS 3.0 from scratch., would it be to difficult?
And if anyone knows, where could I go from there? The next step in game programing?
Would actionscipt be a good place to start in game programing?
AS is a good place if you're looking to design casual games. I would suggest starting with AS3. There is lots of information on the web that can help you out. Try sites like kirupa, newgrounds, and google to find some quick help.
I use AS2. I find its easier to find things for AS2 when in need. But I believe that soon enough everything is going to move to AS3 so I would suggest that.. good reason for it to, its AS3 cause its improved. I am going to have to switch over. Not sure of how hard it is..
PS: I learned actionscript from scratch, I have never openned and book or anything. So if I can do that absolutely you can learn from a book! It's an easy language.
I don't really like the books, I taught myself from online resources and then improved my knowledge with the help of Lynda.com. The transition of all Flashers to AS3 has already begun, soon it will be unheard of to not know AS3 and only use AS2. If you want to make a profession of it, you should want to know AS3.
I think I'm going to get the book, I have been looking around the web at different tutorials learning stuff here and there, but I want to learn as much of the basics as possible.
Should I learn what I can about AS2 untill I get the book, or should I go stait to AS3? How different are they?
If you're a visual learner, don't spend the money on books, just buy a lynda subscription for $20 a month. There are thousands of hours of training for all of the major programs on there.
Nothing. If you learn AS2 you will get confused as simple commands are different and actionscript can be placed in different places now so it would just confuse you more. Now I need to find a good place to transition from AS2 to AS3... means I will have to start my game from scratch! T_T