ForumsForum GamesBronze Labrynth [RPG]

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536 posts

First and foremost, No swearing or anything inappropriate, Really, its not much to ask.

Bronze Labyrinth

Your are a robot, epicene (genderless) in most cases, vaguely humanoid, large dextrous hands and feet with rubber grip, smooth bronze skin with small gaps at joints revealing a black clockwork like interior, riddled with wires. You have blue lights representing eyes, your actual vision comes from a small black camera on your forehead. You have a small slit for a mouth which can speak in a basic CPU Language.
You are not water-proof, you must sleep an hour every once in a while for self repair on small things inside your body such as artificial metal muscles and internal leaks of Pnuema (your life-blood)

You are a puzzle bot, designed following regulations to enter the competition.
'Bronze Labyrinth' the first robot to reach the end of the trapped maze wins its owner millions of dollars and fame as a technician. But all you are aware of is that you must finish the labyrinth. Your life will be complete if you do. Friendships, Alliances may be made, but when you and they stands at the exit gate, it is free-for-all.

Name : (E.G. Cognizant1, Primus, Septimus, Torren)
Styling : Do you have fake hair? A different eye color? Perhaps you are embellished with a strange alphabet you cannot read (English, Japanese, Etc), painted, Are your proportionally different? (Appearing more male of female)
Ability1 : Faster repair (30 minute sleep), Water Proof, Hand Contact-Tazer (effects traps and other competitors), Extra pair of arms, Enhanced Speed (Jumping, dodging, etc)
Ability2 : Key-Type-1, Key-Type-2, Water-Proof, Trap-Awareness (it only makes sense when it happens), Metal-Metabolism (Eat broken trap fragments and metal units to heal.)
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : Recently-Rebooted (Wares off eventually, disables some powers)

  • 368 Replies
536 posts

The door remains closed briefly.

\\\\ Door;Refinery-Sector-1-Western-Door| Open in 0.3 Days (7.2 hours)

Followed quickly by.

\\\\ Just kidding bucket head!

The door opens, but you don't enter it immediately. The door had just spoken in script after all...

Through the door the room is dim, but lit by red-hot metals bars, which are moving slowly on tread-mills. The treadmills either side the room go beneath a large hammer which slowly flattens the bar to about half their height and double their width and length. You can't see the source of the metal bars or where they go.

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 84/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

Shuddering at the creepy sight for someone made of metal
I wonder if I could take a bite out of the metal bars without losing my head.
Setting my shock pistol to standby and scour the room for any exits or entrys.

536 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 84/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

The metal bars come from a chute that spits them out with a comical 'Hiss, clunk' sound and they fall into a pit at the end of the treadmill. There is plenty of room to get your head in to bite the bars, but they are kinda hot atm, just a little too hot. You can hold em, but not internalize them.

The other robot walks swiftly to the other side of the room. He points to two things that look like wicked looking spider/wrecking-balls things that hand from chains on the ceiling... Both dented and disabled. You recognize them as Arak-N3's, which are formidable opponents. "Took these out earlier." He said, without a trace of smugness. Okay, maybe a little smugness. There is a large door at the end of the room.

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 84/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

I move toward the exit door watching the disabled arachnid-bots uneasily.
(LOL page 47.)

536 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 84/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

You open the door to the exit, it immediately shuts as a Puzzle-Bot on the other side presses a button. The robot giggles. You can easily open the door again.

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 84/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

I open the door again and reach out, trying to grab part of the bot and half pull him out of the room.

536 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 84/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

He presses the button again, the door shuts on him, but it just closes partly, this robot seems to be made of stronger metal, or the door doesn't have much shutting strength. "Glory!" It says.

In your Pnuema Diagnostics section you see a string of code controlling the robot remotely.

You see the room has a large rectangular processor which spits metal bars onto into two metal metal slots, with a constant hissing sound coming from each. Two more of the spider/wrecking balls dangle from the ceiling, and you see a pedestal with a red sphere on the top, glowing faintly.

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 84/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

If I can push the robot through the closed door into the room an enter after him.

233 posts

Name : Repair unit 219 Model 608
Styling : Slightly rusty, Painted white with the odd red cross now and then symbolizing I was once a repair bot, but there have been a few changes since then. Right hand is shiny with a claw like grip, meaning this part's been recently changed. left arm is a large, empty syringe, with a cover to insert liquid into.
Ability1 : Faster repair
Ability2 : Water proof
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : Recently-Rebooted

Is it too late to join?

536 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 84/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

You enter the room, the robot sits on the ground like child and starts clapping its hands.
One of the spider things turns to face you.

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 84/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

I set the Havocade to It's machine-gun setting and spray the spider with fire while singing "Such a beautiful mourning, such a beautiful fray!"

536 posts

Name : Repair unit 219 Model 608
Styling : Slightly rusty, Painted white with the odd red cross now and then symbolizing I was once a repair bot, but there have been a few changes since then. Right hand is shiny with a claw like grip, meaning this part's been recently changed. left arm is a large, empty syringe, with a cover to insert liquid into.
Ability1 : Faster repair
Ability2 : Water proof
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : Recently-Rebooted
Invent : 7 metal bits

- Sorry, I was writing while you posted. You may still join. If you don't mind a slightly unusual beginning. It explains why you weren't active in the maze earlier. The fact is you were, but then, well, its in your intro. -

"Glory." You say in an unfamiliar voice. Your mind is now sentient after some time in the maze like many puzzle-bots. You claw at a distant voice with mental talons. Like pushing away a pounding headache with sheer will power.

Your vision block is dark, Words scrawl across the screen. In golden writing in front of a darkened moon icon. It is your brand.

Trivigante Repairs

The icon flickers away, your Pnuema Diagnostics shows you to be mostly healthy although with slight denting down the middle, already being repaired.
Dark script is pulling out of your vision box, you realize that up until now you had been controlled remotely by some kind of Malware, something unlike any script you have ever seen. A sentient code. Only now have you just broken out of the control. Looking around in your mind you realise your previous memories up until now have been wiped. But as you take control of your body, banishing the hacker, your vision block is flooded with light. You can see again.

You sit on the ground just inside a doorway, a dented, bucket headed robot has just pushed you through the door. On reflection you realize the code had been making you guard the door. But now it is gone, and your original, true goal drives you again.

Find the Center.
Before anyone else.
Make allies, but temporarily.
Arm yourself.

- Because you have an erased past, you have both a mind closer to being sentient than other beginners and also a few metal bits. (currency) This does not take away the challenge of beginning, but is just shows you did some stuff before now, even if you can't remember it. -

536 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Stylng : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 86/100
Inflictions :
Invent : Shock Pistol {0/8} , Havocade Blaster {4+{36}}, Havocade Harness.

The robot is torn to bits before it can even approach you. Bits of blue energy spray across the ground and wall behind it like liquid from glow-sticks. It lays on the ground a metal heap, a very pure source of bronze revealed as the outer plating falls away.

The robot sitting on the ground near you shudders briefly. His/Its eye/halogen-lights change from purple to a pure blue. You notice is has white paint and a few red crosses painted on it. It looks about half your age.

233 posts

Name : Repair unit 219 Model 608
Styling : Slightly rusty, Painted white with the odd red cross now and then symbolizing I was once a repair bot, but there have been a few changes since then. Right hand is shiny with a claw like grip, meaning this part's been recently changed. left arm is a large, empty syringe, with a cover to insert liquid into.
Ability1 : Faster repair
Ability2 : Water proof
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : Recently-Rebooted
Invent : 7 metal bits

I look around my surroundings to see what I can do.

536 posts

Name : Repair unit 219 Model 608
Styling : Slightly rusty, Painted white with the odd red cross now and then symbolizing I was once a repair bot, but there have been a few changes since then. Right hand is shiny with a claw like grip, meaning this part's been recently changed. left arm is a large, empty syringe, with a cover to insert liquid into.
Ability1 : Faster repair
Ability2 : Water proof
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : Recently-Rebooted
Invent : 7 metal bits

You are in a dark room with metal grates on all the walls, the room is dimly light and filled with the scent (air-analysis) of melted metal. Bars of metal are being made by machiens on the left and right sides of the room, behind you is a sliding door, and in front of you is a destroyed spider/wreaking ball machine and a living one just deactivated.

This is unlike the rest of the place you are in, and are supposed to get through. You can tell somehow.

- You are in the same location as Lordoftiki, you may read his posts long as you don't Meta-Game -

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