ForumsForum GamesBronze Labrynth [RPG]

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536 posts

First and foremost, No swearing or anything inappropriate, Really, its not much to ask.

Bronze Labyrinth

Your are a robot, epicene (genderless) in most cases, vaguely humanoid, large dextrous hands and feet with rubber grip, smooth bronze skin with small gaps at joints revealing a black clockwork like interior, riddled with wires. You have blue lights representing eyes, your actual vision comes from a small black camera on your forehead. You have a small slit for a mouth which can speak in a basic CPU Language.
You are not water-proof, you must sleep an hour every once in a while for self repair on small things inside your body such as artificial metal muscles and internal leaks of Pnuema (your life-blood)

You are a puzzle bot, designed following regulations to enter the competition.
'Bronze Labyrinth' the first robot to reach the end of the trapped maze wins its owner millions of dollars and fame as a technician. But all you are aware of is that you must finish the labyrinth. Your life will be complete if you do. Friendships, Alliances may be made, but when you and they stands at the exit gate, it is free-for-all.

Name : (E.G. Cognizant1, Primus, Septimus, Torren)
Styling : Do you have fake hair? A different eye color? Perhaps you are embellished with a strange alphabet you cannot read (English, Japanese, Etc), painted, Are your proportionally different? (Appearing more male of female)
Ability1 : Faster repair (30 minute sleep), Water Proof, Hand Contact-Tazer (effects traps and other competitors), Extra pair of arms, Enhanced Speed (Jumping, dodging, etc)
Ability2 : Key-Type-1, Key-Type-2, Water-Proof, Trap-Awareness (it only makes sense when it happens), Metal-Metabolism (Eat broken trap fragments and metal units to heal.)
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : Recently-Rebooted (Wares off eventually, disables some powers)

  • 368 Replies
536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions :
Invent :Type-1 Key, Metal bits 6. 1 Dead L0-mundr. (4 Bit total), Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane.

You enter the clearing, your padded feet crunch reddish leaves, there is rustling it seems, almost all around you. From where you stand you can see the path back and also one to a clearing with obsidian tiles and a small signpost with information.

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions :
Invent :Type-1 Key, Metal bits 6. 1 Dead L0-mundr. (4 Bit total), Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane.

You reach the sign, although the rustling does not abate, nothing attacks or disrupts you.

The sign has information about flora and fauna, approximately as follows :
(Being shortened to notable information.)


Pitchian Uked Vase (Latin Name : Droseracae Pyropus)

The Uked Vase or Bronze-Trap is had a deep carrot-like root that goes about 8 feet into the earth and branching of with hundreds of hairs, on the surface It is only 3 pigment-less (thusly appearing like clouded glass or a jellyfish) abrasive tongue like leaves covered in minute metal scouring hairs. The Uked Vase is a Pyropavore, Its diet being bronze automations, Bio-forged from the strand of DNA form a Venus Flytrap in at Silvered Maze Industries. Etc.

Devorare (Latin Name : Canidae Naemelis)

The Devorare is the second ever made Lad-born (genetically created) animal. It has been described as a wolf with the limbs of a gorilla, its fur is that of a black panthers, sleek as the Devorare clean themselves in a manner similar to that of a felines. Devorare tend to kill first then discover if the prey is edible. It is a little known fact that a Lo-Mundr's brain is actually an interfaced segment of Devorare brain, that is mostly the fight/flight part.

If you are a Puzzle-Bot (Or human, World forbid.) Then I wish you luck in escaping.

- Alous the Pictomancer


You see the path back, west according to the sign, and also paths through the plants north, south and east.

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions :
Invent :Type-1 Key, Metal bits 6. 1 Dead L0-mundr. (4 Bit total), Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane.

As you run back, you spot several Devorare cowering away from you path.
Looking into the green room, you step inside the door and find the ground it littered with shiny black pebbles. A monolith in the middle of the room had a green sphere balanced on the tip. The sphere was a Type-2 key.
You here a hissing sound and a robotic snake coiled out of the darkness and around the monolith.

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair

If I can remove the dart-gun from the hand of our newly departed friend keeping the door open I will, as well as check why it's broken.

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions :
Invent :Type-1 Key, Metal bits 6. 1 Dead L0-mundr. (4 Bit total), Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane.

(The invisible robot is I believe crushed between the one sided door, keeping it open, of course, He/She didn't do that intentionally so much it was a minorDues ex Machina, The turn of events literally from machinery. Of course there could be other invisible Puzzle-bots.)

The green orb shivers and the pebble bounces off, it lays at your feet. You hear a rattling and a metal snake slinks into view, it lays around the monolith. The creature seems to lack any camera eyes, though it has several long lights like ones you would see in an office or hospital.

A Rasping voice did game from a draconic mouth.

"Tin, Copper, I kin of thee,
As savage as the Devorare,
Of Lightning blood, This maze we flee,
Three keys, three keys... Minos beware."

Shifting into the light the serpent came.

"Tripartite Maw,
Of uncolored Corm,
You metal I devour,
Quick spreading roots,
A Caustic Dawn,
What a sinister flower."

The ophidian continues to approach, prosody on tongue.

Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair

You feel no squeamishness as you three of the robots fingers are necessarily broken to remove the dart gun. The stock of the dart gun is slightly dented, And the wire that fires the darts (Of which there are 11 left.) Is snapped. Glad boy passes you again, leaving, You noticed several crimson seeds cling to his legs, most probably harmlessly. You hear an indistinct rasping voice off where Glad Boy went. Then, there is the sound of gunfire from through beyond the pool of liquid metal, through the door into the crimson greenhouse (aka Pitch House)

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair

A as long as the stock isn't hollow a little denting wouldn't really matter,
On that note, It has a stock, Is it a dart-rifle?

I'm going to go down the path to the bit shop.

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 97/100
Inflictions :
Invent :Type-1 Key, Metal bits 6. 1 Dead L0-mundr. (4 Bit total), Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane.

(Mostly for the sake of being disconcerting, or, Its hinting at some vital information...)

You Trident is about 2 meters long, with your strength you can hold it at the very end of the handle. The snake is about 7 meters long.

You swing and smash one of the lights, the snake screams and seems to briefly loose control of its movement. Its tail thrashes and hits your arm, Scratching the metal and forcing it back.

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair

Its sort of a crossbow/dart-rifle combo, more rifle in shape but with a short spring loaded wire that is pulled taut mechanically inside.

You enter the room with a silver puzzle-bot/tank form the waist down. It seems to be polishing a bronze puzzle bots head as you enter. It returns it to a rack and faces.

536 posts

(And faces you*)

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair

( That's extremely creepy.)

I'm going to ask to see the (very creepy) shop-owner to see his wares.

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 97/100
Inflictions :
Invent :Type-1 Key, Metal bits 6. 1 Dead L0-mundr. (4 Bit total), Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane.

You aptly shift the trident to another arm. Then bring it round, up and down onto the metal serpent with much force. The snake quickly coils back and then rises to about your height, jaw wide revealing two chainsaws for fangs. The force of your blow does not pull you forward or unbalance you as it would a human, your body automatically calculates the maths of every movement to avoid that. You glance at your Pnuema-Diagnostics briefly without looking away from the snake. There was always a small blinking blue | symbol just below it, And suddenly it seems more significant.

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair
Invent : Broken dart shuttler.

The robot proceeds to list selling stock in a monotonous voice.
"For three metals bits you may purchase a Bronze Reaver Vibro-Axe-"
As you listen to the tone you noticed behind the blinding green | below your Pnuema-Diagnostics has writing before it, flickering as well, perhaps by a glitch or scripting error,
a bronze reaver vibro-axe stop. |

I have a stock of Lo-Mundr bane stop. |

At first you are stunned/lagged, then having perceived all the items available either purchase or another action.

3 : Bronze Reaver Vibro-Axe
7 : Blue Sphere
13 : 1-k key
16 : Full Repair
18 : 2-k key
21 : Three-uses Tazer Glove
23 : L-0 Mundr Bane
26 : Neo-Trident
41 : Acid Grenade
Stock status : Depleted, according to a briefly flashed message.

(I intend to make the Puzzle-Bots more intelligent than anyone would have guessed, making a place for them in the sequel. It seems unlikely that in the past you have attempted to type mentally outside the tiny lines \\R to reboot or \\S to sleep, A puzzle-bots intelligence is mostly subliminally run through instinctively typed commands, this may sounds strange but it feels completely normal to them, The reason for this being that a human with some scripting knowledge can easily control a Puzzle-Bot, due to the millions of possibly command junctions, it is almost like just typing a command in one of our human communication languages. You being a robot do not understand a human language and what ever you may type to script I will at first give errors, If you intend to script at all.)

536 posts

(That is, You have been fully awake longer than ever before and about this time in to being awake all puzzle-bots begin to notice this.)

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 97/100
Inflictions :
Invent :Type-1 Key, Metal bits 6. 1 Dead L0-mundr. (4 Bit total), Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane.

It is the very second the middle prong of the trident taps against the roof of the snakes mouth that the acid-vapour recharges. The snake recoils, the Already the motors dying, It half falls to the floor fluidly before freezing joints fixed. Dead.

You hear a pack several Puzzle-Bots moving down the hall behind you, in your direction.

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair

Making your decision, you hear the sound of several puzzle-bots in the distance, they seem to be going further away.

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair

Not having any metal-bits, I ask the shop-keeper If he could do repairs on the dart-gun If I did have the metal bits.

536 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair
Invent : Broken dart shuttler, 11 darts.

The shop/head keeper informs you that it costs 4 metal bits to repair most items, this dart shuttler included.

Do remember the bits in a draw at the molten pool.

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 97/100
Inflictions :
Invent :Type-1 Key, Metal bits 6. 1 Dead L0-mundr. (4 Bit total), Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane.

The snake seems venomous, although small metal cubes near the chain saws in the snakes mouth seems suspicious, although you can't seem to be able to get them open or detach them.

The chainsaw however comes away easily, though only one of them comes without the battery pack being left inside the jaw, Upon holding if you noticed a second blinking | appear below the first. You wonder if, holding away from yourself you could command the chainsaw to 'cut'

The puzzle-bots came from the red greenhouse (pitch house) , and are going down in your direction, this room being greenish they might not enter, if, you could make yourself inconspicuous.

Showing 106-120 of 368