ForumsForum GamesCard wars

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First of all, this is based off a previous forum of mine.

In an unknown world at an unknown time, some guy made these cards. These cards somehow evolved, evolved to the point where the things on the cards eventually popped out and battledagainst other things. The wierdest part was that they could only hurt things from other cards, and not people. After a long while, people started to love these cards and played em in a game. You are one of these people, and you are trying to build up your fame.

Reputation: Nobody (your rep allow you to join bigger and better paying tournaments)
Rep. Xp: 0/10 (The amount of rep. needed to earn to rank up)
Cash: 1500 (used to buy decks and buy into tournaments)
CP: 0 (Used to upgrade cards, won from defeating other's cards)
Total cards: 0
Deck: N/A
Deck type: N/A
Place: Apartment ( -200 Cash a month)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

A few rules:
Decks: Your decks are made from types of cards, called "Leader cards" These leader cards are part of a type of unit, which will determine your deck type
Units: There are 5 units, and inside of these units are different classes.
The basic units are: Undead, Human, Beasts, Elementals, and Insectoids.
Some basic classes are: Zombies, Mages, Dragons, Elementals, and Spiders.
Once a card is destroyed, unless it has the unkillable effect.
Houses: homes give rep gain bonuses and rep gain itself, such as the apartment you live in. It gives you + 0.5 rep gain.
Card armor/weapons: Armor//weapons cannot be destroyed completely, but will dull out eventually
Card stats: There are 4 card stats,
ATK: How much damage the do per turn.
DEF: How much defence they have, it acts like a second health stat.
A monster has 150 ATK
The other has 50 DEF and 120 HP
Instead of blocking 50 damage, it destroyed the armor completely
After the attack:
The monste now has 0 Def and 20 HP.
HP: The life of the monster, once this is empty the card loses a "Life" and cannot be used again this game.
Lives: Each card has an amount of "Lives". They lose a life everytime they die in a game, and once this is empty, the card is destroyed. You can buy another life for a single card for a few CP. More CP depending on its stats.
Each turn you will be able to place one monster and one item/equipment. After that each monster gets to attack an enemy card of your choosing.

  • 58 Replies
1,666 posts

Name: SPike
Age: 21
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 5
Deck: Deck 1
Deck cards:
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Lord (leader)
Mage (2 lives)
Deck type: human
Place: Apartment (- 200 Cash/monthly)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

challenge accepted. so i guess your gonna tell me how to battle now?

2,613 posts

Name: Hardy Gea
Age: 19
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 5
Deck: Unnamed antlion deck
Deck cards:
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion guard (Infinite lives)
Antlion queen ( Leader)
Deck type: Insectiod
Place: Apartment ( -200 Cash a month)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

The shopkkeper agrees by challenging you with his epic deck. (Dont worry, he'll go easy on you) Also, name your deck boi!

TO ALL PLAYERS you cant have up to 20 cards in a single deck, but starter packs come with only 5.

2,613 posts

Name: SPike
Age: 21
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 6
Deck: Deck 1
Deck cards:
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Lord (leader)
Mage (2 lives)
Ninja (3 Lives)
Deck type: human
Place: Apartment (- 200 Cash/monthly)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

Congratulations! for ninja-ing me you get a rare ninja card! Yay!!!! Well the rules are simple, you play a card, he plays a card, then on your next turn you play another and then the previous one you played attacks any card you want him to. Its very similar to the card game magic. eh BATTLE COMMENCE!

Your cards: 6

Battle field:

His cards: 12

Your move bro.

1,666 posts

Name: SPike
Age: 21
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 5
Deck: Deck 1
Deck cards:
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Lord (leader)
Mage (2 lives)
Deck type: human
Place: Apartment (- 200 Cash/monthly)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

hello? you didnt answer my question at all.

2,613 posts

Name: SPike
Age: 21
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 6
Deck: Deck 1
Deck cards:
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Lord (leader)
Mage (2 lives)
Ninja (3 Lives)
Deck type: human
Place: Apartment (- 200 Cash/monthly)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

I will explain as you fight. for now, play any of your cards. then, copy it to the battle sheet. I will explain more after you do this.

Your cards: 6

Battle field:

His cards: 12

Your move bro.

1,666 posts

Name: SPike
Age: 21
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 6
Deck: Deck 1
Deck cards:
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Lord (leader)
Mage (2 lives)
Ninja (3 Lives)
Deck type: human
Place: Apartment (- 200 Cash/monthly)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

Your cards: 6

Battle field: gaurd?

His cards: 12

i summon a gaurd

189 posts

Name: Hardy Gea
Age: 19
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 5
Deck: Swarm
Deck cards:
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion guard (Infinite lives)
Antlion queen ( Leader)
Deck type: Insectiod
Place: Apartment ( -200 Cash a month)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

189 posts

Sorry for double posting.

I accept his challenge.

2,613 posts

Name: SPike
Age: 21
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 6
Deck: Deck 1
Deck cards:
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Lord (leader)
Mage (2 lives)
Ninja (3 Lives)
Deck type: human
Place: Apartment (- 200 Cash/monthly)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

Your cards: 5

Battle field:
ATK: 50
DeF: 70
Hp: 40
ATK: 70
DEF: 20
HP: 100
Ability: Infect
Once this card
kills an enemies
card, he may
convert it to
a zombie on
his side.

His cards: 11

Great! after you summon the guard, he summons a zombie. Now its the next turn, What you do now is you must play another card, and then after that attack one of his cards. But since theirs only one, you will auto target it in the attack phase. You read the tutorial about Atk/Def/Hp right?
(Hint: Ninjas have quickstrike, meaning their isnt any delay between being summoned to attacking like most other cards)

Name: Hardy Gea
Age: 19
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 5
Deck: Swarm
Deck cards:
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion guard (Infinite lives)
Antlion queen ( Leader)
Deck type: Insectiod
Place: Apartment ( -200 Cash a month)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

Challenge started!

Your cards: 5



His cards: 20

Its your turn, to begin you must summon any of your 5 cards to battle him.

1,666 posts

Name: SPike
Age: 21
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 6
Deck: Deck 1
Deck cards:
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Lord (leader)
Mage (2 lives)
Ninja (3 Lives)
Deck type: human
Place: Apartment (- 200 Cash/monthly)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

Your cards: 5

Battle field:
2 gaurds
ATK: 50
DeF: 70
Hp: 40
ATK: 70
DEF: 0
HP: 70
Ability: Infect
Once this card
kills an enemies
card, he may
convert it to
a zombie on
his side.

His cards: 11

i summon another gaurd, and i guess i can't attack with it first turn. i attack his zombie with my other guard, and i'm assuming that would leave him with 70 HP and no def., so i'm gonna write that on the battle sheet. i also assume that its his turn.

189 posts

Name: Hardy Gea
Age: 19
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 5
Deck: Swarm
Deck cards:
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion guard (Infinite lives)
Antlion queen ( Leader)
Deck type: Insectiod
Place: Apartment ( -200 Cash a month)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

I summon my Antilion guard

2,613 posts

Name: SPike
Age: 21
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 6
Deck: Deck 1
Deck cards:
Guard (2 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Lord (leader)
Mage (2 lives)
Ninja (3 Lives)
Deck type: human
Place: Apartment (- 200 Cash/monthly)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

Your cards: 4 (Guard, Lord, mage, ninja)

Battle field:
Guard Guard (Dead)
ATK: 50 ATK: 50
DeF: 0 DEF: 0
Hp: 40 HP: 0
Zombie Reaper (Rare)
ATK: 70 ATK: 120
DEF: 0 DEF: 0
HP: 70 HP:40
Ability: Infect Abiltiy: Armor break
Once this card Breaks enemy armor
kills an enemies no matter how strong
card, he may It is.
convert it to Ability: Quick strike
a zombie on Can attack with no
his side. Summon delay.

His cards: 10

I shouldve explained this before, but theres 3 turns.
~ Placing monsters
~ Placing armor/weapons
~ Attacking
Your faced off with a rare card! His value is very high and if you win, you might want to choose him!

Name: Hardy Gea
Age: 19
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 5
Deck: Swarm
Deck cards:
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion guard (Infinite lives)
Antlion queen ( Leader)
Deck type: Insectiod
Place: Apartment ( -200 Cash a month)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

Challenge started!

Your cards: 4 (3x antlion, Antlion queen)

Antlion guard (Rare)
ATK: 140
DEF: 180
HP: 120
Ability: Burrow
Can burrow
underground to
save himself
from one
attack (must be
manually activated)
Pyromaniac (Max evo)
ATK: 480
DEF: 320
HP: 890
Ability: Burn (50%)
Burns enemies
card for 3 times
basic attack.

His cards: 19

The shopkeeper laughs and tells you "Yourmost likely gonna die, but if you last through to whole explanation I'll give you lots of CP!"

Always post battle page! After you place your guy, he places his. its your turn again, and after this, your antlion will attack!

189 posts

Name: Hardy Gea
Age: 19
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 5
Deck: Swarm
Deck cards:
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion guard (Infinite lives)
Antlion queen ( Leader)
Deck type: Insectiod
Place: Apartment ( -200 Cash a month)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

I summon my Antilion Queen { If I can} and then burrow with Antilion Guard. If i can't do both, then I just burrow

1,666 posts

Name: SPike
Age: 21
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 6
Deck: Deck 1
Deck cards:
Guard (2 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Guard (3 lives)
Lord (leader)
Mage (2 lives)
Ninja (3 Lives)
Deck type: human
Place: Apartment (- 200 Cash/monthly)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

Your cards: 4 (Guard, Lord, mage, ninja)

Battle field:
Guard Guard (Dead) ninja
ATK: 50 ATK: 50 (Stats required)
DeF: 0 DEF: 0
Hp: 40 HP: 0
Reaper (Rare)
ATK: 120
DEF: 0
Abiltiy: Armor break
Breaks enemy armor
no matter how strong
It is.
Ability: Quick strike
Can attack with no
Summon delay.

His cards: 9

alright, i summon my ninja (need stats) and attack his reaper with it's quick strike ability. i attack his zombie with both of my gaurds, killing it.

Your faced off with a rare card! His value is very high and if you win, you might want to choose him!

how the hell am i supposed to win this?
2,613 posts

Name: Hardy Gea
Age: 19
Reputation: Nobody
Rep. Xp: 0/10
Cash: 1000
CP: 0
Total cards: 5
Deck: Swarm
Deck cards:
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion (4 lives)
Antlion guard (Infinite lives)
Antlion queen ( Leader)
Deck type: Insectiod
Place: Apartment ( -200 Cash a month)
Day: 1
Time: 1/1/2013

again? Write down the battle sheet!

Your cards: 3 (3x antlion)

Antlion guard (Rare)(burrowed) Antlion Queen (Leader)
ATK: 140 (240) ATK: 40 (140)
DEF: 180 DEF: 0
HP: 120 HP:100
Ability: Burrow Ability: Quick strike
Can burrow Srikes with no summon wait
underground to Ability: power up
save himself Gves +100 ATK to every antlion
from one on the field, per antlion
attack (must be (So if theres 3 antlions,
manually activated) she and the others get
300 ATK boost)
Pyromaniac (Max evo)
ATK: 480
DEF: 180
HP: 890
Ability: Burn (50%)
Burns enemies
card for 3 times
basic attack.

His cards: 0

Im sorry, I put 19 instead of 0, since its the tutorial you only got to kill this one guy to win..... Your turn to attack!

Showing 16-30 of 58