The year is 2021, in less than a week, 60% of Earth's population has been killed and turned into zombies. As the days started gangs took most of the supplies leaving very little for scavengers.
Jobs Soldier- gets either M16 (20/40), MRE x 8, Canteen (90%), and M9 (8/16). Or M4A1 (30/90), MRE x 10, Canteen (80%), K-bar. Skills gained- Firearms building (3), Accuracy (10), Survival (3)
Chef- gets Butcher Knife, Chickens x 2, Water package (24/24) Skills gained- Cooking (11), Knife work (4), fire building (1),
Gangster- Glock (10/30), 4" Knife, chicken wings x 12, water bottles x12, 20$ bills x 200. Skills gained-drug making (4), Accuracy (2), robbing (4), fire arms building (2), survival (4).
Doctor- Syringe, Bandages x 20, morphine containers x 5, water bottles x 2. Skills gained- Medicine (12), surgeon (4)
Engineer-Wrench, oil container 12 oz (80%), gas container 3 Gal (66%), and a 3" pocket knife. Skills gained- Builder (5),auto mobiles (8), precision (3)
the police officer comes to the same realization and hides. You scavenge 2 frag grenades from the only body you see, and realize the humvee's are gone aswell besides one closer towards the horde. You see the man is running towards you be slowing down
Well, I know he cant catch up with me. *Yells at the police officer* " are you coming or not!?" *Begins to quickly jog the opposite way the wounded man is going.*
" Alright lets go check this place out, maybe we can find a gas can and something to use for a siphon. We might not have a vehicle right now but fuel will be hard to come by and it would be worth packing by hand."