Helloooo, and welcome to Armor Trivia! I'm your host, Nerdsoft, and tonight we'll be playing AG Trivia! You may pre-sign now and get to play round one! The round will start on the 27th, but only when five people have joined. You can also vote on a theme. You may submit a request but must also vote on someone else's. Like this: no0b: lol i think we shuld hav diferent kinds of nuts but i ges i vote for colors Grammar Nazi: That "no0b" needs a spelling lesson. Anyway, I vote for colors too. And so on. Now, what I will do is ask everyone a question. One question per sub-round. If you don't do a question, it won't be counted, same as losing one. Every five sub-rounds the player with the most wins is chosen as the winner.
I apologise for the wait. My Mandarin intensive course has started getting in the way. Expect an update soon. Also, future signups will be counted as part of round two. It is not too late to change the theme, nor to vote on the sub-round 2 theme. Again, sorry for the delay.