ForumsWEPRWill Christianity Die Out?

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So I was thinking a few day ago about all the religions that died out because they worshiped the sun, and I'm curious if you think Christianity will do the same due to its outdated beliefs (well to be exact Jesus is the sun, and Christianity also has roots in astronomy but whatever).

  • 213 Replies
9,439 posts

islam currently has more followers

Christianity has about 33% of the world population, about half of that is Roman Catholic. Islam has about 22%. Here.
9,462 posts

Paganism is still alive and well, being Pagan myself. It's a much better path for one who wants to be closer to their own ancestors etc.

pagan is a rather blanket statement, even more so than Christian as it can cover a number of different religions, not just denominations.

if the jews are right, you go to hell.
if the islam is right, you go to hell.
if buddhism is right, you go to hell.
if nordic mythology is right, you go to hell.
if the mayans were right, you go to hell.
if scientology is right, you go to hell.

Actually not all of those would send you to hell. We could use Christianity alone as an example. There are something around 34,000 denominations. Worship wrong for many of them and you go to hell. So even if Christianity is right you could still got o hell for worshiping wrong.

islam currently has more followers. as for the few thousand years part, I've noticed a growing atheistic trend. at the rate of its increase, should it continue, then christianity (or at least one major religion) will die out within a few hundred years.

Christianity makes up about 2.1 billion followers world wide while Islam makes up about 1.53 billion followers world wide.

As for growth rate, Non-religious (not necessarily atheist but they are included) is the fastest growing group as a position on religion.
9,808 posts

Probably should have pointed this out earlier but anyway. The likes of Copernicus, Galileo, etc. received opposition from the church for their science. It's only been this recent pope that pardoned Galileo.

Hilariously enough..Charles Darwin's sailing voyage that led to his breakthrough in evolution was due to him being sent to find evidence for Christian Creationism
197 posts

if nordic mythology is right, you go to hell.

Being a &quotagan" who is involved mainly in Norse/Germanic paganism, I have to disagree with that statement. "Hel" in Norse afterlife is nothing like the Christian "hel" and you have to take into account that Norse paganism along with Celtic paganism held many Shamanistic beliefs like Seidr, and the belief in reincarnation although more prevalent in Celtic society, was also in Norse philosophy and religion.

pagan is a rather blanket statement, even more so than Christian as it can cover a number of different religions, not just denominations.

Sorry, I just assume if I went into exactly what kind of Paganism/Heathenism I followed I wouldn't expect many people on here to fully understand.
But I'm into Norse Shamanism, (Seiðr) and the Ãlfhéðnar who were the wolf berserks of Odin, who is considered a very shamanistic god.
I'm not into any new-age Wicca stuff.
9,462 posts

But I'm into Norse Shamanism, (Seiðr) and the Ãlfhéðnar who were the wolf berserks of Odin, who is considered a very shamanistic god.
I'm not into any new-age Wicca stuff.

So you actually believe Odin exists?

As to how this could pertain to the topic this could illustrate where Christianity could end up.
197 posts

So you actually believe Odin exists?

Yes, I do.
Am I to expect harassment now because I actually believe in more than just science?
8,256 posts

Am I to expect harassment now because I actually believe in more than just science?

What has that got to do with science? After openly claiming your beliefs, at least be ready to talk about them, or don't speak of it at all.

As to how this could pertain to the topic this could illustrate where Christianity could end up.

Wouldn't that be unusual, seeing as how paganism essentially stems from primitive beliefs in nature spirits, while christianity is born in the "one true god" context?
5,129 posts

Being a &quotagan" who is involved mainly in Norse/Germanic paganism, I have to disagree with that statement.

i was just throwing in some believes whitout checking the actual facts.
the statement i tryed to make was not that all those hells are the same. i know there are dozens of different kinds of hells or sometimes no hell at all. wich was the point i tryed to make by listen some believes.
sorry if i stept on your toes. =)
9,462 posts

Am I to expect harassment now because I actually believe in more than just science?


If you would be up for it I would like to hear more about your beliefs and how you came to them. We can take it to my profile.

Wouldn't that be unusual, seeing as how paganism essentially stems from primitive beliefs in nature spirits, while christianity is born in the "one true god" context?

I wasn't referring to the context of the belief but how that context is viewed. Most regard Odin as just mythology. This is rather rare to find someone actually believing Odin exists. Yahweh could end up in the same boat.
8,256 posts

I wasn't referring to the context of the belief but how that context is viewed. Most regard Odin as just mythology. This is rather rare to find someone actually believing Odin exists. Yahweh could end up in the same boat.

Of course. I thought you were saying christianism might end up as a sort of shamanism like that pagan cult, but you're right. Many already count it as mythology.
5,129 posts

Am I to expect harassment now because I actually believe in more than just science?

the harassment usually is not because people believe other things then science proofs. but because of people that try to force their believes into others (whitout even giving a little bit of proof.)
197 posts

Then there's nothing to worry about, unlike many Christians I have no intention on forcing my beliefs on anyone, and I don't know any pagan of any pagan religion that does.
I'm totally open to sharing stuff about what I believe in. And being that the type of Paganism I'm into is not new-age. It actually has deep historical, ethnic, and cultural roots that can be also interesting history. I suppose so can Christian history but usually it doesn't come off that way by the person representing it

162 posts

unlike many Christians I have no intention on forcing my beliefs on anyone

I agree, I only argue or debate or do whatever the above conversation is when people confront me or ask me a question.
Also I'm back because I got bored and this seems to be entertaining.
5,129 posts

Also I'm back because I got bored and this seems to be entertaining.

so we can pick it up again?
you still believe the church has never changed it's world view? despite all the proof that it did.
9,462 posts

Here is another example of how Christianity can change over time. At least for some.

Shape-Shifting Jesus Described in Ancient Egyptian Text

"The discovery of the text doesn't mean these events happened, but rather that some people living at the time appear to have believed in them, said Roelof van den Broek, of Utrecht University in the Netherlands"

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