This game is very simple. You count as high as you can, but instead of typing the numbers with text, you use images of the numbers.Keep it appropriate, and make sure the images aren't too big (below 700 pixels in both directions is ideal).
do I use link bbcode?[url=]
I guess I do image bbcode then.
And I this.
Ahh, puns.
Darn it! I had an anwsome one for 49, i;ll post it anyway:and now the actual one.
sig=AFQjCNEh6X6TElyidv4tamhejjtPhz1ZNA&ust=1362450478594963" alt=",d.cGE&sig=AFQjCNEh6X6TElyidv4tamhejjtPhz1ZNA&ust=1362450478594963" />
My image didn't show up? Here's another for 54.And...
Counting games are currently not allowed.
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