ForumsWEPRWhy Would Anyone (in the right mind) Worship Satan?

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276 posts

Pretty much self-explanitory.
Why? I am a Catholic, and here are a couple things. Why would you worship Satan, and end up burning in hell, when you could worship the Lord, Jesus Christ and end up in the Paradise garden?
Why? I don't understand any philosophy in it.
A couple more things: Sigil of Baphomet, they worship demons and heinous figures. Huh, to discover the "true self" or something?
Also, I am not a nut, entertainers actually do sell themselves to make it big, like here, in an interview with lead *****cat Dolls Singer, Nicole Sherzinger, courtesy of the Vigilant Citizen.
Don't be stuck in blind world!
Learn, and don't let them trick you too!

  • 362 Replies
5,043 posts

Jews are children of the Devil. Not the Jews of Christ's day, but the present day ones who hate Jesus. They, and the Illuminati, worship the devil because it's their master. Then there's the crazy people. They are possessed so they have to. Finally, there's the emos. They're trying to be different and weird so they worship a dark power. I just love God, and hate Satan.

Who in the world told you this stuff?
37 posts

I hate Jews and anyone who doesn't love God.

Didn't Jesus say to love your enemies? I'm fairly certain he did. Wait... Here it is. It's funny when you think about it. You're using a fictional character as an excuse to be bigoted against others... When that very same fictional character clearly told you not to be bigoted in the first place.
5,043 posts

In the bible Christ said to the rabbis, "You are of your father the devil." Also they did crucify Christ and said "Let His blood be upon us and our children" I hate Jews and anyone who doesn't love God. Will it get me far in life? no. But I'm not gonna deny my God just to be successful.

Could you please find the verse, as well as explain who pointed this verse out to you? Surely someone else told you to hate Jews and used the bible themselves to prove that hate.
5,552 posts

The kind we have today were the ones who killed christ.

You mean they're 2000 years old? Wow.

God hated Esau, look it up now.

Yes, we're all aware that God is a major hypocrite. He violates all of his commandments and is narcissistic, arrogant, and downright cruel. Almost every act of his in the bible is one of giving pain or suffering, many of which unto innocent people. He has killed millions according to the bible and plans to kill billions. I only ask why you desire to worship such a figure.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

nonamec68, john 8:44 he said it. and infinight, we'll see who's fictional after death. And I discovered this phrase myself. And I hate Jews because they killed christ. He was a Jew, yes, but not the kind that we have today. The kind we have today were the ones who killed christ. Also, God said love your enemies, yes. But did he love Esau? no, God hated Esau, look it up now.

All I have to say is **** OFF. And yes, that word is the synonym for intercourse. You're a racist pig, who draws his discrimination from a book that preaches about death. Jesus was a Jew, and yet, he was not the kind we have today? Please enlighten us on the validity of that phrase. If not, shut up.

I'm pretty surprised and astounded that an ignorant racist fool like you, who claims that Jews today are all murderers of Christ, still exists; I thought you guys were extinct. Oh boy!

The Pope himself has stated in the Second Vatican Council that collective guilt to Jews is invalidated. Even if the Jews of the past were responsible for this death, it does not mean the Jews today or the Jews that lived subsequently, are responsible for that.

Also, God said love your enemies, yes. But did he love Esau? no, God hated Esau, look it up now.

Then your book has just shown you the first of its very many contradictions.
5,552 posts

In case you don't understand buddy, I meant that they are descendants of the same Jews. Which means that their mamas kept having babies, and the Jews today are those babies. K?

In case you didn't understand, with your supposed, "curse to point out every possible message," I was talking about the axiom of, "The sins of the father being the sins of the son," and how that is bullcrap.

God created everyone with a chance for heaven.

Except if he didn't, by making them retarded or having them be aborted before water is dumped over their heads, amiright?

He created us, so He can do as he wishes

This is the most evil thing imaginable. God does not have the right to torture people for eternity because of how he made us. If your morals are so warped you think that it's okay for anyone, for any reason, to forever give another pain for a finite transgression, you're a sick person indeed.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

In case you don't understand buddy, I meant that they are descendants of the same Jews. Which means that their mamas kept having babies, and the Jews today are those babies. K? God created everyone with a chance for heaven. Some people choose not to believe, and He knows that they never will, So he uses them as examples for the faithful. He created us, so He can do as he wishes. To avoid confusion for your simple mind, He created Adam and Eve, which led to us after they had many kids. If you were baptized, than you committed a sin for the complete abandoning of the faith. Better get confessing!

And so? YOU are the possible descendant of one of the millions of Christian warriors throughout the eons who are responsible for the deaths of millions of unbelievers. Perhaps you should be charged in court today for murder then?

You merely state statements, without evidence. That is irrational, and profoundly insipid. Who's the simple one here?

Haha, that made me chuckle. Two people....being the progenitor of all mankind. So we're all the spawn product of an incest-based relationship then?
95 posts

I hate Jews and anyone who doesn't love God.

Hey, kid, they love the exact same god you do.

And I hate Jews because they killed christ.

The Roman Army was Jewish? Where do you get that brilliant revelation from?

God created everyone with a chance for heaven.

That contradicts your earlier statements.

He created us, so He can do as he wishes.

Fortunately enough, most moral, decent human beings don't decide that they can kill their kids at anytime they'd like.
5,043 posts

I think someone deserves a little vacation.

5,552 posts

Lol, if you've seen Mel Gibson's "The Passion" you will see that the Jews were the ones that wanted Him dead.

...*facepalm* *head desk* *run into wall* *tear out hair.*



Don't try comparing us.

Gladly. I wouldn't want to make God look bad. I've never killed anyone, tortured people, punished my loyal followers, murdered hundreds of children for things one dictator did, banished people to wander in the desert for years, ordered women to be raped and their children killed, had my son brutally murdered for no reason, and promised the end of everyone living on earth over a period of years in a horrible fashion.
9,439 posts

I hate Jews

Jesus was a Jew. He preached a radical form, but was still a Jew.
9,808 posts

Ok KnightDeclean, seriously..stop with the incessant insulting of the Jewish community. There are very few things that set me off, and you committed one of the top ones..insulting the side of my family that are beloved to me.

I'll have you know, you bigoted brat, that your dear Christians have committed atrocities of their own, such as the Crusades in which they slaughtered, raped, plundered, etc the Seljuk Turks.
But why would such kind and caring people commit such an act? Simple really.
Basically..because the Seljuk Turks were in their way on their route to Jerusalem..where the Crusaders also raped, slaughtered, plundered, etc. the Muslim and Jewish people

Oh..glad to see you are using good ol' sane Mel Gibson's movie as a "source". Fits right perfectly in with your only other source.

Also, stop calling us the "ignorant trolls". The reason we cannot wrap our heads around your outrageous beliefs is because of how completely asinine they are.
You continuously deny facts and evidence while at the same time insulting us for our beliefs..yet the moment we even question yours, you start screaming like a 5-year-old about how we are insulting, degrading, oppressing etc. (whatever bull**** word, for this instance, you'd like) your beliefs.


And this is why I, pangtongshu, justify the worshiping of Satan
(yep..keeping it on-topic here)

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

The Roman Army was Jewish? Where do you get that brilliant revelation from?

The idea of Jewish deicide comes from the argument that the Roman governor was reluctant to kill Jesus until a horde of angry Jews, for various theological reasons, bayed for his blood and caused a riot.
95 posts

The idea of Jewish deicide comes from the argument that the Roman governor was reluctant to kill Jesus until a horde of angry Jews, for various theological reasons, bayed for his blood and caused a riot.

Was being sarcastic. I've heard that story. Apparently, not one single person who repeats that story realizes that the Roman army would have put down any riotous Jews, as the Jews in that period behaved in some ways like radical Muslims.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Was being sarcastic. I've heard that story. Apparently, not one single person who repeats that story realizes that the Roman army would have put down any riotous Jews, as the Jews in that period behaved in some ways like radical Muslims.

Apparently you have not heard of the concept of on the spot decision, when your armies are miles away.
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