ForumsWEPRWhy Would Anyone (in the right mind) Worship Satan?

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276 posts

Pretty much self-explanitory.
Why? I am a Catholic, and here are a couple things. Why would you worship Satan, and end up burning in hell, when you could worship the Lord, Jesus Christ and end up in the Paradise garden?
Why? I don't understand any philosophy in it.
A couple more things: Sigil of Baphomet, they worship demons and heinous figures. Huh, to discover the "true self" or something?
Also, I am not a nut, entertainers actually do sell themselves to make it big, like here, in an interview with lead *****cat Dolls Singer, Nicole Sherzinger, courtesy of the Vigilant Citizen.
Don't be stuck in blind world!
Learn, and don't let them trick you too!

  • 362 Replies
198 posts

lol what is steveism,a load of garbage anyway my parents didnt force me to accept islam when i got older i accepted it myself and while i read the islamic books and the quran my faith just keeps growing bigger.... and i have never heard of steveism a load of garbage that is.

37 posts

Yeah, it'd be like minecraft, but everyone has an endless inventory of everything, no monsters, no taking damage. Anybody else seen that Twlight Zone episode with the guy who gets shot and goes to 'heaven' where everything is rigged to win? It loses its appeal fairly quickly when it's not a surprise and there's no skill involved.

Exactly. These are the things that make life interesting. The seeming randomness, the achievement gained from working for something, our constant quest to understand the unknown. If the odds are forever in your favor, you have the power to do anything and you know every mystery there is to know, what's the point of life at that point? It sounds great in theory to essentially be like God, but in practice, not so much.

That Twilight Zone episode was pretty interesting. Christians and Muslims fool themselves into thinking that this paradise where they are promised to have all the answers of the universe, dozens of virgins and whatever else, would be a good thing. In reality though, this paradise they perceive as a reward, would inevitably become a Hell of its own.
198 posts

What about you keep getting bad things in life anyway im sure that God has alot of surprises in Heaven and anyway im hoping to get away from this earth from these sufferings and anyway a guy said on the first page that God set humanity on a tree or something like that when its supposed to get tempted to do bad things by the devil,God did that because The devil wasnt a angel but another being which god made that have free will that are called Jinn . God promoted the Devil to angel because he was a very good worshipper of God but let him keep his freewill.When God made Adam and Eve ,he ordered all of his angels to bow down to his latest creation but only the Devil disobeyed so God kicked him out of Heaven .There was a tree which God said was forbidden for Adam or eve to eat but the Devil tempted them into tasting it so God told them to go on earth.Adam and Eve begged for forgiveness which God granted but told them that if they were good and did good deeds he will accept them on Heaven after they died but if they followed the Devil they will be tortured in Hell for eternity,so another question after what i told you ,do you still want to worship Satan or God. Your Choice

198 posts

actually i read on a website that the Devil was never a angel at all but Jinn's were created to worship God too but most of them are non believers too because they have a fiery nature anyway go on this link and youll see that many mysterious animals people you see are actually Jinn ,enough from me but go read yourself!

198 posts

you guys are saying it would become boring in Heaven? Beats getting tortured in hell for eternity!!!

37 posts

you guys are saying it would become boring in Heaven? Beats getting tortured in hell for eternity!!!

Well, that's another thing you don't think through completely. How many centuries can you burn in a fire at the same temperature can you burn before you just stop giving a crap? Either the torture would need to get progressively worse or you would become numb to it after a while.

Not that I think the Christian interpretation of Hell was correct. The Bible spoke of dropping people into a lake of fire, which probably means they just die. Especially considering Jesus earlier stating that the only way to achieve eternal life is through him, it would be logical to assume that the alternative to heaven is not hell, but death.

The Quran might be different though.
5,552 posts

Responded here.

9,808 posts

But is there something like purgatory for those who don't believe in Steve?

Of course...Detroit.

I kid. The almighty Steve actually does not mind if you do not believe in him or not. His main issue involving belief only lies on the belief of one of the aforementioned deities (or..deity, technically). The belief of any other deity, or none at all, is perfectly long as you are a generally good person throughout your life.

Oh..and Steve takes into account the different ideas of "good" throughout the world.

Where do babies go?

The real judgement on your soul begins after your body has acquired a necessary consciousness for the actions one takes. So if one was to die before being able to make decisions with a reasonable grasp on the possible consequences (or is never able to understand such possible consequences..such as certain mentally disabled people), then their soul will be reincarnated into another body after their previous body perishes. That way..all souls may be equally judged.

Will it take an active stance against Steve to send you to AST, or is a passive stance bad as well?

Already explained

Anybody else seen that Twlight Zone episode with the guy who gets shot and goes to 'heaven' where everything is rigged to win?

Didn't it turn out he was actually in hell, though?

Steveism is a LIE, because it has no special hat.

Good choice of hats there. I'm sure you already know about Steveism's stance on those religions, though.

lol what is steveism,a load of garbage

Steveism is the truth. But you wouldn't follow one of the "those" religions.
Good luck in Anti-SteveTown
9,439 posts

What about you keep getting bad things in life anyway im sure that God has a lot of surprises in Heaven and anyway im hoping to get away from this earth from these sufferings and anyway a guy said on the first page that God set humanity on a tree or something like that when its supposed to get tempted to do bad things by the devil, God did that because The devil wasnt a angel but another being which god made that have free will that are called Jinn .

That's the longest d*** sentence I've ever seen. 90 words that say so little.

Of course...Detroit.

Aw hell naw!

Didn't it turn out he was actually in hell, though?

Spoiler much?
198 posts

you dont have to say bad words

198 posts

it is for me as im 13 years old

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

it is for me as im 13 years old

Are we really going to argue about a word that used in his context, means an expression of annoyance, anger and surprise?
5,043 posts

Keep in mind this is a gaming website where a younger audience will be present, even in the WEPR where more mature discussion tends to happen. D*** is considered profanity, even if it is quite mild. However, if you type the word and you let the censor catch it, feel free to use it once in a while.

I'm not sure if rape is still censored. If it is, I don't mind people typing r@pe or r.a.p.e as long as they're using the word in a mature manner. "R@pe is a horrible crime," for example, is acceptable. "YOU JUST GOT R**** LOLZ" or "I R**** YO FACE," on the other hand, is not acceptable (even with proper spelling).

5,129 posts

we should stop feeding it. let it die of starvation for attention.

2,487 posts

That's how God made us
But for them is not late to change their minds

I think it's well established by now that statements like these don't really matter. let's allow this thread to die now.

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