
86 32322
10,816 posts

One of the key words in this post will be censored. I've never known why and I contend that it ought not to be because it is sending a fundamentally wrong message.

I've been following this case for some months now, but given the recent media coverage, I'm not sure whether I should be surprised or not surprised that the topic has yet to be raised here.

Well, I think it's important, so I'm raising it now.

Relevant facts of the case:

A girl went to a party somewhere in Steubenville, a party at which several members of the local football team were present.

The girl subsequently became intoxicated to the point that she was for all intents and purposes unconscious.

Over the next several hours, several members of aforementioned football team performed and recorded unsolicited sexual acts on the girl. They then continued recording while they drove the unconscious girl to several other parties where the same happened. During this, it is verbally acknowledged on recording that the girl is unconscious, that the sexual acts being performed are without any form of consent, and that they willfully disregard this while continuing to perform the acts.

This footage is still publicly available as it was published on several social networking sites. I will refrain from linking to it here.

The girl is eventually dumped outside her own house. She is not aware of the events of the night until it is brought to her attention as a result of the distribution of recorded footage on networking sites.

Subsequent attempts to clarify what happened and to seek legal advice are met with resistance and threats in order to suppress the family of the girl. This appears to be because Steubenville's football players were involved.

It takes a sustained and somewhat-illegal campaign led by Anonymous to bring to public attention the specific details of the case, including the details of people they believe were positively identified in the footage, that the acts recorded constitute ****, and that prosecution ought to follow.

Eventually, two of the perpetrators are tried and convicted of ****.

Subsequently, just about every major broadcasting network in the US laments the destruction of two promising football careers and the tragedy of young men being convicted of ****.


It's at this point that much of the world took notice and went "Wait, what?" While it is true that the girl did attend the party, and did become intoxicated, this incident is being portrayed such that the girl is the one at fault. And that the ones who ***** her (repeatedly and willfully, on video) are the victims. And every one of these media reports appear to conveniently forget what sexual assault actually is, and what standards we, as purportedly civilised people, are supposed to be holding ourselves to.

What I want to know is, can any of you tell me what the hell is going on in America? What's the real deal? What does the public actually think of this case, or are they only aware of the media party line and therefore agree that the boys are the victims? And what the **** is wrong with a country with institutions that rally behind patriotic hubris to the extent that it disregards the rights which it supposedly granted equally to its citizens? What kind of shameful pride is that?

Tell me it isn't so. This isn't a problem unique to the US, of course, seeing as Australia has had a similar problem with its own footy **** culture several years ago, and worse happens on a regular basis in India, not to mention other places... but thanks to the happenings in a small town in the US, and the subsequent distortion of justice and the media machine which is plain as day to anybody who doesn't live there, the spotlight, America, is now on you.

  • 86 Replies
3,437 posts

Eliminate the opportunity and temptation .

Then this would mean you would want to eliminate women from society :\\ because how women dress has nothing to do with rape. You really need to start understanding that.
8,256 posts

At least it is the wrong way to think. It may be possible that the way women dress could tempt some men, but even if it is so, it is the woman's choice to risk it or not. Telling women how to dress means you punish them for the crimes of others, and justify said crimes.
In a just society, a woman is supposed to be able to dress how she likes without fearing rape. This is what we should aim for, not a society where women have to bear the consequences of some men's disorders.

9,462 posts

I don't sy its victim's fault but if she dresses inappropiatley that is an open invitation to sick ppl(at least in their heads)
So women should dress properly.

It doesn't mean a **** thing. Overall this is just saying a woman shouldn't be allowed to wear what they want.

Take this as your car, if some one steals it blames on them but yo lock you car nevertheless.

Yes let's take it as our car. Having a fancy car is just an open invitation for some car jackers. So you shouldn't own a fancy car.

I hope you see how ridiculous that sounds.
152 posts

It is PATHETIC that some of you people are primitive enough to even suggest that a women is even partly to blame for being r@ped. You should be ashamed. I don't even know how to deal with that.

2,487 posts

@punisher- considering the fact that the ummayad dynasty, the ones who laid down the women's Muslim law of repressed dress, were also the same ones who eliminated women's equality in the beginning, I have a lot of trouble even taking your views with a modicum of respect. You talk of prevention, but all you use is the outdated method of a sexist organization. If someone is raped, blame the rapist. Prevention starts by teaching why it is wrong to rape, not something so shortsighted as repressing women even more. That is what you fail to realize, that in your quest to make women "safe" you have to defeat decades of progress that women have made all over the world, slowly turning them into the 2nd class citizens of biblical times, and the time of the ummayad and Abbasid dynasties. You may have good intentions, but your methodology is horrid. Remember, it is the rapists fault, not the clothing.


95 posts

Hey, Punisher, how would wearing more clothing have helped in the case of Steubenville anyways?

Also, what do you think female victims of other women and male victims should do?

5,129 posts

And how If I may ask do they deal with victims in your opinion?

not like your nation does. i mean:

Saudi Arabia has the least number of reported rapes.
That might be something to do with the fact that two men have to witness it for it to be considered rape. The victim's word is not enough.

Also if an unmarried woman is raped, and comes forward with it, then she stands a good chance that her family will kill her, for he bringing shame onto the family.

and also do rape victims get punished for being raped.
5,552 posts

the least number of reported rapes.

This. This a million times over. Sexual crimes are the most under reported type. If you want to use comparative rape statistics, punisher, don't. Especially in Muslim countries, where it's highly taboo. I assure you that just as many rapes happen in them, except it never gets reported or it gets covered up.

Your entire argument is faulty. Clothing does not prevent rape. Rape is not about attraction. Rape is not a woman's fault. Rape is not caused because a woman 'tempts a man' by showing some skin. Rape is not done by random strangers the vast majority of the time.

Every single part of what you are saying is wrong, punisher. Get that through your head.

The only thing your view does, punisher, is blame the woman who was raped, whether for being, 'careless' or 'asking for it.'
1,826 posts

This. This a million times over. Sexual crimes are the most under reported type. If you want to use comparative rape statistics, punisher, don't. Especially in Muslim countries, where it's highly taboo. I assure you that just as many rapes happen in them, except it never gets reported or it gets covered up.

Your entire argument is faulty. Clothing does not prevent rape. Rape is not about attraction. Rape is not a woman's fault. Rape is not caused because a woman 'tempts a man' by showing some skin. Rape is not done by random strangers the vast majority of the time.

Every single part of what you are saying is wrong, punisher. Get that through your head.

The only thing your view does, punisher, is blame the woman who was raped, whether for being, 'careless' or 'asking for it'

That is where you get it wrong, I never said it is women's fault you are assuming it.
Yes , women do get raped in muslim countries.
but this notion that it is reppressed here is wrong, sure at some places it happens but these things get reported most of the time.*at least here and pakistan)
if you say that in approppriate clothing is not a factoe in it, than you lack something very important called common sense.
5,552 posts

That is where you get it wrong, I never said it is women's fault you are assuming it.

By nature of your argument, that is what you are saying. If you don't believe it to the the woman's fault, stop peddling that pile of trash. Telling a woman to wear more clothes so she won't be raped is the same thing as saying it's her fault.

if you say that in approppriate clothing is not a factoe in it, than you lack something very important called common sense.

It's not a factor. Rape is the unwilling sexual assault on someone. Clothing has absolutely nothing to do with whether someone consents or not. Nor does wearing more prevent it.

Punisher, I'll say this again. Claiming that wearing more clothes/'appropriate' clothing is a bull**** attempt to make it the woman's fault.

"If she had been more sensible..."
"If she had not tempted him..."
"She shouldn't have gone there..."

Whether you believe it's the woman's fault for getting raped is irrelevant. That's what your argument is. If you don't believe that, stop blaming the woman.
95 posts

if you say that in approppriate clothing is not a factoe in it, than you lack something very important called common sense.

Once again, this thread is about the Steubenville case. How would wearing more clothing have stopped the victim in this case from being raped?
1,773 posts

Just for say, even a cheeck in a IDF uniform is still hot. It dosent matter. In the 18 centuries guys got turnd on by a women anckle.

5,552 posts

In the 18 centuries guys got turnd on by a women anckle.

Exactly. This is the flaw of your argument, Punisher. It's a slippery slope. Even if all women wore more clothing to 'rotect themselves' then they would all be equally exposed to the possibility of rape, by your logic. I've said as much before. Wearing more clothing doesn't do anything, even if rape were about attraction. Which it's not.

Everything you're saying is false, period. Rape won't stop if women wear more clothes, and it won't stop if they don't. Clothing has absolutely nothing to do with the subject, it's only been scapegoated to blame the women, because men are the ones trying to shift the blame.
5,129 posts

Once again, this thread is about the Steubenville case. How would wearing more clothing have stopped the victim in this case from being raped?

the overal notion that some people think it is the womans fault in general is a bigger and better topic then just this 1 case.

got nothing to say about that medieval policy of saudi?

these things get reported most of the time.*at least here and pakistan
they are not. woman have no freedom where you live. they can't report it by own will. and if they do. they most likely have to face more horror in the future, despite already been raped.

only i a few cases where it gets reported and there is proof from 2 males that it happens. the actual rapist is being punished. and thats the only thing you get to hear.
3,437 posts

they are not. woman have no freedom where you live. they can't report it by own will. and if they do. they most likely have to face more horror in the future, despite already been raped.

I agree that from a Western perspective women have far less freedom within muslim countries, however please try to refrain from imposing Western ideals on everyone. That being said, you are right in saying rape is reported less in muslim countries than Western countries. I don't have an exact statistic, but even in North America a large percentage of rapes go unreported each year. Actually because so many go unreported we can't even have accurate statistics on it.
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