It's simple. Just count, in posts, one by one, to 100. The same posting rules apply here as to the rest of the forums!!! Do not double post, Do not spam ie. more than 5 word posts and do no miscount. This is a simple task and it will be accomplished. If a mod posts we go back to zero, or if we miscount we go back to zero. Also, do not post back to back! EX: person 1, person 2, person 1, person 2, and so on...
8. Yeah the ninja's have been this game's downfall in the past. and blk, the only problem is the first three,
P1 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1
if it happens once it's probably fine, as long as it doesn't get out of hand, this isn't a rule of the game it's really to keep the mods from saying it is spam.
10. Tomorrow will just be another day for me. As far as I know, anyway. Something spectacular could happen. I just don't have any plans to do anything out of the ordinary.