In the fantasy world of Valcrest, there once was a group of warriors who called themselves the Morika. The Morika dedicated their lives to eliminating evil wherever it was found, and were often seen fighting alongside legendary heroes. Eventually they were killed by an attack on their base by an undead army. The Morika were also looking after a special sword that gained magical powers at night. This sword could have easily stopped the undead from defeating them, but the sword was only compatible with one person. This person was born with the sole purpose of wielding the sword and either using it to destroy something evil that would come to Valcrest several centuries later... or using it to enslave the world. That time is now. And that person is you.
Character Sheet: Only fill in empty spaces. The Race section requires you to read below in order to fill out.
Human: Humans are the most easily persuaded of the six races, as gold is usually all it takes to make them obey. Though their military is weak, their high morale is usually enough to carry them through battles.
Elf: Elves live in the forest, away from any conflict that the other races always get themselves involved in. The elven military is, of course, very small but effective in keeping out invaders.
Goblin: Goblins are nomads, always sneaking into the forests to try to steal the riches that elves are said to keep. They stand at a maximum of only four feet tall, and their ugly faces are enough to startle unwary travelers.
Dwarf: Dwarves are just as short as goblins, and their love for gold has driven them to live underground where they can be close to their gold mines. They are skilled in blacksmithing, and their main weapon of choice is usually a warhammer.
Demon: Demons are, obviously, evil. They lurk far beneath the surface of Valcrest, deeper even than the dwarves can ever dig. Little else is known about them.
Solarian: Solarians live in cities built on magical clouds that can support their weight. They use magic to destroy demons, as the two races have been at war since the beginning of history. They look like humans with pale skin and silver eyes.
Name:Feng Lee Age:23 Gender:Female Race:Elf Bio:Feng's older brother was a noble warrior. He would defend the elf race no matter what obstacles are thrown at him. But nothing was more important to him than his sister, Feng Lee. When they were young, their parents died in a horrible unknown accident. Her brother promised to protect her with his life, but one day he was asked to lead a group of soldiers out of the woods for an attack....He never returned after that. Description: -Apperance She's 5'2" and weights 116lbs She's very kind to people who are not from her race even when her brother once told her not to talk to strangers. She's a happy go lucky person whose quite bubble and somewhat shy. But she is very cruel and dangerous to her enemies. ---------- Weapons: Unarmed(x) Inventory: Empty Gold: 0 ---------- Spells/Abilities: None ---------- Followers: None Reputation: 0
@ubica88 Being good or evil is not dictated by your race, but rather on your actions. Also, I'm planning on making a game feature later on where you can kind of customize your race. I won't give out too much info, but for now you should just pick which race you think would be easiest to be evil in.
Name:Feng Lee Age:23 Gender:Female Race:Elf Bio:Feng's older brother was a noble warrior. He would defend the elf race no matter what obstacles are thrown at him. But nothing was more important to him than his sister, Feng Lee. When they were young, their parents died in a horrible unknown accident. Her brother promised to protect her with his life, but one day he was asked to lead a group of soldiers out of the woods for an attack....He never returned after that. Description: Link on page 1 She's 5'2" and weights 116lbs She's very kind to people who are not from her race even when her brother once told her not to talk to strangers. She's a happy go lucky person whose quite bubble and somewhat shy. But she is very cruel and dangerous to her enemies. ---------- Weapons: Unarmed(x) Inventory: Empty Gold: 0 ---------- Spells/Abilities: None ---------- Followers: None Reputation: 0
(Instead of posting a link every post, I've changed your description to indicate where the link is)
You start in your elven village. As you enter the market, you see a few drunken dwarves walking around and taunting your fellow elves. Do you intervene somehow, or continue on?
Name: Duncan the Lionheart Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human Bio: Growing up as a low class orphan in a high class society took its toll on Duncan. Rather than taking the easy way out and mugging unguarded nobles, he was fortunate to be granted a method of earning money in the business of guarding merchant stalls. One day, a "customer" noticed the professional look in the Lionheart's eyes and knew what to do. Shortly after, the youth found himself joining the nation's army, in which he learned to fight before being sent to the battlefield, in which he earned his title. Description: About 5'9, light brown hair and green-blue eyes. Naturally warmhearted, being kind and courteous to friend and foe alike. ---------- Weapons: Unarmed(x) Inventory: Empty Gold: 0 ---------- Spells/Abilities: None ---------- Followers: None Reputation: 0
Name: Duncan the Lionheart Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human Bio: Growing up as a low class orphan in a high class society took its toll on Duncan. Rather than taking the easy way out and mugging unguarded nobles, he was fortunate to be granted a method of earning money in the business of guarding merchant stalls. One day, a "customer" noticed the professional look in the Lionheart's eyes and knew what to do. Shortly after, the youth found himself joining the nation's army, in which he learned to fight before being sent to the battlefield, in which he earned his title. Description: About 5'9, light brown hair and green-blue eyes. Naturally warmhearted, being kind and courteous to friend and foe alike. ---------- Weapons: Unarmed(x) Inventory: Empty Gold: 0 ---------- Spells/Abilities: None ---------- Followers: None Reputation: 0
You start in a human city, walking with three soldiers. Since there is no current war going on, you are stuck with guard duty. Along with you are Arton, Melve, and the guard captain Irsman. You notice that you forgot your sword somewhere, so you have no weapon. As you peek into a dark alley, you notice a civilian cornered by a thief holding a dagger.
Name:Feng Lee Age:23 Gender:Female Race:Elf Bio:Feng's older brother was a noble warrior. He would defend the elf race no matter what obstacles are thrown at him. But nothing was more important to him than his sister, Feng Lee. When they were young, their parents died in a horrible unknown accident. Her brother promised to protect her with his life, but one day he was asked to lead a group of soldiers out of the woods for an attack....He never returned after that. Description: Link on page 1 She's 5'2" and weights 116lbs She's kind to people even those who are not from her race even when her brother once told her not to talk to strangers. She's a happy go lucky person whose quite bubble and somewhat shy. But she is very cruel and dangerous to her enemies. ---------- Weapons: Unarmed(x) Inventory: Empty Gold: 0 ---------- Spells/Abilities: None ---------- Followers: None Reputation: 0
I tap on one of the dwarf's shoulder to get his/her attention and tell the dwarf to stop. (Since their only taunting it's not a threat. But if things get serious, I'll find some way to stop it)