I'm not sure if this is spam or not. I'm not really incouraging people to get more active in the forums. So i hope this doesn'tget locked.Ok, so you just guess how active they are in the forums in 1-10Rate me!
8/10You pop up during the day and post a lot very quickly, then you don't post for a while. I've also never seen you anywhere but the forum games.
9/10. Because you're everywhere.
2/10 Barely even remembered in the forum games.
9.5/10Because R2.
Ehm ehm ! 10 / 10 ? Yup .
You were very active in the forum games, but then you just disappeared.4/10
6/10I see you frequently, but definitely not enough .
6/10 You may be an old pal of mine but you aren't very active.
I say you are active enough. Congrats, I guess?8/10
I barely see you around. 6/10
I will take that very personally. As such, you are given a -13 out of 10. Congratulations.
5, for some reason I'm seeing you less. Or maybe its because I'm trying to avoid you.
8/10 You're killing the forum games section.
I have yet seen that name above
2/10I have never seen you before
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