in this game you have to cast a spell or attack(made by your imagination or seen some where else) and the next person has to defend in some way and name another attack.please describe your attack if its not clear.i'll start:light beam(!)
No I don't, because you failed to mention it.I attack with my longish post on the last page that nobody appears to have read.
i kill them by yelling at them.i summon the dark magician.
I point at the magican and it becomes creeped out and leaves.I make a giant fireball and hurdle it at your toenails.
Points at the fireball with a sonic screwdriver and causes it to dissipateGoes into a bluebox and turns off the universe
i am god and re-enable te universei blow you up using a age=2&tbnh=185&tbnw=232&start=18&ndsp=23&tx=130&ty=36">meteoroite
Regenerates as a new Doctor and laughs, causing the god to die in shame
i cut of your finger.nuff said.i cut of your finger.nuff said.
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