i just found this game and i found it really fun but couldn't figure out what to do because i asked the computer everything i could think of and it didnt work so if you ca help me figure this out heres the link p.s. if i messed up the link in anyway sorry im just bad at making them
I was actually going to make a walkthrough if there wasn't one already (or something like this), so here I go.
You start out and you can say as you wish to him, to do it the fastest I'd probably start by saying "hi" or something to that effect. Then when he asks if you remember where you are say "bomb shelter", "nuclear bunker" or any variation. After that you can look around if you wish, you will see letters, the ones that matter would be "esc pod" and "AGS". Bring those up, after he says what AGS is ask him if you're in space, he will deny it. Then ask about a space ship, after that bring up the escape pod again or survival or something like that. Then you make your decision to live or die with him, you'll probably have to be a bit specific when making a decision, it took me several tries before it finally recognized that I wanted to live.
I am so proud to say that I actually figured this out all by myself. It was so hard!
do you think you could clarify the steps a little better because i tried mentioning this and he just kept on saying "dont be silly an escape pod underground"
never mind i found this to help in the comments of the game so thanks for the help anyways
bam5995 says: Posted at 5:49pm on 4/16/2013 *SPOILERS* 1 : respond (ex : yes, hi, hello,........ ) 2 : say "no" 3 : say "turn on the light' 4 : say "i can't see a thing" (lights on ) 5 : ask : "ags ?" 6 : ask : "artificial gravity ?" 7 : say "i'm hungry" 8 : ask "astro food ?" (you'll find out the truth at this point ) 9 : ask : "how do i leave ?" 10 : MAKE YOUR CHOICE ! *end*