In the year 2034... Mining can be dangerous, being crushed, suffocated, or trapped and starved to death are only the usual risks. You could also be redirected into the sewer and drowned, shot by other rogue miners, or eaten alive by monsters from the depths. But they pay is good, the right merchants will pay handsomely for minerals or metals, and the wrong merchants will pay the gear you steal from other miners. To start your life as a miner fill out the character sheets below.
Also spend you starter money for gear at Godmund's Shop. (Note: Weapons will stay in your items list and not under arms until you choose to equipped them)
Name: Rob Description: 30 year old, 6ft tall, brown hair, muscular, blue eyes and in need of money Currency: $10 Arms: colt predator 6/6 Armour: gas mask, kevlar State: Healthy Items: Pick-axe, knife.
After trudging through the gritty sand for a while you come to a rusty barb wire fence that goes all the way around the tunnel, up the walls and on the ceiling. Two people pick there way over the fence to meet you. Both are in cowboy-hats and fairly sand-saturated clothes, the taller one has a holstered high-caliber revolver, the other carries two light gauge 3 beast-shot shot-guns. The taller one extends a hand "Welcome to Crumb, the driest town under the lake."
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: Barb spitter Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter 4/4, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe
"Gaah!" I say tossing it away but definitely not into the water. I wipe my hand on my pants. "Why do you want to kill me pale thing?" I ask it.
(Yes I'm still recruiting, and your welcome to join.)
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe
"Read. The. Journal." The entity replied flatly, pointing at your back-pack with the barrel of the weapon in it's paws.
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe
I take out the journal."I don't actually have anything to do with the Journal..." I say. I open the book and read aloud.
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe
Several pages are either sodden or completely destroyed, but there is enough of the literature still intact for it to be read as a series
"...Lucky the fuzz didn't shut down the whole facility. From now on I'm only firing with suppressed weapons.
Monday, 6th:
Set to work ordering Shepard to clean up the holding tanks. He is to impertinent for my liking but he has a strong stomach so he fits the job. Al-ice has started responding to stimulus again, for a while there I thought I was going to have to start from the all over again but, it seems, the worm is finally turning...
Wednesday 8th:
Etched my mark on Al-ice's shoulder today, it got pretty mad and started thrashing around. Got Shepard to restrain it... Just found out Al-ice stuck a needle in Shepard before he got her into the holding tank. I'm trying to figure out what was in the syringe but I can't find any clues.
( Missing page here)
Al-ice has gotten loose, and to top it off I think she's got my pocket pistol. Shepard ran off into the tunnels today. I found the needle he was injected from. It was labeled "De-stilled Hydrophobia". ...with both Al-ice and Shepard on the loose I have decided to move to a tent outside the facility, I can only pray that the Mort-frog has already succumbed to the injuries inflicted on it by the security bots."
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe
Name: Rob Description: 30 year old, 6ft tall, brown hair, muscular, blue eyes and in need of money Currency: $10 Arms: colt predator 6/6 Armour: gas mask, kevlar State: Healthy Items: Pick-axe, knife
I shake his hand and ask him what he's mining for and if I can join him.
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe
In answer the entity bows mockingly and gestures to a mark on its shoulder.
Name: Rob Description: 30 year old, 6ft tall, brown hair, muscular, blue eyes and in need of money Currency: $10 Arms: colt predator 6/6 Armour: gas mask, kevlar State: Healthy Items: Pick-axe, knife
"Not mining at the moment, I just live here. Normally I work in the mine but there's a feud tearing up the town at the moment, the Jigjams got into a brawl with the Darkonians again."
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe.
"I...think I might have....met the Mort-Frog" Ilden mumbled.
Name: Rob Description: 30 year old, 6ft tall, brown hair, muscular, blue eyes and in need of money Currency: $10 Arms: colt predator 6/6 Armour: gas mask, kevlar State: Healthy Items: Pick-axe, knife
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe.
Before the entity can reply there is a strangely ominous click as a metal tool box is placed on the ground. As you turn you see that a man in thick rubber overalls and unhealthy grey skin has entered the room. In a unnervingly mechanical action the man raises one arm and there is the sharp sound of a pocket pistol being fired. The entity hisses as the shotgun is struck from its hands and skitters along the floor.
Name: Rob Description: 30 year old, 6ft tall, brown hair, muscular, blue eyes and in need of money Currency: $10 Arms: colt predator 6/6 Armour: gas mask, kevlar State: Healthy Items: Pick-axe, knife
"Not really, I mean you could kill half of them but unless that happens they'll just start fighting again tomorrow." The man scratches the back of his head thoughtfully before continuing "We've been trying to kick them out of Crumb for ages but the sheriff won't lift a finger to help."
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe.
I Ildely draw and to the knife at the man to the best of my ability. "Hello Sir." Ilden addressed the man bitterly.
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: , knife, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe.
I Ildely draw and to the knife at the man to the best of my ability. "Hello Sir." Ilden addressed the man bitterly.
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Healthy â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe.
There is a sptang as the tool box comes up and deflects the knife, spiting creamy looking foam on the ground the man starts firing again with the snub-nosed revolver in his fist.