In the year 2034... Mining can be dangerous, being crushed, suffocated, or trapped and starved to death are only the usual risks. You could also be redirected into the sewer and drowned, shot by other rogue miners, or eaten alive by monsters from the depths. But they pay is good, the right merchants will pay handsomely for minerals or metals, and the wrong merchants will pay the gear you steal from other miners. To start your life as a miner fill out the character sheets below.
Also spend you starter money for gear at Godmund's Shop. (Note: Weapons will stay in your items list and not under arms until you choose to equipped them)
Name: Lurch Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution! Currency: $10 Arms: Gorgon 2/9 Armour: None State: Grazed(Patched up) Items: Pick-axe, knife, gas mask, med-kit
I pull Merrin aside for a little heart to heart: "Cut the crap fool, you're now in the real world! Have you ever heard the expression 'snitches get stitches'? It would be best to just lighten up and have drink, or these people might cut your body into pieces and dump you in the mines."
I try to snatch his phone away before joining in the revelry.
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Lightly bruised â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe. Barb-spitter 1/4, Snub-nosed Colt 1/6
"Um..." the robot fumbles for several seconds seemingly oblivious to the fact that; A. There is a world outside the door. B. There is a bullet pinning its leg to the wall.
Name: Lurch Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution! Currency: $10 Arms: Gorgon 2/9 Armour: None State: Grazed(Patched up) Items: Pick-axe, knife, gas mask, med-kit
Merrin glowers at you as you take his phone away and waits several seconds after you get lost in the crowd before taking out an emergency back-up phone and starts whispering into the receiver. A bewhiskered tenant of the bar swaggers over to him before asking "Who yeh callin'?" Merrin scoured his brain for something nonthreatening to say for several seconds before warily answering. "My mother?"
From where Lurch was standing elsewhere in the pub he heard a distinctive punching sound from several feet behind him and a phone flies through the air and smacks him on the back of the head. Behind him the sound of brawling becomes apparent.
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Lightly bruised â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe. Barb-spitter 1/4, Snub-nosed Colt 1/6
If the robot is a threat I further damage is with a pistol-bash, otherwise I go through the door.
Name: Lurch Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution! Currency: $10 Arms: Gorgon 2/9 Armour: None State: Grazed(Patched up) Items: Pick-axe, knife, gas mask, med-kit
First of all, I check to see if the operator is still on the other end of Merrin's emergency phone call to tell them it was a joke. Whether that works or not, I get up from my seat, draw my gorgon with my right hand, grab the nearest bottle left, and stroll over to smash it on the bewhiskered assailant's head.
Name: Ilden Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Lightly bruised â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe. Barb-spitter 1/4, Snub-nosed Colt 1/6 k17 micro assault-rifle 20/20
The robot doesn't attempt to get away or kill you bit it seems completely unaware of whats outside so you crumple its head with a swing from the pistol-grip of your shotgun.
After dispatching it you collect one of the assault-rifles that's still charged with ammunition and enter the elevator. After pressing to the button to take you to the surface you feel the elevator shifting upwards. And soon it comes to a stop. Through a crack in the elevators door seeps in an unnatural bright light. Do you open the door...?
Name: Lurch Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution! Currency: $10 Arms: Gorgon 2/9 Armour: None State: Grazed(Patched up) Items: Pick-axe, knife, gas mask, med-kit, smashed bottle.
After doing your best to negate the damage done by Merrin over the phone it becomes apparent to you that he called the police directly, after ditching the phone you take up a bottle of Diablo dry and shove your way through the crowd forming around Merrin and his attacker. Merrin is lying out-cold on the floor-boards, the moustachioed man is standing over him s******ing randomly.
The bottle makes a lovely sound when smashed over his head. He half turns to you making a weird honking siund, he starts to say something when about twenty or so SWAT units smash through the bars assorted windows and a amplified voice shouts "Put your hands in the air, this is an unauthorized leisure facility!"
The tenants of the pub draw together protectively, drawing hunting knifes, and pocket pistols. Almost in unity the SWAT men prime there handguns.
Name: Lurch Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution! Currency: $10 Arms: Gorgon 2/9 Armour: None State: Grazed(Patched up) Items: Pick-axe, knife, gas mask, med-kit, smashed bottle.
As the cops and bar patrons prepare for this explosive firefight, I am busy hauling Merrin's unconscious body behind the counter which will hopefully provide adequate cover. I dump a bucket of dishwater on his head to wake his lazy arse up.
Name: Ilden A. Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Lightly bruised â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe. Barb-spitter 1/4, Snub-nosed Colt 1/6 k17 micro assault-rifle 20/20
Afterthough is Ildens middle name, of course I do!
Name: Gearun Stone Description: Gearun was born in the middle East, he was raised there, his father died, and his mother couldn't work, and they were very poor, so he sought out work as a Miner, he learnt how to use a Pick Axe and Drill, he decided to move over to the lands of Minerals, looking for a bigger fortune. Gearun is a 24 year old male ,he has straight, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and yellow ish skin tone. Currency:10$ Arms:Barb Spitter 5/6, Pocket pistol 3/4. Bolt Action Shotgun Lead Packer 7/6 Armour:Gas Mask,Kevlar State: Heavily bruised Items:Pick Axe, Dry Rations, Nightstick, Weapon suppressor, Pair of Cuffs. Try's to push the body over the steam wall, to block it.
Name: Lurch Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution! Currency: $10 Arms: Gorgon 2/9 Armour: None State: Grazed(Patched up) Items: Pick-axe, knife, gas mask, med-kit, smashed bottle.
There is no dish water behind the bar, supposedly they don't actually wash there dishes, there is however a bucket strategically placed under a leak in the roof. Splashing Merrin however has no effect and as a second swarm of SWAT men flood the bar armed with tazers guns and the stillness of the bar is filled with the bark of pistols being fired he remains unconscious.
Name: Ilden A. Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Lightly bruised â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe. Barb-spitter 1/4, Snub-nosed Colt 1/6 k17 micro assault-rifle 20/20
You open the elevator door and are immediately blinded by the harsh glare of flood lights. As your vision returns you see about 12 police aiming tranquilizer rifles at you, some are taking cover behind sand-bag walls, others and standing up holding riot shields.
Name: Gearun Stone Description: Gearun was born in the middle East, he was raised there, his father died, and his mother couldn't work, and they were very poor, so he sought out work as a Miner, he learnt how to use a Pick Axe and Drill, he decided to move over to the lands of Minerals, looking for a bigger fortune. Gearun is a 24 year old male ,he has straight, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and yellow ish skin tone. Currency:10$ Arms:Barb Spitter 5/6, Pocket pistol 3/4. Bolt Action Shotgun Lead Packer 7/6 Armour:Gas Mask,Kevlar State: Heavily bruised Items:Pick Axe, Dry Rations, Nightstick, Weapon suppressor, Pair of Cuffs.
You shove the dead cop onto the vent an block off half off it. The other half of the incredibly hot steam sprays out from around the guys body. the path is finally passable but you could be scolded.
Name: Gearun Stone Description: Gearun was born in the middle East, he was raised there, his father died, and his mother couldn't work, and they were very poor, so he sought out work as a Miner, he learnt how to use a Pick Axe and Drill, he decided to move over to the lands of Minerals, looking for a bigger fortune. Gearun is a 24 year old male ,he has straight, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and yellow ish skin tone. Currency:10$ Arms:Barb Spitter 5/6, Pocket pistol 3/4. Bolt Action Shotgun Lead Packer 7/6 Armour:Gas Mask,Kevlar State: Heavily bruised Items:Pick Axe, Dry Rations, Nightstick, Weapon suppressor, Pair of Cuffs Steps back, then charges forward jumping, hoping to get through unharmed.
Name: Gearun Stone Description: Gearun was born in the middle East, he was raised there, his father died, and his mother couldn't work, and they were very poor, so he sought out work as a Miner, he learnt how to use a Pick Axe and Drill, he decided to move over to the lands of Minerals, looking for a bigger fortune. Gearun is a 24 year old male ,he has straight, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and yellow ish skin tone. Currency:10$ Arms:Barb Spitter 5/6, Pocket pistol 3/4. Bolt Action Shotgun Lead Packer 7/6 Armour:Gas Mask,Kevlar State: Heavily bruised Items:Pick Axe, Dry Rations, Nightstick, Weapon suppressor, Pair of Cuffs
You leap over the dead cops body onto the other side of the path without getting scolded and find yourself standing at a fork in the trail, there is a ragged path going left and a steel door covered in beads of boiling water to the right.
Name: Ilden A. Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Lightly bruised â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe. Barb-spitter 1/4, Snub-nosed Colt 1/6 k17 micro assault-rifle 20/20
"Mercy." I muttered, probably to be tranquilized before I can react. Assult-rifle sounds good, I'll shoot into there ranks while I wait to be captured(/killed?).
Name: Lurch Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution! Currency: $10 Arms: Gorgon 2/9 Armour: None State: Grazed(Patched up) Items: Pick-axe, knife, gas mask, med-kit, smashed bottle
I begin frantically searching for any clear escape routes and violently shaking merrin awake
Name: Ilden A. Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Lightly bruised â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe. Barb-spitter 1/4, Snub-nosed Colt 1/6 k17 micro assault-rifle 20/20
You prime your carbine and start firing indiscriminately at the police defenses, immediately those riot shields flip up and there is the sound of bullets ricocheting of reinforced plexiglass. You feel a weight nudging your shoulder and glancing across see about three tranquilizer darts imbedded in it. Your vision swims and you feel the gravely embrace of the ground.
*** You wake in a militarily tent lying on a stretcher. There is a cold breeze and a incoherent but strangely comforting babbling coming from outside.
Name: Lurch Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution! Currency: $10 Arms: Gorgon 2/9 Armour: None State: Grazed(Patched up) Items: Pick-axe, knife, gas mask, med-kit, smashed bottle
There is a door leading out at the back of the pub, but Merrin doesn't wake up when you shake him, he is limp and surprisingly light. You might be able to carry him outside but standing would expose you to the brawling forces. Half the rouges are down, some have been shot, others restrained and cuffed.
Name: Ilden A. Rendegraver⨠Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.⨠Currency: $10⨠Arms: None Armour: Gas Mask⨠State: Lightly bruised â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe. Barb-spitter 1/4, Snub-nosed Colt 1/6 k17 micro assault-rifle 20/20
If I can get up, I will. Is there any food or equipment in the tent?