ForumsForum GamesWar For Ore (Mining RPG)

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1,146 posts

In the year 2034...
Mining can be dangerous, being crushed, suffocated, or trapped and starved to death are only the usual risks. You could also be redirected into the sewer and drowned, shot by other rogue miners, or eaten alive by monsters from the depths. But they pay is good, the right merchants will pay handsomely for minerals or metals, and the wrong merchants will pay the gear you steal from other miners.
To start your life as a miner fill out the character sheets below.

Description: Optional
Currency: $300
Arms: None
Armour: None
State: Healthy
Items: Pick-axe, knife.

Also spend you starter money for gear at Godmund's Shop.
(Note: Weapons will stay in your items list and not under arms until you choose to equipped them)

-------------------Godmund's Shop----------------------------------------------

Gas mask: Mask that blocks out toxic fumes with a cloth covered in charcoal, is made of laminated glass so it won't shatter if it cracks. $40

Rebreather: Mask which recycles the air the wearer is breathing. $100

Kevlar: Dense synthetic body armour, well capable of stopping any non-magnum bullet under 7mm and spreading the impact force. $100


Name: Colt Predator
Type: Revolver
Type stats: Double-action Non-magnum
Ammunition: 10mm lead bullets
Ammunition feed type: six chambers
Cost: $150

Name: Concord-forger
Type: Revolver
Type stats: Double-action Magnum
Ammunition: 7mm lead bullets
Ammunition feed type: six chamber
Cost: $180

Name: Snyder and Kemp
Type: Handgun
Type stats: Single-action
Ammunition: 6mm bullets
Ammunition feed type: 12 bullets in a clip
Cost: $120

Name: Gorgon
Type: Handgun
Type stats: Double-action
Ammunition: 9mm bullets
Ammunition feed type: 8 bullets in a clip
Cost: $200

Name: Double barrel
Type: Shotgun
Type stats: 15mm bore
Ammunition: Buckshot
Ammunition feed type: Brake-action, two shells
Cost: $150

Name: Barb Spitter
Type: Shotgun
Type stats: 12mm bore Pump-action
Ammunition: Fletchette shells
Ammunition feed type: four shells
Cost: $150

Name: Uzi
Type: Sub-machine gun
Type stats: 12RPG
Ammunition: 5mm bullets
Ammunition feed type: 25 bullet clip
Cost: $200

Name: Waster
Type: Sniper rifle
Type stats: Magnum, laser-pointed
Ammunition: 11mm magnum bullets
Ammunition feed type: One bolt-action loaded round
Cost: $210


Medical attention: Healing for all injuries. $20

Medical kit: For healing whilst in the mines, limited resources. $50

Medical Insurance: Unlimited free medical attention. $650


  • 742 Replies
529 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: (Unreachable) Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: (Unreachable) Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3

"And the rest of your group?"

1,146 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: (Unreachable) Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: (Unreachable) Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3

"They got sent straight to the police."
Merrin trails off as the door to the basement opens and a peace-officer type policemen. The peace-officers are the most civilian related branch of the law force, wearing what resemble modern police uniforms, but with a white sash over a blue coat.
The officer moves toward Merrin and fiddles with the locks on his chains.

1,146 posts

Name: Ilden A. Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $133 - minus small random amount of money
Arms: None
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Bruised.
â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe.,
k17 micro assault-rifle 9/10(20)

I pay the taxi-driver with a piece of Ãrevoks and a small random amount of money, then get out of the car and duck for cover behind something. What side do there seem to be in the conflict?

529 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: (Unreachable) Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: (Unreachable) Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3

I speak up a little, "Hey piggy, where the hell are we?"

1,146 posts

Name: Ilden A. Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $132.45
Arms: None
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Bruised.
â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, small Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe.,
k17 micro assault-rifle 9/10(20)

There seems to be guy-wearing-mining-kit vs guys-wearing-red-jackets.
From behind the dustbin your hiding behind you can see the miner firing a machine-pistol at the other guy.

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: (Unreachable) Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: (Unreachable) Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3

The cop is silent for a minute while he wrestles with the apposing rules of 'don't talk to criminals' and 'always be helpful to citizens before finally saying "Sachrine City PineVale USA, but I ain't telling a convict the continent."
Satisfied he unlock Merrin before cuffing him. He moves toward you.

536 posts

Name: Ilden A. Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $132.45
Arms: None
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Bruised.
â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, small Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe.,
k17 micro assault-rifle 9/10(20)

I'm guessing the guys in red are the JigJams or Santa's helpers, either way, I try to snipe em from behind the dustbin with my rifle.

529 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: (Unreachable) Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: (Unreachable) Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3

As soon as he frees one of my hands I try to grab the keys, and kick him in the groin.

1,146 posts

Name: Ilden A. Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $132.45
Arms: None
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Bruised.
â¨Items: ,Medical Kit, small Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journalâ¨, Pick Axe.,
k17 micro assault-rifle 5/10(20)

You start firing the assault-rifle on single-fire mode and send one Jigjam scurrying back to he car. As the miner makes the second Jigjam drop to the soil.

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: (Unreachable) Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: (Unreachable) Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3

The cop jumps back before you can steal his keys, or his chance of having offspring. Merrin however takes the opportunity to lunge for his Snyder & Kemp. He fires it and the peace-officers belted Colt Predator clatter to the ground. The cop blanches but whips out a tazer, runs at Merrin,

and trips over his own gun.

529 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: (Unreachable) Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: (Unreachable) Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3

If he's close enough I try and kick him again

1,146 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3

He's lying down so kicking him doesn't achieve much. You do it any way I assume. Merrin unlocks you and helps tie up the cop using large careful bunny ears.

529 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3

I pick up the cop's tazer and gun, as well as the rest of my belongings.
"Alright, let's find a way out of here," I say as I crack the door enough to see outside the room.

1,146 posts


Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3, Colt Predator 6/6, combat TAZER.

You can see a Jigam in double kevlar resting on a chair.
You can also hear people muttering in broken English.

529 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3, Colt Predator 6/6, combat TAZER.

I open the door fully and point my gun at the resting Jigjam's face. I try to take him hostage.

1,146 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3, Colt Predator 6/6, combat TAZER.

The Jigjam immediately lunges at you, tackling you to the ground. While you wrestle Merrin shoots your assailant three times in the back but the lead is stopped by the vests.

529 posts

Name: Lurch
Description: Young punk-rocker and general low-life. He became a miner to further his knowledge of explosives so he might one day overthrow the government. Viva la Revolution!
Currency: $145
Arms: Hagwraith micro 16/20 (20)
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy,
Items: Pick-axe, combat knife, med-kit, ,Paccer And Chesson Magnum's x3, Colt Predator 6/6, combat TAZER.

I try to force him off of me so I can shoot.

Showing 571-585 of 742