Hey, this is my new thread game, NO SPAM AND STAY WITH THE RULES. My last one didn't go so well. KEEP it clean people! Nothing thats not related to the topic, no talk of sex, sexual parts, or anything related. GOT THAT? I can't think of anything else. No spam which is a given to any topic.
SO here's how it works.
Example Bot1: Would you go pool hoping for an autographed photo of your favorite rockstar/band/Movie star?
Example Bot2: Yeah. Would you walk in a gun store and crack a glass case and run out for a 10 billion dollar plant?
would you jump off a bridge landing on sharp jagged boulders than get ripped apart by a mulcher, than thrown it to a quarry and blown up just because everyone else did?
I would assassinate the monkey.(Ty Koshi) It probably wouldn't know how to use the Uzi's anyway.
Would you fly into thunder(In a plane(thunder is really just electrical ice crystals. In fact, they might not be electrical)) to save the woman/man of your dreams?
1. Sure. But I wouldn't use a plain. I'd use a FLYING CARPET! (preferably shag)
2. no
would you rather eat 500 burrito's in 1 hour to win 100,000 dollars, with the risk of permanent heartburn. Or attempt to lift 500 pounds (with your current body mass) for 1,000,000 dollars, with the risk of ruining your body for life?
Eww... Well... I'd slap Chuck then before he roundhouse kicks me pull out 10 One hundred dollar bills, and then run.(Bonus Chuck Norris joke: When on location for the filming of "Walker Texas Ranger" Chuck brought a new baby lamb. When the day was over, Chuck roundhouse kicked the lamb to remind the crew; Chuck giveth, and the good chuck taketh.(Not sure if I got it right... I'll post that on the thread though xD))
Would you eat a Venus fly trap or put yourself in a straight jacket and throw yourself into a pool of swordfish and lobsters and escape before you get eaten with everyone you care about watching for... A 3 wishes, anything you wish for.(I'd do the first)
baby lamb, i want all the money in the world then with that create brainwashing machines so noone will know i made out with a lamb
1.Eat the most delicious thing in the entire universe but then die 5 seconds after 2. become a super hero but only live for 30 days 3. be on at armorgames and die in 7 days after you read this post
Would you get struck by lightning for superpowers but there is a risk, you might; A: Die, B: Look like the Prof. from the Family Guy episode: Brian Goes to College. Would you do it for superpowers, or not superpowers?
1. in 5 seconds and know whether Heaven and Hell exist. 2. and become super-intelligent zombie so you know what you are doing.. 3. by mutant ninja monkeys while having 39 banana's shoved in your mouth and no milk!!!!