Lol this is just a game I am developping for fun. Just a run around RPG type not too serious. My heroes name is Gene Eric. Might change it to Jean Eric but I fear people won't get the irony. Arrows to move, can't do much yet. Run over mage to speak, space to attack(try attacking the mage) and then attack the rock, attacking the rock will be how my battles with play out. Sortoff the Tales series(symphony, phantasia and so on). Hopefully this works out well. We will see!
To try it out, go and click on Game in Dev: Legend of Quest
Or try and go directly: I am bad with linking so don't hate me.
Ok, I played the Legend of Quest game. It is really fun, except try making it so you can move diagonally by pressing down two arrow keys. It got a little frustrating having to click down and the left, down and then left.
Also, I'm guessing since it's really early in development, after killing the "rock" I couldn't get out of there.
Looks like it would be really great though.
P.S. - Are you going to submit the galaxy game on here?
Sharkbate said: I love the new gaem.Its pretty good but why does the magic dude die so fast and why do you fight a rock?Kinda funny lol.Anyways pretty good so far.
I think that the magic guy dies so fast just for a little bit of fun, and I think that you fight a rock just to show how the battles work, I bet when it gets more developed you will fight different things.
I killed the rock, but then I couldn't get out of that screen haha. Anywho, looks like a good game in the making, maybe in a month or so I will see it on the front page of this site!
Updated it. Long load now cause I put like 3 full songs in there.. Pretty much all I did was add 2 attacks and a mana bar in the battle with the rock. use C and V to use Fire Slash and Ice Storm! :P
Ok, pretty cool, just one thing you should do... Please change the sound of the sword, it's really loud and annoying. Also, are you planning on making boundaries, because right now the little stick guy can walk and walk and walk out of the screen. Haha.
The game is better but you still cant get out of the screen after battleing the rock lol.anyways you shoudl add liek a shop where you can spend the gold you get.