ForumsForum GamesWasteland (Fallout Survival/Adventure RPG)

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605 posts

War...War Never Changes...
The year is 2377 and it has been 100 years since the 101 Vault dweller destroyed the enclave presidential bunker in D.C. New York, once a beautiful, prosperous state has been devastated including it's largest city, New York city, which lies as a crumbling ruin. Dangers and opportunities lie around every dark and mysterious corner, How will you make your mark?

Story-Choose One:

Vault Dweller: Your family was one of the lucky ones to live in a Vault-Tec Vault during the worst of the Nuclear Fallout. You had everything in there, food, water, entertainment and the near best education in the wasteland. Something is wrong however, and it is time to leave and rebuild society
Add Perk: Educated (More skill points learned from books)

Settler: Your family and several others managed to survive on the outside when the bombs fell. You now live in a close-knit community growing what crops you can but mostly raising Brahmin. You get that itch everyone does after being there so long and want to explore the world and bring something to further your community so you pack up your supplies and leave
Add Perk: Lead Belly (50% resistance to radiation when drinking un-clean water)

Raider: There is no more government so everything is free for the pickings. You were born into one of the many raider groups. They taught you how to kill and survive. Raiding has the drugs, weapons, and all the caps you could need, What is better than that?
Add Perk: Chemist (Chems last twice as long)

Brotherhood Paladin: Like most other member of the Brotherhood of Steel, you were born into it. Your order is the only thing stopping the abuse of technology that now sits across the wasteland and you stop the occasional super mutant attack or two.
Add Perks: Power Suit Training and Robotics Expert (+25% damage to robots and shut them down if snuck up on)

Wanderer: You survived the worst the wasteland has to offer and have come out alive. You do not belong anywhere really but go to town and trade every so often. It is a lonely life however and a high risk of death.
Add Perk: Swift Learner (+10% Exp. where ever it is gained)

Character Sheet:
Gender: Female or Male
Age: (18-40)
Description: (2 line Minimum)
Bio: (4 line Minimum)
S.P.E.C.I.A.L (Allocate 45 points)
Strength: (Melee Weapons, Carry Weight, Melee Damage)
Perception: (Explosives, Lockpick, Energy Weapons,)
Endurance: (Unarmed, Survival, Hit Points, Radiation Resistance, Poison Resistance, Implants, Big Guns)
Charisma: (Barter, Speech)
Intelligence: (skill points per level, dialogue options, Medicine, Repair, Science, Explosives)
Agility: (Guns, Sneak, Drawing/Holstering speeds, Reload Speeds)
Luck: (all skills, Critical Chance, odds in casino games, some random encounters)
[i]Skils-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points (Skills will also be affected by your S.P.E.C.I.A.L points)
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 15
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 15
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 15
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Health: (Determined by Endurance)
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

(I will add a ghoul option if it gets 3 votes)

  • 20 Replies
605 posts

(I forgot to add the perk section)
Character Sheet:
Gender: Female or Male
Age: (18-40)
Description: (2 line Minimum)
Bio: (4 line Minimum)
S.P.E.C.I.A.L (Allocate 45 points)
Strength: (Melee Weapons, Carry Weight, Melee Damage)
Perception: (Explosives, Lockpick, Energy Weapons,)
Endurance: (Unarmed, Survival, Hit Points, Radiation Resistance, Poison Resistance, Implants, Big Guns)
Charisma: (Barter, Speech)
Intelligence: (skill points per level, dialogue options, Medicine, Repair, Science, Explosives)
Agility: (Guns, Sneak, Drawing/Holstering speeds, Reload Speeds)
Luck: (all skills, Critical Chance, odds in casino games, some random encounters)
Skils-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points (Skills will also be affected by your S.P.E.C.I.A.L points)
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 15
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 15
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 15
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Health: (Determined by Endurance)
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

960 posts

Name: Sarah Curtis
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Story: Wanderer
Description: 5ft. 5in. 140 lbs. Shoulder Length Brown Hair, White Skin, Green Eyes.
Bio: Sarah was once a settler, she lived in Megaton (i'm assuming this is the Capital Wasteland?) but everything changed when the raiders attacked. They took her family and her best friend Justin Erwin. When she finally found the raiders her father was dead, Justin was close and her mother and sister had been used for the raiders. None of them survived and now she wanders the wastes helping anyone who needs help.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 5
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Perks: Swift Learner,
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 15
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 35
Small Guns: 35
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Health: (Determined by Endurance)
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

4,584 posts

Name:Storm Keket Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Story:Vault Dweller
Description: Storm is of average height and weight. She has short, straight, wavy, white hair. Her eyes are a reddish brown color and shaped like a wolf's. Despite living in a vault for most of her life her skin is slightly tanned.
Bio: Storm was born to a rich family that owns and runs her home vault. Because of this Storm and her siblings have been somewhat spoiled. Storm has an older brother and a twin. Her older brother is named Amoon and her twin is named Drake. For a long while vault 235 has managed to avoid problems but now the power source that powered the vault has ran out. This is what has lead to Storm's family to thinking of living outside of the vault. Unfortunately Storm is one of the few brave enough to explore the outside world and help vault 235 establish some resources.
Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Perks: Educated (More skill points learned from books)
Skills-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 15
Lockpick: 35
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 35
Repair: 15
Science: 15
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Health: (Determined by Endurance)
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

605 posts

Name: Sarah Curtis
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Story: Wanderer
Description: 5ft. 5in. 140 lbs. Shoulder Length Brown Hair, White Skin, Green Eyes.
Bio: Sarah was once a settler, she lived in Megaton but everything changed when the raiders attacked. They took her family and her best friend Justin Erwin. When she finally found the raiders her father was dead, Justin was close and her mother and sister had been used for the raiders. None of them survived and now she wanders the wastes helping anyone who needs help.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 5
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Perks: Swift Learner,
Barter: 17
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 19
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 19
Small Guns: 37
Sneak: 15
Speech: 17
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: 0/1000 ExP
Health: 200/200 HP, 10% resistance to damage
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Varmint Riffle (5/90 5.56 mm, durability 80%, WT 8), Wanderer's Leather Armor (24 DR, WT 15, Durability 90%), Butcher's Knife (10 Dmg, 100% durability, WT 2), five stimpacks(Heal for 65 HP), canned food (10 out of 10 cans, + 2 rads per can WT 2.5), bottled water (10 out of 10 bottles, +2 rads per bottle WT 2.5)
Weight: 40/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

(It takes place in around New York City between Fallout 3 and New Vegas. There are plenty of suburbs and towns. Make your town up. This gives plenty of options for the game being set in a new environment and area)
It is the beginning of a new day in the wasteland as you walk down the highway, it isn't a very exciting scene except for the two mole rats chewing on a giant mantis up ahead, you could use the practice after such a long walk or you could conserve your precious ammo. There is a large rock to your left where the mole rats might not be able to climb.

Name:Storm Keket Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Story:Vault Dweller
Description: Storm is of average height and weight. She has short, straight, wavy, white hair. Her eyes are a reddish brown color and shaped like a wolf's. Despite living in a vault for most of her life her skin is slightly tanned.
Bio: Storm was born to a rich family that owns and runs her home vault. Because of this Storm and her siblings have been somewhat spoiled. Storm has an older brother and a twin. Her older brother is named Amoon and her twin is named Drake. For a long while vault 235 has managed to avoid problems but now the power source that powered the vault has ran out. This is what has lead to Storm's family to thinking of living outside of the vault. Unfortunately Storm is one of the few brave enough to explore the outside world and help vault 235 establish some resources.
Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Perks: Educated (More skill points learned from books)
Skills-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 25
Lockpick: 35
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 35
Repair: 15
Science: 25
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: ExP: 0/1000
Health: 200/200 HP
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Armored Vault 235 Jumpsuit (16 DR, 10 WT, durability 100%), 10mm Pistol (8 Dmg 12/144 rnds, WT 6, durability 100%), Baseball bat (9 Dmg, 10 WT, durability 85%), bottled water-pure(10 out of 10 WT 2), preserved canned food (10 out of 10, WT 3)
Weight: 31/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

You step outside your family Vault-Tech Vault for the first time. The sun blinds you for a few seconds, before your eyesight comes back. The good news, your family mansion is mostly intact and could hold some supplies still. As you approach however, you can see two raiders trying to enter the front door. They have very little armor and golf clubs. They looked drugged out of their minds

4,584 posts

Name:Storm Keket Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Story:Vault Dweller
Description: Storm is of average height and weight. She has short, straight, wavy, white hair. Her eyes are a reddish brown color and shaped like a wolf's. Despite living in a vault for most of her life her skin is slightly tanned.
Bio: Storm was born to a rich family that owns and runs her home vault. Because of this Storm and her siblings have been somewhat spoiled. Storm has an older brother and a twin. Her older brother is named Amoon and her twin is named Drake. For a long while vault 235 has managed to avoid problems but now the power source that powered the vault has ran out. This is what has lead to Storm's family to thinking of living outside of the vault. Unfortunately Storm is one of the few brave enough to explore the outside world and help vault 235 establish some resources.
Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Perks: Educated (More skill points learned from books)
Skills-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 25
Lockpick: 35
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 35
Repair: 15
Science: 25
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: ExP: 0/1000
Health: 200/200 HP
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Armored Vault 235 Jumpsuit (16 DR, 10 WT, durability 100%), 10mm Pistol (8 Dmg 12/144 rnds, WT 6, durability 100%), Baseball bat (9 Dmg, 10 WT, durability 85%), bottled water-pure(10 out of 10 WT 2), preserved canned food (10 out of 10, WT 3)
Weight: 31/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

I try to sneak close enough to shoot one of them even though I'm better with a melee weapon.

605 posts

Name:Storm Keket Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Story:Vault Dweller
Description: Storm is of average height and weight. She has short, straight, wavy, white hair. Her eyes are a reddish brown color and shaped like a wolf's. Despite living in a vault for most of her life her skin is slightly tanned.
Bio: Storm was born to a rich family that owns and runs her home vault. Because of this Storm and her siblings have been somewhat spoiled. Storm has an older brother and a twin. Her older brother is named Amoon and her twin is named Drake. For a long while vault 235 has managed to avoid problems but now the power source that powered the vault has ran out. This is what has lead to Storm's family to thinking of living outside of the vault. Unfortunately Storm is one of the few brave enough to explore the outside world and help vault 235 establish some resources.
Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Perks: Educated (More skill points learned from books)
Skills-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 25
Lockpick: 35
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 35
Repair: 15
Science: 25
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: ExP: 0/1000
Health: 200/200 HP
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Armored Vault 235 Jumpsuit (16 DR, 10 WT, durability 100%), 10mm Pistol (8 Dmg 12/144 rnds, WT 6, durability 100%), Baseball bat (9 Dmg, 10 WT, durability 85%), bottled water-pure(10 out of 10 WT 2), preserved canned food (10 out of 10, WT 3), 5 stimpacks (Heals 56 HP)
Weight: 31/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

They are too busy banging on the door to really hear you coming "This freakin' door, I know the got goods in there!" Raider 1 says angrily, Raider 2 smashes it with his golf club and makes a hole in the door "There we go!" Raider 2 says. You have clear sight of the two raiders. You practice in the VR simulator better pay off. There doesn't appear to be more raiders around.

4,584 posts

Name:Storm Keket Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Story:Vault Dweller
Description: Storm is of average height and weight. She has short, straight, wavy, white hair. Her eyes are a reddish brown color and shaped like a wolf's. Despite living in a vault for most of her life her skin is slightly tanned.
Bio: Storm was born to a rich family that owns and runs her home vault. Because of this Storm and her siblings have been somewhat spoiled. Storm has an older brother and a twin. Her older brother is named Amoon and her twin is named Drake. For a long while vault 235 has managed to avoid problems but now the power source that powered the vault has ran out. This is what has lead to Storm's family to thinking of living outside of the vault. Unfortunately Storm is one of the few brave enough to explore the outside world and help vault 235 establish some resources.
Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Perks: Educated (More skill points learned from books)
Skills-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 25
Lockpick: 35
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 35
Repair: 15
Science: 25
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: ExP: 0/1000
Health: 200/200 HP
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Armored Vault 235 Jumpsuit (16 DR, 10 WT, durability 100%), 10mm Pistol (8 Dmg 12/144 rnds, WT 6, durability 100%), Baseball bat (9 Dmg, 10 WT, durability 85%), bottled water-pure(10 out of 10 WT 2), preserved canned food (10 out of 10, WT 3), 5 stimpacks (Heals 56 HP)
Weight: 31/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

I aim and then fire just like I had been taught by my twin since he was better at guns then me.

605 posts

Name:Storm Keket Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Story:Vault Dweller
Description: Storm is of average height and weight. She has short, straight, wavy, white hair. Her eyes are a reddish brown color and shaped like a wolf's. Despite living in a vault for most of her life her skin is slightly tanned.
Bio: Storm was born to a rich family that owns and runs her home vault. Because of this Storm and her siblings have been somewhat spoiled. Storm has an older brother and a twin. Her older brother is named Amoon and her twin is named Drake. For a long while vault 235 has managed to avoid problems but now the power source that powered the vault has ran out. This is what has lead to Storm's family to thinking of living outside of the vault. Unfortunately Storm is one of the few brave enough to explore the outside world and help vault 235 establish some resources.
Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Perks: Educated (More skill points learned from books)
Skills-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 25
Lockpick: 35
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 35
Repair: 15
Science: 25
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: ExP: 10/1000
Health: 200/200 HP
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Armored Vault 235 Jumpsuit (16 DR, 10 WT, durability 100%), 10mm Pistol (8 Dmg, 9/12 141 rnds, WT 6, durability 100%), Baseball bat (9 Dmg, 10 WT, durability 85%), bottled water-pure(10 out of 10 WT 2), preserved canned food (10 out of 10, WT 3), 5 stimpacks (Heals 56 HP)
Weight: 31/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

You pull the trigger and manage to get a clean headshot on the first raider, his rag-tag armor doing nothing to stop the 10mm slug as blood splatter on the door. The other raider turns around only to have a round tear through his chest and another through his heart. It is now safe to approach your mansion.

960 posts

Name: Sarah Curtis
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Story: Wanderer
Description: 5ft. 5in. 140 lbs. Shoulder Length Brown Hair, White Skin, Green Eyes.
Bio: Sarah was once a settler, she lived in a town called Bubblegum but everything changed when the raiders attacked. They took her family and her best friend Justin Erwin. When she finally found the raiders her father was dead, Justin was close and her mother and sister had been used for the raiders. None of them survived and now she wanders the wastes helping anyone who needs help.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 5
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Perks: Swift Learner,
Barter: 17
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 19
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 19
Small Guns: 37
Sneak: 15
Speech: 17
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: 0/1000 ExP
Health: 200/200 HP, 10% resistance to damage
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Varmint Riffle (5/90 5.56 mm, durability 80%, WT 8), Wanderer's Leather Armor (24 DR, WT 15, Durability 90%), Butcher's Knife (10 Dmg, 100% durability, WT 2), five stimpacks(Heal for 65 HP), canned food (10 out of 10 cans, + 2 rads per can WT 2.5), bottled water (10 out of 10 bottles, +2 rads per bottle WT 2.5)
Weight: 40/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

I pull out my knife and get ready for melee combat. (Do I have VATS?)

4,584 posts

Name:Storm Keket Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Story:Vault Dweller
Description: Storm is of average height and weight. She has short, straight, wavy, white hair. Her eyes are a reddish brown color and shaped like a wolf's. Despite living in a vault for most of her life her skin is slightly tanned.
Bio: Storm was born to a rich family that owns and runs her home vault. Because of this Storm and her siblings have been somewhat spoiled. Storm has an older brother and a twin. Her older brother is named Amoon and her twin is named Drake. For a long while vault 235 has managed to avoid problems but now the power source that powered the vault has ran out. This is what has lead to Storm's family to thinking of living outside of the vault. Unfortunately Storm is one of the few brave enough to explore the outside world and help vault 235 establish some resources.
Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Perks: Educated (More skill points learned from books)
Skills-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 25
Lockpick: 35
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 35
Repair: 15
Science: 25
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: Exp: 10/1000
Health: 200/200 HP
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Armored Vault 235 Jumpsuit (16 DR, 10 WT, durability 100%), 10mm Pistol (8 Dmg, 9/12 141 rounds, WT 6, durability 100%), Baseball bat (9 Dmg, 10 WT, durability 85%), bottled water-pure(10 out of 10 WT 2), preserved canned food (10 out of 10, WT 3), 5 stimpacks (Heals 56 HP)
Weight: 31/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

I head over to the corpses and loot them. After that I will try to get into my family's mansion. There should be a key hidden by the door. If there isn't then I will just lockpick the door.

605 posts

Name: Sarah Curtis
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Story: Wanderer
Description: 5ft. 5in. 140 lbs. Shoulder Length Brown Hair, White Skin, Green Eyes.
Bio: Sarah was once a settler, she lived in a town called Bubblegum but everything changed when the raiders attacked. They took her family and her best friend Justin Erwin. When she finally found the raiders her father was dead, Justin was close and her mother and sister had been used for the raiders. None of them survived and now she wanders the wastes helping anyone who needs help.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 5
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Perks: Swift Learner,
Barter: 17
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 19
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 19
Small Guns: 37
Sneak: 15
Speech: 17
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: 0/1000 ExP
Health: 200/200 HP, 10% resistance to damage
AP: 100/100 Points
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Varmint Riffle (5/90 5.56 mm, durability 80%, WT 8), Wanderer's Leather Armor (24 DR, WT 15, Durability 90%), Butcher's Knife (10 Dmg, 100% durability, WT 2), five stimpacks(Heal for 65 HP), canned food (10 out of 10 cans, + 2 rads per can WT 2.5), bottled water (10 out of 10 bottles, +2 rads per bottle WT 2.5)
Weight: 40/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

MoleRats X2: 30/30 HP
(I wasn't really planning on it but I guess I could implement it) You focus on the mole-rats(Costs 5 Ap for limb critical, 8 Ap for head critical) with your butcher knife drawn, your varmint rifle slung around your shoulder. One mole rate begins to sniff the air, they have noticed you. It's now or never to make your move.

Name:Storm Keket Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Story:Vault Dweller
Description: Storm is of average height and weight. She has short, straight, wavy, white hair. Her eyes are a reddish brown color and shaped like a wolf's. Despite living in a vault for most of her life her skin is slightly tanned.
Bio: Storm was born to a rich family that owns and runs her home vault. Because of this Storm and her siblings have been somewhat spoiled. Storm has an older brother and a twin. Her older brother is named Amoon and her twin is named Drake. For a long while vault 235 has managed to avoid problems but now the power source that powered the vault has ran out. This is what has lead to Storm's family to thinking of living outside of the vault. Unfortunately Storm is one of the few brave enough to explore the outside world and help vault 235 establish some resources.
Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Perks: Educated (More skill points learned from books)
Skills-Choose 3 to raise by 20 points
Barter: 15
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 25
Lockpick: 35
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 35
Repair: 15
Science: 25
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: Exp: 10/1000
Health: 200/200 HP
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Armored Vault 235 Jumpsuit (16 DR, 10 WT, durability 100%), 10mm Pistol (8 Dmg, 9/12 141 rounds, WT 6, durability 99.7%), Baseball bat (9 Dmg, 10 WT, durability 85%), bottled water-pure(10 out of 10 WT 2), preserved canned food (10 out of 10, WT 3), 6 stimpacks (Heals 65 HP), 2 Jet (Restore 25 AP), one pyscho (+30% Damage) Golf Club (10 Dmg, 68% Durabilty, 10 WT), Motorcycle Helmet (3 DR, 71% Durability, 1 WT)
Weight: 42/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

The key is ruined and rusted over. You try your hand at picking the lock and it clicks thanks to your knowledge in picking locks. You open the door and see the ceiling has caved in at some parts and there's rubble all over the ground. Directly in front of you is a large staircase leading up to the second floor, to your left is the dining room and kitchen, and to your right is the living room, study, and rec room. You also see a cabinet and some nightstands in the room you are now

960 posts

Name: Sarah Curtis
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Story: Wanderer
Description: 5ft. 5in. 140 lbs. Shoulder Length Brown Hair, White Skin, Green Eyes.
Bio: Sarah was once a settler, she lived in a town called Bubblegum but everything changed when the raiders attacked. They took her family and her best friend Justin Erwin. When she finally found the raiders her father was dead, Justin was close and her mother and sister had been used for the raiders. None of them survived and now she wanders the wastes helping anyone who needs help.
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Perks: Swift Learner,
Barter: 17
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 19
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 19
Small Guns: 37
Sneak: 15
Speech: 17
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: 0/1000 ExP
Health: 200/200 HP, 10% resistance to damage
AP: 100/100 Points
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Varmint Riffle (5/90 5.56 mm, durability 80%, WT 8), Wanderer's Leather Armor (24 DR, WT 15, Durability 90%), Butcher's Knife (10 Dmg, 100% durability, WT 2), five stimpacks(Heal for 65 HP), canned food (10 out of 10 cans, + 2 rads per can WT 2.5), bottled water (10 out of 10 bottles, +2 rads per bottle WT 2.5)
Weight: 40/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

I go for a head slice on the closer one.

605 posts

Name: Sarah Curtis
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Story: Wanderer
Description: 5ft. 5in. 140 lbs. Shoulder Length Brown Hair, White Skin, Green Eyes.
Bio: Sarah was once a settler, she lived in a town called Bubblegum but everything changed when the raiders attacked. They took her family and her best friend Justin Erwin. When she finally found the raiders her father was dead, Justin was close and her mother and sister had been used for the raiders. None of them survived and now she wanders the wastes helping anyone who needs help.
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Perks: Swift Learner,
Barter: 17
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 19
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 19
Small Guns: 37
Sneak: 15
Speech: 17
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: 0/1000 ExP
Health: 193/200 HP, 10% resistance to damage
AP: 92/100 Points
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Varmint Riffle (5/90 5.56 mm, durability 80%, WT 8), Wanderer's Leather Armor (24 DR, WT 15, Durability 90%), Butcher's Knife (10 Dmg, 100% durability, WT 2), five stimpacks(Heal for 65 HP), canned food (10 out of 10 cans, + 2 rads per can WT 2.5), bottled water (10 out of 10 bottles, +2 rads per bottle WT 2.5)
Weight: 40/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

You swing your butcher knife right through the first molerat's skull but just as you do so the other one flanks you and bites your leg and he is not letting go as pain tears through your leg.

960 posts

Name: Sarah Curtis
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Story: Wanderer
Description: 5ft. 5in. 140 lbs. Shoulder Length Brown Hair, White Skin, Green Eyes.
Bio: Sarah was once a settler, she lived in a town called Bubblegum but everything changed when the raiders attacked. They took her family and her best friend Justin Erwin. When she finally found the raiders her father was dead, Justin was close and her mother and sister had been used for the raiders. None of them survived and now she wanders the wastes helping anyone who needs help.
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Perks: Swift Learner,
Barter: 17
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 19
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 19
Small Guns: 37
Sneak: 15
Speech: 17
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: 0/1000 ExP
Health: 193/200 HP, 10% resistance to damage
AP: 92/100 Points
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Varmint Riffle (5/90 5.56 mm, durability 80%, WT 8), Wanderer's Leather Armor (24 DR, WT 15, Durability 90%), Butcher's Knife (10 Dmg, 100% durability, WT 2), five stimpacks(Heal for 65 HP), canned food (10 out of 10 cans, + 2 rads per can WT 2.5), bottled water (10 out of 10 bottles, +2 rads per bottle WT 2.5)
Weight: 40/200
Hunger: 100%
Hydration 100%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

I say "Errrrg" Then I try to slice that one.

605 posts

Name: Sarah Curtis
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Story: Wanderer
Description: 5ft. 5in. 140 lbs. Shoulder Length Brown Hair, White Skin, Green Eyes.
Bio: Sarah was once a settler, she lived in a town called Bubblegum but everything changed when the raiders attacked. They took her family and her best friend Justin Erwin. When she finally found the raiders her father was dead, Justin was close and her mother and sister had been used for the raiders. None of them survived and now she wanders the wastes helping anyone who needs help.
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Perks: Swift Learner,
Barter: 17
Big Guns: 15
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 19
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 15
Science: 19
Small Guns: 37
Sneak: 15
Speech: 17
Unarmed: 15
Lvl 1: 0/1000 ExP
Health: 193/200 HP, 10% resistance to damage
AP: 92/100 Points
Radiation: 0/1000
Inventory: Varmint Riffle (5/90 5.56 mm, durability 80%, WT 8), Wanderer's Leather Armor (24 DR, WT 15, Durability 90%), Butcher's Knife (10 Dmg, 100% durability, WT 2), five stimpacks(Heal for 65 HP), canned food (10 out of 10 cans, + 2 rads per can WT 2.5), bottled water (10 out of 10 bottles, +2 rads per bottle WT 2.5)
Weight: 40/200
Hunger: 99%
Hydration 99%
Injuries: None
Relations: None

Your cleaver slams right down on it's skull and its bite loosens. Luckily the bite didn't do too much damage to your leg but no there's two less molerats in the world. Up ahead reads a road sign "New Hayesburg 10 miles." that's quite a walk but ahead of you just in sight is a nice sized house by what looks like a Poseidon Gas station.

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