ForumsForum Games[NECRO] Figure it out!

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ok heres what i am going to do. I am going to give you 5 stories and you have to figure out which ones are bougus and which one is true. When i see that there are enough responses i will tell you the answer.

#1: A woman has been shopping for an hour fighting of salepersons. When she thinks she is finish with them. When she is walking to her car a saleperson walks behind her and asks her to try his puffume. He says he will go if she does. She smells it. She says it stinks. So she walks to her car. She begis to fell lightheaded. Everything starts move in slow motion. When she finally makes it to her car she drops her keys. She falls and the last face she sees is that of the salesperson. When she wakes up she finds that her watch,purse,keys, and car are missing. Can the salesperson/bugalr really do this or does this story smell funny.

#2a group of freinds are walking in a semetary. They are walking when they see a staue. her freinds say that it is haunted and that no one can spend a night without being scared of. One of the freinds says she can. So she makes a slappong spot and decieds to stay for the night. The next morning her freinds find her sleeping at the foot of the statue. They are suprised. they go over to wake her but a last she wont wake up. Shes is dead. But can a ghost of a statue really kill a person?

#3 A doctor is seeing a patient. She says that she thinks she has a rash. Eh looks at it and he can figure what she is diesed with. HE deciiced to take a sample of the "rash". HE says he will call her when he figures what it is. Soon enough he gets a report that says her rash is a fleah eaing disese and that she needs surgey to keep her hands. Eh continues to see patiens when he sees a tenn-age boy with a job a the groocey store. HE has the same flesh eating disese execept it has advandced more than the womans. the docter says he needs to have his hands removed for any chance of survival. The docter decideds to look into this.He noticies that monkeys in costa rica have recently been spreading this disese. He decides to callthe woman and asked her if she had bought any furit. She said yes. Then he comes to a shockink conclusion .They had both been dealing with bannas. is this true or is this false?

#4 A account manager that is fed up. Eh has a report with numbers that dont add up. He deciedes to take it out on his employess. He starts yelling at him on the report. Then he figures out there is another person to yell at. So he goes to him and tells him to fix the report. When he thinks that nothing else could go wrong he gets what he wanted. His takeout lunch. But he is wronged agian when he got the wrong soft drink. Eh yells at the empolyee and storms into the lunch room. He goes to the soda dispenser and inserts the money he clicks the button and the soda is jammed he is madder than ever. he starts to hit the and shake the machine. Eh is kicking it and is determined to get his soda. Then the machine starts to fall and he is crushed.But was a life cut short to save a buck?

#5 A woman and her husband are geting ready to go to a halloween party. The wonman has a migrane so she decides to let the husband go without her. She takes a pill then goes to sleep. She wakes up an hour later an she feeling better. it s still early and she decides to go to the party. When she gets there she sees her husband talking to a coustume cutie. She thinks that her husband is cheating on her. So she thinks. Her husband hasnt seen her coustume. Shye decides to see how far her husband will go. She starts to flurt with him. She say lets go into a back room to have some fun. When he agrees she is furious. When they get to the room she says that it would be sexy to keep there mask on. He agrees. After a while of thier "fun" she is convinced that her husband would cheat on her. She leaves the party anrgy. When her husband gets home. he trows down some bills. He says their was a poker game in the basment and that he lent his brother his coustume. he says that his brother was happy because he got lucky. She is dumbfounded. But did her trick really turn into her brother-in-laws treat?

  • 53 Replies
50 posts

i honestly think it is number 1 or 2

447 posts

4 is ture.
He said correct!!here's your 50 bucks!!!

50 posts

ok i wonder when he will post the answers......

4,570 posts

Well i dunno what happend to JustinS good thing he gave me the answer before he disappeared. I think he got banned but who cares now, I will continue this thread.

Ok. The answer was #2. Here are the new stories!(i found out where he got these)

1.A man inside his car finds a finger on his bumper
2.A man buys a picture in the flea market and finds a shckign discovery that it is a copy of the declaration of independence.
3.A woman once robbed a car that she once thought was hers.

50 posts

i would say that nmber 2 is coorect!

50 posts

what does everyone else think?

618 posts

2+3 are true in my opinion.

5,420 posts

I know its #2 I heard about it on the news like a year or two ago.I think he sold it for like 10-100 million dollars at an auction, but I know that one definatly happened.

Showing 46-53 of 53