Specimen #1 Nickname Billy. Status: Infection in his left leg. Blood Clot in his right arm. Thoughts: Not much time left, 2-3 hours at best. Im going to inject him with Compound XY-9. If he survives the night, This could mean big things for Eve.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author note: Eve is an underground company that cures un-curable diseases. They remain underground because of the "animal" test subjects they use...
Its ok u closed the other thread, il just copy and paste that part onto here, yes i am coming up with this from scratch, i write many stories, most are short stories because i lose interest, but im trying to keep this one as long as possible to increase my skills as a writer, it will be my profession in not to much time!
Billy did not survive the night, he barely lasted an hour after i injected him with XY-9, all i managed to observe was that his voice grew deeper and his strength seemed to increase, he tried to bust down the reinforced steel door i have on his chamber, I had to release the sleeping gas, it had no effect, after about 10 minutes of billy hitting the door, he collapsed, blood poured out of his nose and mouth, i fed the body to my pet tiger. I may have to perform more tests, but all i know, XY-9 seems to work like steroids, but with lethal side effects. I just received a new shipment of "animals" to test on, i must go tag them.
Specimen #2 Nickname George. Status: He seems very scared and curious. Thoughts: I will not let this man die, Billy was a lost cause when i received him. Notes: I am preparing to inject George with GP-820. From what i have observed, GP-820 should increase the rate at which this man thinks. However, the last Specimen i injected this with grew too... intelligent. Eventually, he made his way out of his chamber. I had to execute him... Ahh, what a waste of a good brain.
George: Status: Still remaining stable, nothing out of the ordinary. Thoughts: Well, I'm going to inject George with XY-9 and see if GP-820 counteracts with it. If it does, I will have to severe some limbs as that it doesnt spread to the rest of his system, fake limbs are in fashion you know.
Author's note: Sorry it takes so long to post again, my english isnt perfect, i need to check every paragraph for alot of errors, anyways, at the end of this, il put them all together and post them simotaniously, so it will be easier to follow the story
Specimen #3 Nickname- Harry: Status: Surprisingly not caring about where he is. Good health. Thoughts: I believe Harry might be under the influence of drugs. I found traces of Krokodil in his blood. His body has taken all the things I have done to it, he seems to just... Ignore it. I took a Knüpel to his legs, he continued to stare at the wall, not blinking or even... Breathing... This is very confusing, i must do more research on Krokodil. Apparently it can rot the skin from the inside out. Sounds wunderbar!
[url=https://www.youtube.com/user/CodGodsDontCamp] I gave Zachary Loucks permission to read my forum posts on youtube, that is the link to his channel. He certainly isn't the best at it, but i appreciate that he takes the time to do them for free.