ForumsGamesPS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U

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This is the official thread for PlayStation 4 vs. Xbox One. Which will be the one console to rule them all? Let's hear your opinion.

  • 400 Replies
672 posts

With the way Steam and PS is going, PC users and PS users might end up being able to play the same games cross platform. They almost did it with CS:GO but they had a few problems. Steam can already connect to the PS3 if you have Portal 2 so I don't doubt that Steam and Sony will be collaborating in the near future.

Microsoft has always been restricted its like Ipod vs Mp3 player
An Mp3 player can easily share music on different computers and download what you want and manage playlists
An Ipod can do the same thing except you have to jump through hoops to do it and you are very limited.

I prefer not having limits

428 posts

Microsoft doesn't act like jerks to their fans

Sorry, this is demonstrably false. Their policies were the equivalent of telling everyone without internet access and/or in unsupported countries to go **** themselves, and with an XBox 360 while they were at it.

why are the PS4's gyroscopes even relevant

No argument there. I'd say the touch pad thingy is just as irrelevant since we're at it.

343 Industries did great with Halo 4.

They pumped out a formulaic episode for a generic franchise past its own relevance. If that's your standard for "doing great", your life must be a freaking roller coaster of excitement.

Project Spark? Now that's a great game.
We don't know that yet. I'd have said the same thing about Spore before it turned out to be a dumbed-down piece of crap.

Though from what I've seen of Project Spark, it looks more like a set of tools than a game. It's certainly a remarkable job, to make a good set of tools that inspires player-driven content, but it's also real easy to just sit back and do nothing while your game's content is made by the community at no expense of your own, isn't it?
Call me old-fashioned, but I kind of like my games to be made with some sort of purpose, and by professional game designers.
5,852 posts

Well, I have mixed feelings in saying that I'm going for Xbox One. At first I was pretty upset about it but now I'm satisfied. Why? Exclusives, Titanfall mostly (yes it's on PC but it wouldn't look as good [for us], we couldn't play it when we wanted to and I much prefer it to be on a console to a keyboard being an FPS), also Forza and (for my brother MUCH more so than me) Halo (at least they [I'm talking to you CoD] actually came out and said that they made mistakes and they'll do better next time) and I could have sworn another game or two.

Other reasons? Servers, Respawn Studios (I.E. creators of Titanfall) said that the PS4 couldn't handle it because of inferior cloud capabilities. There's also them setting up a giant server for games (except [presumably] for games that want dedicated servers), which (quoting someone from Respawn) "gives us more time to work on the game since we don't have to worry about setting up servers". And there's also the highly convenient matchmaking tool which sets you up with people of similar skill/experience in said game and allows you to switch to youtube or whatever whilst it looks and gives you a notification when it's found (an) appropriate server(s).

Project Spark? Now that's a great game.

They could have done allot better, there aren't enough options (from what can be told), so far it's the same gametype, no setting up story lines or even changing the genre, it's just setting up the battlefield for battles against the same enemies using the same weapons at an annoying camera view of a few hundred feet in the air.
428 posts

I much prefer it to be on a console to a keyboard being an FPS
Using a console controller with your PC is easy as pie. I do it all the time.
6,800 posts

I'm getting the X1 simply because I have the 360. I've looked at them both, and and there's nothing really that sets them apart for me. The PS4 has a slightly more powerful processor, but the X1 has half a gig more of flexible memory.

None of this really effects the casual gamer like myself.

As for games, the ones I want will be available on both consoles: GTA 5, The Crew, BF4, Watchdogs, and Black Flags. (I'm starting to be ome a bit of an U isoft fan ^^) None of the exclusives really appeal to me. I didn't like Halo: Reach, and the rest of the titles for both consoles don't really stixk out. Killzone looks like the strongest on PS4 for me, and I'm still meh.

So I have no real reason not to get the X1. The fac that its 100 USD more doesn't bother me. I work for my money. If I'm not going to spend it, whats the point in working, so long as I enjoy what I spend it on?

Plus Microsoft has always had more comfortable controllers than Sony. /thread

317 posts

I'm surprised people are still support Microsoft after the utter trash that they pulled on everyone. I used to support the Xbox series. Not anymore. Even though Sony is shady, they have my support over Xbox, now, any day of the week. (even though I'm a PC guy) [and no, this isn't about specs]

If people don't think Microsoft is going to find away back to their first proposed system of DRM, they are going to be in a world of hurt when Microsoft decides to pull the trigger.
I'm serious. People should not support Microsoft for what they did. If it wasn't for a few black sheep in the gaming community, and not the stupid fan-boy's, Microsoft would have got away with their highway robbery.

Conclusion: I think the only reason people [other than the mindless fan-boy's] would want an Xbox One is because they are unaware of what Microsoft did. OR I should say, how the situation unfolded.

6,800 posts

I buy my own games, so it never affected me to begin with. And if they hange it, then the financial backlash in lost sales and future cistomers would be enough of a deterrent. But you forget that Microsoft and Sony are large scale international corporations. They're alike in that each would happily screw over the consumer if they could squeeze a few more dollars out of them.

5,852 posts

Conclusion: I think the only reason people [other than the mindless fan-boy's] would want an Xbox One is because they are unaware of what Microsoft did. OR I should say, how the situation unfolded.

Or, and this will probably sound insane, but maybe it could possibly be for the reasons I listed last page. Now I know that might sound a little insane, saying that it's not for any of your reasons, but I'm of the unpopular opinion of, oh I don't know, what I said.
428 posts

I've looked at them both, and and there's nothing really that sets them apart for me
In the end, as it was in this generation, it comes down to personal preference in terms of exclusives. If I had to pick a console to buy at launch date, which I won't anyway, it'd be the PS4, simply because Sony have historically had better exclusives, and it's 100 dollars less.

The fac that its 100 USD more doesn't bother me. I work for my money. If I'm not going to spend it, whats the point in working, so long as I enjoy what I spend it on?
I'm not entirely sure you're clear on the concept of a "budget". But well, if it's no difference to you, great.

If people don't think Microsoft is going to find away back to their first proposed system of DRM, they are going to be in a world of hurt when Microsoft decides to pull the trigger.
To quote myself:

They aren't gonna put the DRM back in. Not from their end. If they did they'd be screwing with customers in entire unsupported countries and people whose games they suddenly can't share despite being told they could. Microsoft has nothing to gain from pulling a switcharoo on their end, except customer backlash, a class-action lawsuit and stealing EA's coveted "most hated company in the universe" award.

No, we're just gonna see DRM from publishers, online pass-style. Nothing we don't already know and deal with.

Conclusion: I think the only reason people [other than the mindless fan-boy's] would want an Xbox One is because they are unaware of what Microsoft did. OR I should say, how the situation unfolded.

You can't hold "being an evil uncaring corporate monster" against MS any more than you could against Sony, because:
They're alike in that each would happily screw over the consumer if they could squeeze a few more dollars out of them.

And I'm amazed people forget this. The only reason Sony didn't follow suit with the DRM stuff is they thought not doing it would be better for business. Microsoft backtracked not because it was bad policy, but because customers held it against them. It's all about business and the bottom line, with every one of these companies.

If you're gonna have a grudge against Microsoft because they don't care, here's a secret for you: nobody cares. Not even Nintendo.
6,800 posts

I'm not entirely sure you're clear on the concept of a "budget". But well, if it's no difference to you, great.

Nothing could be further from the truth. My point is that I save my money so that I can enjoy spending it on toys for myself. If that means sticking the next three month's paycheck straight in the bank so I can later drop 800 USD on a console and games, fine. And this attitude stems directly from the fact that if I don't spend it, it'll sit in the bank. I'm enjoying having a crap load of disposable income, before I have to worry about a mortgage or a car payment.
4,170 posts

Unless you're a very critical person, the PS4 and X1 are basically the same. To the average consumer they're the same thing made my different brands. I don't think people realize that.

428 posts

The price point and the different exclusives are a factor for many people. And there's the difference between PS+ and XBox Live.

All small differences, but they add up. I don't think it's as simple as being very critical, just distinguishing. And I think a lot of consumers pay a little more attention to what they're buying when shelling out hundreds of bucks.

6,800 posts

Perhaps, but the technical differences that half a gig more of random memory, and its significance, is meaningless to the majority of most consumers, myself included. Most consumers won't know who "won" E3, or that Microsoft ever changed their DRM policy, then changed it back. At the end of the day, most consumers are casual gamers, and so long as the graphics are good, they can get good games, and they can enjoy playing it, then thats really all that matters.

Price wise, that the X1 comes with the kinect might help to assuade the consumer that it costs 100 USD more.

428 posts

Price wise, that the X1 comes with the kinect might help to assuade the consumer that it costs 100 USD more.
Eh I doubt that.
6,800 posts

Consumers will see this:

Microsoft - "Buy our console, and get a Kinect with it!"

Sony - "But our console!"

Combine with the fact that the Kinect has better recognition than the Move... So yes, I think the Kinect bundle will serve as a major incentive.

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