ForumsGamesPS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U

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This is the official thread for PlayStation 4 vs. Xbox One. Which will be the one console to rule them all? Let's hear your opinion.

  • 400 Replies
509 posts


It has the last generation's hardware capacity and will have none of the next generation's games. I'd say both those factors are far more defining of a console's identity than the mere date it came out.

The Xbox One and PS4 will have none of the new Nintendo games that are coming out. Nintendo games are arguably some of the best games that are made nowadays. Super Smash Brothers could take on several "Next gen" games any day of the week.

Who cares it's the "next generation of the Wii"?

Who cares if the PS4 is the next generation of the Playstation?

The next gen is going to happen and the Wii U will largely not be a part of it.

Nintendo games are some of the best games on the market. They're innovative under hardware restrictions and still manage to pull out a game better than 80% of the games out there now.

Well, the latest consoles do have the latest technology. Which allows them to play the latest games. That's the core point of a new generation of consoles: allowing games to improve by improving hardware. And the Wii U is doing none of that.

Better hardware does not directly mean better games. I'd argue that the original Resident Evil is better than Resident Evil 6 any day of the week. Sometimes, hardware makes a difference but the two are not DIRECTLY linked.

I'd also like to point out that the PS4 and Xbox One have done nothing innovative. At least Nintendo tried to do something to change the way we play games. And, if Nintendo has a different controller it can help greatly in distinguishing a game on the Wii U and the game on the Xbox One,


Actually latest does mean best because in this situation the PS4 and X1 are taking advantage of the latest hardware which is better than what the Wii U uses. Generally speaking the PS4 and X1 will have better looking games that will run smoother

You seem so focused on the hardware that you're losing sight on what a console is. The whole point of a console is to relax and be able to play on your couch. If you're looking for hardware, go get a PC. The PS4 and Xbox One use parts that are worse than the best PC, so they're OBVIOUSLY WORSE, right?

No, because there is other factors.

I don't know where your logic is? Improving hardware definitely improves games. It opens up the world for better graphics, better gameplay, faster running games and realistic worlds. Such as games like Skyrim. We live in a world where everything is improving, so why not utilize the technology being invented. Why stay with older, crappy, technology such as the Wii u

The word directly was very important in that sentence. Hardware CAN help but it isn't necessary. You could probably argue that having better graphics on a console takes some of the focus of the gameplay.

Also, the Wii U does have worse hardware but it innovated in bringing in the gamepad. When looking at consoles you have to see the whole picture. You don't purely choose a console because of how much RAM it has.

Consoles should only be made for gaming. We have computers for everything else. PCs are usually cheaper to make anyway so making a console thats built for anything else kind of defeats the Purpose

Well, consoles are generally more easier to use and they connect to your TV. If I had a choice between Netflix on my PC or on my console, I'd choose my console any day of the week.
4,170 posts

I would respond conventionally but IAgree took the words right out of my mouth... or keys out of my keyboard, rather.

3,523 posts

Also, the Wii U does have worse hardware but it innovated in bringing in the gamepad.

The same thing can be done on the PS4 using the Vita, and at longer distances. Also the PS4 will allow people to directly stream videos, that's not innovative? Not to mention the Xbox One will have a game that is directly related to a TV show.

Also the PS4 and Xbox One both will be using Smartglass style apps on mobile devices to enhance gameplay, unlike the Wii U.
672 posts

go get a PC

I already do

You could probably argue that having better graphics on a console takes some of the focus of the gameplay.

Im always looking at graphics. I find bad graphics usually distracting. I will actually take time to just look at how great the water is in games like Borderlands 2 and Skyrim. The visual effects are stunning. Something the Wii could have easily done but they didn't so it makes them worse of a console IMO. I've been playing Nintendo games for years but that all stopped when they came out with better consoles (such as the Xbox 360) the Wii has always been falling behind. They leave out things that could make they Mediocre console, great and awesome.
If the Wii had more stunning visuals then I would definitely take its side. But it doesn't

You don't purely choose a console because of how much RAM it has.

I don't think everyone fully understands what RAM is. It is Random Access Memory. Which will speed up your whole system. Temporary memory blocks are sent to the Ram to free up the CPU usage. Meaning the more RAM you have, the faster your system will be. The fact that the X1 and PS4 have 8 and 16 gb opposed to 2, tells me that the consoles will have less hang ups and run substantially smoother.

If I had a choice between Netflix on my PC or on my console, I'd choose my console any day of the week.

That all just depends on how good your computer is and your console. Besides the fact that you have to own a PC to get netflix in the first place.
But I have a Graphics card in my PC that is HDMI and can reach 1080p and My PS3 has 1080p. So in theory neither are better for netflix. I would pick PC just because I know the PS3 updates frequently
428 posts

The Xbox One and PS4 will have none of the new Nintendo games that are coming out. Nintendo games are arguably some of the best games that are made nowadays. Super Smash Brothers could take on several "Next gen" games any day of the week.

Nintendo is one developer. Amongst a world of others. If you can be satisfied a console with an insanely small library next to the others, be my guest.
That's what Nintendo does. They hold you hostage to a bad console with their exclusives.

And their exclusives aren't even that good. Are they good games? Yes. But a large portion of their appeal lies in fan loyalty, in series fandom. They aren't unmatchable. There are tons of games out there in the same level of quality, if you just take off the rose-colored glasses. Certainly more on the other consoles than will get to the Wii U.

For a lot of people, specially those of us not quite so enamored with Nintendo, the Wii U will be laughably insufficient, just like the Wii.

Who cares if the PS4 is the next generation of the Playstation?

Whooooosh. That was the sound of my point flying over your head. The PS4 isn't next gen because it's a PlayStation, it's next gen because it has superior hardware and next gen games. The Wii U does not.

Better hardware does not directly mean better games. I'd argue that the original Resident Evil is better than Resident Evil 6 any day of the week. Sometimes, hardware makes a difference but the two are not DIRECTLY linked.

Better hardware doesn't mean better games, no, but I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is that the point of the console cycle is improving hardware. Always has been. And the point of improving hardware is giving games greater potential and power.
This is something the Wii U just doesn't do. Historically, console generations move forward in hardware potential. The Wii U has a freaking DVD drive. Even the 360 had something better.

Give me a break.

Nintendo games are some of the best games on the market. They're innovative under hardware restrictions and still manage to pull out a game better than 80% of the games out there now.

I'd also like to point out that the PS4 and Xbox One have done nothing innovative. At least Nintendo tried to do something to change the way we play games. And, if Nintendo has a different controller it can help greatly in distinguishing a game on the Wii U and the game on the Xbox One,

You wanna talk innovation?

What Nintendo does is try to implement new concepts far before hardware will allow them to be actually good, in their rush to be "innovative", and they just end up being gimmicks. Sorry. The Wii Remote was a gimmick and only came into its own with Wii Motion Plus, far too late. The GamePad is terrible hardware just the same.

Besides, Nintendo is messing with something that isn't broken and doesn't need fixing, the controller. The standard controller is fine. Pushing buttons doesn't mean you're not immersed in a game, just like making big motions doesn't immerse you in a game.

You know what is innovative? Portal 2 is innovative. Minecraft is innovative. The Last of Us is innovative. Journey is innovative.

Super Smash Bros isn't innovative. Another 3D Mario game isn't innovative. Ocarina of Time 3D isn't innovative.
You see, Nintendo doesn't care about innovation or taking risks. If they did, they'd be introducing new IPs left and right and reinventing the ones they already have. No, what they do is introduce gimmicky mechanics that appeal to the casual market and distinguish them from the real players in the console world, with whom they cannot compete directly.

Nintendo has been rehashing the same formulas for ages and releasing the same games over and over and over and over and over again. And Nintendo fans will go out and sing high praise about how innovative Nintendo is, just as they buy the latest remake of Ocarina of Time.

Innovation in games, that's what I'm interested in. Not gimmicky hardware. Nintendo only seems to be interested in the latter.
428 posts

You know what? A few years ago, you couldn't find a more ardent supporter of Nintendo than myself. Reading what I just wrote makes me more depressed than you'd imagine. I love Zelda, I love Mario games, I love Metroid and Pikmin and Paper Mario and WarioWare and SSB and Pokémon and GoldenEye 007 and Eternal Darkness and Perfect Dark and Killer7 and other games I could never ever have had without Nintendo consoles.

But enough is enough. Nintendo have been shooting themselves in the foot, and releasing bad hardware and rehashing IPs for too long. I can't tell them they're doing the right thing by buying it.

I sincerely want, for Nintendo's sake, for the Wii U to crash and burn just so they get their heads out their *****. At this point, I'd even be happy if they left the console race altogether and just went into development, so everyone could play their games. Stupid ****ing console wars.

509 posts


Ok, so after reading what I wrote, are we on the same page here? I feel like I'm arguing that the Wii U IS a next generation console, albeit a bad one and although that is part of your argument you seem more concerned with saying how bad it is. I think we're sort of on the same level for how we think of nintendo (a company which has really gone downhill).

Here's what I'll say, despite the Wii U being a disappointing console, it is a next generation console. It might not go up to your definition (which is based on hardware and how many games it has) but it is (by a proper definition) "next generation".

Better hardware doesn't mean better games, no, but I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is that the point of the console cycle is improving hardware. Always has been. And the point of improving hardware is giving games greater potential and power.

Boom, here's our disagreement. I don't believe the point of a generation is hardware. I believe, in many cases, software and features (Which sometimes are linked with hardware) are increasingly being more of the point.

Whooooosh. That was the sound of my point flying over your head. The PS4 isn't next gen because it's a PlayStation, it's next gen because it has superior hardware and next gen games. The Wii U does not.

No, plain and simple. You do not get to choose what "Next generation console" means. Sure, hardware is a part of the next generation but I don't believe that it COMPLETELY DEFINES next generation. Nintendo is still an option in next generation consoles. It's not a very good one, but it's still there.

The Wii U also has next generation games. Sure, it might not be many but it still does.

Nintendo is one developer. Amongst a world of others. If you can be satisfied a console with an insanely small library next to the others, be my guest.
That's what Nintendo does. They hold you hostage to a bad console with their exclusives.

And their exclusives aren't even that good. Are they good games? Yes. But a large portion of their appeal lies in fan loyalty, in series fandom. They aren't unmatchable. There are tons of games out there in the same level of quality, if you just take off the rose-colored glasses. Certainly more on the other consoles than will get to the Wii U.

For a lot of people, specially those of us not quite so enamored with Nintendo, the Wii U will be laughably insufficient, just like the Wii.

You know, I completely agree with you here. Except for the "laughably insufficient" part I think you're right. However, I don't think it directly relates to the Wii U being Next Generation but rather that it isn't the best choice. Which I think is completely true.

What Nintendo does is try to implement new concepts far before hardware will allow them to be actually good, in their rush to be "innovative", and they just end up being gimmicks. Sorry. The Wii Remote was a gimmick and only came into its own with Wii Motion Plus, far too late. The GamePad is terrible hardware just the same.

How are they gimmicky? I can just as easily say the controller for the Xbox is gimmicky. I don't believe the gamepad is gimmicky.

Then, you go on to talk to Nintendo as a company making rehashed games which doesn't really link to the console. I mostly agree with that.


Look, you seem to have completely missed my point and seen this as PC vs Wii U. I was mostly using those examples to show that a console experience (to most people) is generally more relaxing and comfortable because you are on your couch with a controller in hand.

I don't think everyone fully understands what RAM is. It is Random Access Memory. Which will speed up your whole system. Temporary memory blocks are sent to the Ram to free up the CPU usage. Meaning the more RAM you have, the faster your system will be. The fact that the X1 and PS4 have 8 and 16 gb opposed to 2, tells me that the consoles will have less hang ups and run substantially smoother.

I do not fully understand what RAM is and I'll admit that. I do not think it matters in this case. I could have replaced RAM with graphics card or APU and it would not have changed the sentence.
672 posts

Look, you seem to have completely missed my point and seen this as PC vs Wii U.

Actually your wrong. I am arguing the fact that I think that the PS4 and the X1 are more superior to the Wii U. This topic is called PS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U
Meaning I am going to argue about how the 3 measure up in comparison with each other. There is still value in having a console over a computer but i think that arguing that a console might be. better simply because it performs like a PC is invalid.

I am just stating that I think a Console should remain true to its name and gaming and quit trying to be more like a PC. That is why I thought the X1 sounded terrible before they reneged on their terrible features.
Yeah there are a few things that are great that can be on a Console such as Skype (if your into that) Netflix and things like that. But I'm not going to buy a console just so it can have these new features. I am mainly going to buy a console because of games and gaming.
Like how the X1 has this new cable integration system. I think that sounds kind of cool because everything is in one spot. But on the other hand I don't even use cable TV so its just one of those features that I wont base my opinion of a console on.

The point being that I have a PC that run almost any game except for a few select titles (ones im not interested in anyway) but I still have a PS3 means that I still find value in both, and I may buy one of the New Consoles.
509 posts

Actually your wrong. I am arguing the fact that I think that the PS4 and the X1 are more superior to the Wii U. This topic is called PS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U

Maybe I misunderstood. I just felt like the post seemed mostly about PC and you dodged several of my questions that I felt were the strongest. The bit you did say about Wii U was simply "It's worse because it has bad graphics" while not answering my questions about some games made on earlier consoles being much more fun without the graphics.

See, I don't honestly think the Wii U is a very good option RIGHT now. I think that it is a decent console and if developers take the time to do things right they can make a great game however I feel like the fact that it is in the "leap frog" area makes it a very hard console to compare as nothing has been released near it's time.
672 posts

some games made on earlier consoles being much more fun without the graphics.

The keyword here is some and earlier console. I never liked the Wii because I didn't like any of the games and I didn't like the way you played these games. In my opinion the Wii U has less of a chance to be good because it comes from the former console that people may not like or don't like. Yeah some games from nintendo and for nintendo were great back in the day
Like SSB:M, Mario Kart, Banjo Kazooie, Gauntlet Legends, Super Mario 64, Super Mario world, Donkey Kong Country.
But heres the thing Gauntlet turned out to be horrible on the New consoles

Mario Kart double Dash wasn't great IMO either I liked the second one better
but the third one was eh it was ok
Banjo Kazooie and is now on the Xbox because NIntendo didn't help Rare

Donkey Kong Country was made by Rare and without them it just isn't the same. Diddy Kong seems like a little kid and Donkey Kong seems more like a villian.

Super Mario world was never improved and they just kicked it out to make Mario Bros which I don't think is great either

Super Mario 64 just keeps being remade and it has gotten old and tiresome for me.

Super Smash Bros was probably the only thing that held true to its name.
And I never got into Zelda.

So now you can see why I don't like NIntendo anymore and why I pick PC or PlayStation
672 posts

Oh yeah Luigi's spin off title is pretty lame IMO
Wario turned out to be some evil character for some reason

Nintendo seems like they just made games that were on the borderline of being kids games and now they are kids games. The voices that were added kind of ruined it for me too

14 posts

You know that xbox1 is not going to have the same price?

Can't judge 2 consoles that have not been released because
1.You don't know the gameplay and the graphics
2.The prices aren't going to stay the same
3.I don't lose my trust on xbox or wii I still play them.

14 posts

You can't judge a game by its price.

672 posts

You know that xbox1 is not going to have the same price?


.You don't know the gameplay and the graphics

This doesn't apply to the Console at all, it would apply to games

You can't judge a game by its price

I can judge a game by its price its really simple actually. I did it with Deadpool. I saw that it was only $40 dollars when it first came out and I said "oh the game must not be good enough to be worth $60" and then it got a metascore of 60 something. Thats pretty bad IMO
2 posts

Wii U wins becuase you know what? the xbox one has to be into the internet every 24 hours to work. also, it spies on you. aaaaaand ps4 copied the Wii u. Again.

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