ForumsWEPR[necro]Nazi unit leader found in US

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I kept seeing this on MSN, and it kinda bugged me. Anyways, to sum it up, "An Associated Press investigation found that Karkoc served as a top commander in the Ukrainian Self-Defense Legion during WWII. The unit is accused of wartime atrocities, including the burning of villages filled with women and children" -MSN

Read the article, its interesting. I wasn't aware people were still prosecuting ex Nazis. The man is 94 years old, and lives in Minneapolis. I want to know your opinions on this matter. Should he be prosecuted for crimes that was committed over 70 years ago?

  • 115 Replies
1,773 posts

Belive me, i always say that in the right "timing" there are groups in Israel which will murdur me and anyone who think like me and rise a fascit regiem. And there are not so few of these peoples unforteunly. But yet, i like it when England say we kill innocent peoples in Gaza and then bomb a civil convoy in Iraq because there was a terrorist among them, eveb that in the "cast lead" opretion the rate of civil per hostile armed personal causalties was the smallest in the last 50 years. They even sent peoples from there amry for lessons in Israel.

Oh, and these atone throwes scum? They are getting throwned to prison. Israel is kick them out of these settlments again and again, as they build again and again like ants. We do try, but the peoples of the UN dont care for such things. When Gaza shot 3 rockets last week, does the UN said anything? When Assad troops shot ony friend at the border (he is ok), does the nerwigian human right activiest said anything? But when we retaliate, BOOM! "Israel want war with Syria! They want to conquoer the world!".

Everyone who know me know that i am a left winger. That i support a Palestinian country and against Racism with all my heart. I can tell you that there are more "hate crimes" in France then there is in Israel.

Its ok to judge, but why are i need to live in a none stop judging by the world?

5,129 posts

when England say we kill innocent peoples in Gaza and then bomb a civil convoy in Iraq

the UK is not the EU.
far from it.

Israel is kick them out of these settlments again and again, as they build again and again like ants. We do try,

by taking their culture and land?
and breaking down their houses is help?

When Gaza shot 3 rockets last week, does the UN said anything?

why should they? if it isn't news, then there is nothing to say.
if the UN is going to say something every time something happens there. then they dont have time for anything else anymore. it's not like it can solve any of the mess. israel was lucky enough that the usa recognized it as country and that others followed after that.
the whole mess there is all the cause of israel anyway. and why? freaking god...

When Assad troops shot ony friend at the border

one shooting. if you dont look for the media then nothing will happen. and if you do then your just 1 voice. if you can get the whole village going to the media. the UN might say a word about it.
and the news from syria itself is of course more interesting then israel.

does the nerwigian human right activiest said anything?

.... what? ....
again. why should they?

But when we retaliate, BOOM! "Israel want war with Syria! They want to conquoer the world!

israel conquoer the world? lol, good luck whit that. xD
you try 1 more invasion you get the world on your arse. after all, israel shouldn't exists by itself.

Its ok to judge, but why are i need to live in a none stop judging by the world?

because of the way your country has come to existence (again).
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Sure. But wsome suggested that he is not guilty because of that reason.

Yes, but he is top brass after all, and not a lowly rank and file soldier.
325 posts

I have mixed emotions.

I mean he's ninety-four freaking years old, but he also committed many atrocities or at least allowed them to happen. I just feel he'd die in his trial since he's so old and justice takes awhile, even for high-priority stuff like this.

I'm glad I don't have to decide. I have trouble taking a solid stance on most things; I just see both sides really well whether I want to or not.

5,129 posts

he lived ninety-four freaking years in freedom. he had that luck his whole life already.
make it justice for all the families he has ordered actrocities upon. and convict him for his deeds.
age shouldn't matter to justice. only bad health can a case to be temporarily closed because the suspect needs medical attention.
so unless this man is in such bad conditions that he needs constant medical care. he should just be summoned before a judge.

325 posts

Don't get me wrong, he deserves to pay, I totally agree with that. I'm just thinking that like, incarcerating him isn't feasible due to his age and health. Is he really worth our trouble to stick him in a hospital and care for him while he is on trial?

5,129 posts

incarcerating him isn't feasible due to his age and health.

it's justice.
are people that do a life sentence ever get free due to old age?
and would this guy have gotten a life sentence if he was convicted 50/60 year ago?
either that or death is my guess...

Is he really worth our trouble to stick him in a hospital and care for him while he is on trial?

free health care FTW!
i really can't understand why you americans are against it --.--'
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I'm just thinking that like, incarcerating him isn't feasible due to his age and health. Is he really worth our trouble to stick him in a hospital and care for him while he is on trial?

Yes. It is feasible, has been done before, and is worth it for the sake of justice.
5,129 posts

Is he really worth our trouble to stick him in a hospital and care for him while he is on trial?

is it worth to keep someone locked up in prison for a indefinite amount of time (in the usa on average it was 12 year or so. if i remember right) when they have been sentenced to death?
152 posts

They did not rape, they were Christians, led by priests

OMG I almost fell out of my chair laughing! As if no christians have ever raped anybody?!
Thats not even an applicable statement in modern times, much less so in the dark ages.
152 posts

Anyone who was in the SS vulenteerd to do so. If the masses didnt wanted to act so, they wouldnt. Hitler and his companions didnt had magical power.

I would encourage you to read up on social psychology experiments about obedience and conformity.



It is not magic. As a species we are programmed to stay within the norms of our social context. If everyone in a room is doing one thing, or giving one answer, you are (statistically) likely to do the same. This doesn't mean you are weak or stupid or lacking will-power. It is just a consequence of our species natural drive for social cohesion. Likely, this was one of the reasons our species was/is so successful.
Ordinary people are capable of doing terrible things, given the right (wrong) circumstances, that are completely out of character or against their nature. Just like if everyone in a room is doing something, if everyone in your entire country is doing something, there will be great pressure for you to do it as well. And considering that this was before the internet, when dissenting voices where much harder to come by. It does not excuse what they did, but it explains it.
This old dude should be punished for what he did. Just like everyone who does terrible things.
152 posts

Sorry for the triple post.

is it worth to keep someone locked up in prison for a indefinite amount of time (in the usa on average it was 12 year or so. if i remember right) when they have been sentenced to death?

Excluding texas, cuz they LUV killins themselves some people, but also they are pro-life
Yeah, (angry-rant-about-the-private-prison-industry aside), there are a significant number of people on death row in America who die of natural causes because it takes so long. But they won't try to execute this guy I'd guess (1, not worth it because he won't live that long anyway, 2, don't know legality of it).
5,129 posts

But they won't try to execute this guy I'd guess (1, not worth it because he won't live that long anyway, 2, don't know legality of it).

no1 should be executed.
a life in prison seems more harsh then death to me.
5,129 posts

too soon, too soon......
i had to add:

the point was that those 12 years costs more then the 5 or so this old guy has left. maybe he wont make it to tomorrow. thats why he should be summoned rather today then tomorrow.

this time stretching until his death wont do justice justice.

325 posts

Go Texas.

And hey, I'd love free health care, but that's another whole issue.

I'd say just execute him. He's 94, it's not like he'd be in prison that long. Plus, he'd just be in the hospital for likely a large portion of his incarceration.

Death Penalty!

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