ForumsWEPRWhat really made the USA such a world power?

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608 posts

Well I wanted to see what other people say about how USA got to be such a great world power?

  • 21 Replies
737 posts

To answer the original question, (fully this time, i had no time).

In the 1930's the entire world went through a depression, the "great depression". The depression caused elevated tensions between countries. Mostly Germany who didn't like the restrictions they had been put under through the treaty of Versailles. These tensions elevated into war. Every war exponentially increases the economy. And since everyone was unemployed they could all be funneled into war-time jobs because they would accept any job available.
Soo, the key factor was the fact that we won the war...germany and japan and italy all had to pay war damages. While the u.s., russia, and the rest of the allies just basked in the newly gained territories that bring in increased economy.
So w/o war debts,a HUGE! increase in economic power, and the whole fact that the u.s. single-handedly won the Pacific war and the western European front...The U.S. and Russia became the superpowers of the world. Though we have lost some of it for sure...

3,826 posts

I don't see how Russia could enter into this discussion of superpowers. At one time, like before 1989, the former Soviet could have been considered a superpower, but only now is Russia developing an economy that once again has influence.
This "world power" thing is such an American mentality. The idea that if anyone, anywhere starts arming themselves then they're going to attack the U.S. This is clearly happening with Iran right now. Even if Iran is enriching uranium to become a nuclear power they have so far to go to be able to develop a system of deployment, or even to enrich enough uranium to actually do anything. Besides, Iran has far worse enemies than the U.S., that is until we started meddling in their affairs.
It seems to make sense to Americans that no one else should have nuclear weapons besides us, but why is that? Are we afraid they're going to blow someone up? The U.S. is the only country to have used a nuke to attack an enemy force, so it seems like our track record isn't that good.
It's as if we have a bunch of machine guns pointed to the rest of the world while they only have sticks and rocks, but if they even think throwing something we threaten to blast them away.
The sooner the U.S. can accept a globalized economy, mentality, and body politic, the sooner we can get out of this post World War 2 mentality that we have to protect the world from itself. The U.S. is no longer at the top of the world, but that's a good thing. Countries like China and India have made huge gains economically, as have small countries like Dubai (well, techically it's part of the U.A.E., but whatever). I think that the influence that the American style of capitalism with some socialist flavors has really had a influence on the rest of the world. We should be happy that the world economy is developing so quickly and that other countries want to be on the world stage. It's time now for the U.S. to become a member of the global community and not an outside oppressor.

511 posts

Well I think that the US wants nuclear war to be a thing of the past and for no one to use it, but their plan is flawed seeing how the only way the seem to enforce it is with nukes of their own.

55 posts

there devolping weapons that are just as strong as nukes but without the side effect

EX: M.O.A.B - look it up

80 posts

Like celtuis said, we just have a lot of powerful weapons and we are just using them to gain power.

35 posts

Heeehaahahah its funny how uneducated some people are. if you don't think USA is corrupt your probably some of the same people who think george washington was just a courageous general an founding father.

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