You were young when you were taken from your people and dumped in the forest along with your pet ___________. You also find meager supplies of food and water that will last you at least a week. You also have your knife and sheath which you used to hunt back with your tribe. The point of this game is to stay alive while trying to find out information on your tribe. Please make sure to post your updated character sheet every post.
Character sheet:
Name: (random) Gender: (male-female) Age: (10-25) Pet: (A normal house pet, dog, cat, snake, parrot, NO FISH) Description: (what your character is like) Supplies: (leave blank) Hunger: 100/100 Thirst: 100/100 Craft: (Leave blank)
Name: Light Gender: Male Age: 17 Pet: Well trained German Shepard Description: Dark haired, and bright blue eyed. 5'7". Slightly longer lower body. Quiet, kind, doesn't usually speak his mind. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 1 week worth of crackers Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 5 sticks Weapons: Knife and Sheath Hunger: 100/100 Thirst: 100/100 Craft: Campfire: five wood Days Alive: 0
(Just to let you know Light's mouth doesn't drop to the floor. It rarely ever moves at all, even to talk. He doesn't show emotion. Only those who know him the best know what emotions he's 'showing'
I look towards the Tree Kangaroo, keeping a distance. My hand gripped tightly on the handle of the knife. I slowly inch forwards as my right hand turned white. It looked weak and had scratches on it. Who knows what sicknesses it could have. And those scratches could infect. I stop considering what to do. Should I kill it? I think. Should I help it? My mind continued to have conflicting emotions with what I should do. My mind eventually decided to ends it's pain. I can't afford to have to take care of it. I walk closer, this time with larger steps. I lift up the knife preparing to strike it. I'm already thinking of dinner plans although I'm not sure whether I can get sick from it. A single drop of sweat falls from my face and onto the Tree Kangaroo's head. He or she gave me a look with eyes that didn't comprehend what was about to happen. They widen and then become pleading eyes as though he or she knew what I was about to do. I close myself off to those eyes and prepare to bring the knife down on the Kangaroo. I hear a clatter and my hands no longer felt as though a weight was upon them. I fall onto my knees and open my eyes. My knife is next to the Tree Kangaroo, fallen as though he or she had held and dropped it. But I know I did. Because I can't kill it. "What happened to you?" I ask as I lean for to pet it. "Nobody else tried to eat you did they?" I ask in a hilarious way (sarcasm). The Kangaroo whimpers. "Don't worry, I definitely didn't try to eat you earlier. And I won't eat you now." I tell him and pick him up. Holding him in my arms, I walk back to the cave entrance where I had first put my backpack and wood.
(super long post XD no inclusion of Fang here because I'm not sure how I'm gonna get rid of him...should I have him die...? Or what? Dying would be awesome drama...and cruel to Light. It's up to you Gome.)
Name: Eugene Gender: male Age: 25 Pet: Huxley (ferret) Description: Eugene has gaunt and pale features with scraggly long, brown hair and a curled mustache. His accent is thick Ukrainian and his ferret rides on his shoulders from place to place. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 6 days worth of crackers 8 ripe mangoes Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 2 bear skins Weapons: Knife and Sheath tools: campfire Hunger: 100/100 Thirst: 100/100 Craft: Campfire: five wood Bed: 1 hay, 2 bear skin Days Alive:0
Smart, since you made the campfire at the edge the smoke is venting out and not in your cave while in the process scaring all of the carnivores so they wont come close to your cave.
You now have lost 5 wood and have a campfire. Also you have gained bed in your craft.
Name: Light Gender: Male Age: 17 Pet: Well trained German Shepard Description: Dark haired, and bright blue eyed. 5'7". Slightly longer lower body. Quiet, kind, doesn't usually speak his mind. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 1 week worth of crackers Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 5 sticks Weapons: Knife and Sheath Hunger: 100/100 Thirst: 100/100 Craft: Campfire: five wood Days Alive: 0
I don't mind if you have 2 pets. What do you do next with the kangaroo?
(well I'm kinda waiting for you to give me another craft or something, there's not much I can do for the Tree Kangaroo. I have no food, no way of crafting a bandage. I'm not sure the limits to this RPG. I could cut off part of my shirt or backpack and use them as a bandage although I'm not sure whether that would need me to be able to craft it or not. Basically I'm asking whether I need to know how to craft a bandage to cut off part of my shirt or backpack and use that cloth as a bandage or can I Just do it?)
Name: Light Gender: Male Age: 17 Pet: Well trained German Shepard Description: Dark haired, and bright blue eyed. 5'7". Slightly longer lower body. Quiet, kind, doesn't usually speak his mind. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 1 week worth of crackers Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 5 sticks Weapons: Knife and Sheath Hunger: 100/100 Thirst: 100/100 Craft: Campfire: five wood Days Alive: 0
(Can we have Fang die? I'm really bored...(don't take that the wrong way, I don't kill animals when I'm bored O.O) we can just have an animal attack or something)
I walk to the front of the small cave. Placing the Tree Kangaroo down away from where I'll drop my stuff I place my backpack next to him. Then I take out the firewood and place it in the middle of the open area of the small cave. I then proceed to try and create sparks to create a fire.
Name: Eugene Gender: male Age: 25 Pet: Huxley (ferret) Description: Eugene has gaunt and pale features with scraggly long, brown hair and a curled mustache. His accent is thick Ukrainian and his ferret rides on his shoulders from place to place. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 6 days worth of crackers 8 ripe mangoes Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 2 bear skins Weapons: Knife and Sheath tools: campfire Hunger: 100/100 Thirst: 100/100 Craft: Campfire: five wood Bed: 1 hay, 2 bear skin Days Alive:0
I search the rest of my cave for any hay, so I can make a proper bed and get some much needed rest.
Name: Storm Gender: female Age: 23 Pet: Balto(dog) Description: Storm is of average weight and height. She has amber eyes, white hair, and slightly tanned skin. Storm likes to keep her hair short. She also likes to dress like a tomboy. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 1 week worth of crackers 1 boar Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 2 bear skins 1 hay 5 sticks Weapons: Knife and Sheath Hunger: 90/100 Thirst: 90/100 Craft: Campfire: 5 wood Bed: 1 hay, 2 bear skin Days Alive:0
I make a bed and store the cooked meat, once it's done.
Name: Light Gender: Male Age: 17 Pet: Tree kangeroo Description: Dark haired, and bright blue eyed. 5'7". Slightly longer lower body. Quiet, kind, doesn't usually speak his mind. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 1 week worth of crackers Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: Tools: Campfire Weapons: Knife and Sheath Hunger: 95/100 Thirst: 95/100 Craft: Campfire: five wood bed: 2 bear skins, 1 hay (hint: look in your cave) Days Alive: 0
When you get the fire lighted, fang is walking by when he trips over his own feet and falls in with a howl. THEIR IS THAT GOOD SHEESH.
You have lost your 5 wood You gained a running campfire in your tools You also have gained a new craft Also ure hunger/thirst is down to 95
Name: Eugene Gender: male Age: 25 Pet: Huxley (ferret) Description: Eugene has gaunt and pale features with scraggly long, brown hair and a curled mustache. His accent is thick Ukrainian and his ferret rides on his shoulders from place to place. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 6 days worth of crackers 8 ripe mangoes Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 2 bear skins 1 Hay Weapons: Knife and Sheath tools: campfire Hunger: 100/100 Thirst: 100/100 Craft: Campfire: five wood Bed: 1 hay, 2 bear skin Days Alive:0
you find the hay in the corner of on of the rooms. Where would you like to make the bed?
You have gained one hay in your materials
Name: Storm Gender: female Age: 23 Pet: Balto(dog) Description: Storm is of average weight and height. She has amber eyes, white hair, and slightly tanned skin. Storm likes to keep her hair short. She also likes to dress like a tomboy. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 1 week worth of crackers 2 weeks worth of jerky Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 2 bear skins 1 hay 5 sticks Weapons: Knife and Sheath Hunger: 90/100 Thirst: 90/100 Craft: Campfire: 5 wood Bed: 1 hay, 2 bear skin Days Alive:0
Name: Light Gender: Male Age: 17 Pet: Tree kangeroo Description: Dark haired, and bright blue eyed. 5'7". Slightly longer lower body. Quiet, kind, doesn't usually speak his mind. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 1 week worth of crackers Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: Tools: Campfire Weapons: Knife and Sheath Hunger: 95/100 Thirst: 95/100 Craft: Campfire: five wood bed: 2 bear skins, 1 hay (hint: look in your cave) Days Alive: 0
(O.o sorry... ^.^' I'm changing to past tense, I can't type like this :'( XD) I turned towards the fire when I heard a yelp in that direction. When I did I saw the end of Fang's tail get engulfed in flames. I saw Fang run out of the campfire with his entire body on fire. I got up and tried to stop Fang from running any further and try to guide him towards the water. He dashed right by me and nearly set my own clothes on fire. "Fang! Heel!" I yelled, but he continued to run crazy. Eventually the flames sputtered out, but that was after he died. I slammed the side of my fist into the wall as I saw his remains. I tried to check for a pulse, but his body was too hot. But I knew he was dead. And there was nothing I could do about it. I rolled him towards the ocean as I couldn't pick him up until later. I carried him as though he were a baby and put him into the water. He drifted off in the river, I watched him until he was gone. I looked blank and expressionless the entire time. I can't afford to breakdown or anything (and it's not his personality XD). The Tree Kangaroo appeared by my side and then he climbed up my body in a similar fashion to a squirrel. The Tree Kangaroo stood on my shoulder and nestled against my head. As though he knew what had happened. Although he could have known. I stood up and walked towards the cave. "Ace..." I said, "I'll call you Ace."
I walked around the cave searching the walls in the fire light and searching around in the corners to look for things I had missed in the dark.
(Is this gonna be a grotto? A sort of man made cave? It'd be a perfect thing to start off our search to find out more about the tribe.)
Name: Storm Gender: female Age: 23 Pet: Balto(dog) Description: Storm is of average weight and height. She has amber eyes, white hair, and slightly tanned skin. Storm likes to keep her hair short. She also likes to dress like a tomboy. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 1 week worth of crackers 2 weeks worth of jerky Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 2 bear skins 1 hay 5 sticks Weapons: Knife and Sheath Hunger: 90/100 Thirst: 90/100 Craft: Campfire: 5 wood Bed: 1 hay, 2 bear skin Days Alive:0
I put it in range of the fire's warmth but still within the shelter of the cave.
Name: Eugene Gender: male Age: 25 Pet: Huxley (ferret) Description: Eugene has gaunt and pale features with scraggly long, brown hair and a curled mustache. His accent is thick Ukrainian and his ferret rides on his shoulders from place to place. Supplies: Food: 1 week worth of bananas 6 days worth of crackers 8 ripe mangoes Drinks: 1 week worth of water Materials: 2 bear skins 1 Hay Weapons: Knife and Sheath tools: campfire Hunger: 100/100 Thirst: 100/100 Craft: Campfire: five wood Bed: 1 hay, 2 bear skin Days Alive:0