ForumsWEPRSo, Reincarnation Anyone?

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37 posts

In a change of topic, away from Christianity and Illuminati conspiracy theories, I was wondering what your opinions are on reincarnaton.

Earlier, while searching for somehing else entirely, I came acrossed this video:

I've been trying to figure out how to debunk it, but it seems pretty legit for the most part. If you do believe in reincarnation, how would you explain it scientifically? If you don't, how would you debunk the above video?

I'm going to do a bit more resarch into the topic.

  • 35 Replies
3,826 posts

Would laws pertaining to murder have to become readjusted to adhere to this argument?

That's a really neat question, though I wonder why it wouldn't apply to, say, the standard view of the afterlife in Christianity. While heaven couldn't be classified as a better life, it would certainly classify as a better existence. In some sense, I'd say that the end result is even better than the reincarnation alternative. You get to retain your sense of identity, your memories, and get to experience eternal bliss.
So is it the fact that the 'erson' would continue to live - that is, you can't actually do something to a person to end their life cycle. Is that what makes this question more salient in the framework of reincarnation than of heaven (or some comparable afterlife)?
2,301 posts

The math question can be easily answered by accepting that not all potential beings must always be incarnate. Since we're using the term soul, just imagine that a soul can hang out in a nonincarnate state for any length of time.

If the number of souls is greater than or equal to the maximum discrete beings a universe can support, it's fine.

Pang's stuff about suicide makes me think thus: if you're miserable in this life, the next is just going to be bad too. Reincarnation doesn't make sense without karma. Sure you can have fun pretending to have a meaningful discussion by talking about "just" reincarnation, but does it makes sense as an actual belief system? No.

Without a notion of karma, reincarnation could just be a thing that happens arbitrarily. But that's stupid. And doesn't reflect the actual philosophical and religious context of reincarnation.

You reincarnate [i]because

2,301 posts

Stupid phone.

Continuing: you reincarnate because of your karma. You have to live out the results of your actions. And that's terrible. Having both good karma and bad karma is bad. Because both cause you to endure existing. Karma is what ties you to the cycle of reincarnation. And escaping that cycle is good and being in it is bad.

1,315 posts

If you do believe in reincarnation, how would you explain it scientifically? If you don't, how would you debunk the above video?

What I mostly see is someone claims and put something together on video. I can do that. UFO's exist, and here is why.
194 posts

Interesting thing about human reincarnation came out when I was talking to some nun once - apparently God promissed humans "first life, then judgement", which would according to the Catholic Church mean no reincarnation - a souls path is one-directional from ??? through life to afterlife..that reincarnation for purely human souls that is. If anything else has a soul it's viable, probably even if it has human episodes.

478 posts

Catholics believe that there will be a reincarnation at the end of time, on the last day, which will reunite our bodies and souls to receive full reward or punishment for our lives we led. Now of course, it sounds ridiculous saying it, but there is much more to it. Most people shun Catholicism for their beliefs because they only put it to logic or what is know in the world today. We must always try to think outside the box and look at things differently. i try to approach absolutely everything with a different approach than your average Joe. Usually, I find reason to believe in it, and change my ways. This is why no adults, or anyone with strong beliefs, like me. If I was not raised with strong faith, and led by my morals, I probably wouldn't believe in the reincarnation. I put down other religions belief of reincarnation, so why should I expect cooperation in return. But we must remember that the soul, the thing which separates us from the beasts of the fields, can't die. So I like to look at it as more of a reunion of soul and body rather than a reincarnation.

8,256 posts

Catholics believe that there will be a reincarnation at the end of time, on the last day, which will reunite our bodies and souls to receive full reward or punishment for our lives we led.

From a religious point of view, I don't see the sense behind being reunited with your body. I am aware of the belief in last judgement, but that it contains reincarnation is new to me. Isn't heaven good enough, or hell bad enough? (and for a bit of word playing, reunion sort of assumes both parts stil exist, which won't be the case for your body (worms and insects say hello), so yes, it would definitely be a reincarnation).
9,462 posts

Most people shun Catholicism for their beliefs because they only put it to logic or what is know in the world today. We must always try to think outside the box and look at things differently.

It only makes sense so long as you don't apply logic to it huh? Guess nothing more needs to be said on that then. Except, thinking outside the box doesn't mean not using logic.

Usually, I find reason to believe in it, and change my ways.

In other words let's start with a conclusion and let's see what we can make fit that conclusion. Actually that isn't all that different from what your average Joe does.
478 posts

It only makes sense so long as you don't apply logic to it huh? Guess nothing more needs to be said on that then. Except, thinking outside the box doesn't mean not using logic.

Not what i meant bro, i just meant that using logic doesn't always prove the reality of something. There are other attributes that simple-minded people may not understand.
3,826 posts

Catholics believe that there will be a reincarnation at the end of time, on the last day, which will reunite our bodies and souls to receive full reward or punishment for our lives we led.

No, not even almost. Reincarnation is incompatible with the foundations of Christianity. And it's completely inconsistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church. This means that either 1) You're not really a Catholic, 2) You are deeply confused about the dogmas of Catholic faith (which carries the implication that you're not, strictly speaking, a Catholic), or 3) You're deeply confused about the notion of reincarnation.

i just meant that using logic doesn't always prove the reality of something. There are other attributes that simple-minded people may not understand.

You're suggesting that there are things that somehow go beyond or violate the laws of logic? That's just nonsense. And what 'other attributes' are you talking about? Attributes of what? Or are you just saying things?
5,552 posts

No, not even almost. Reincarnation is incompatible with the foundations of Christianity. And it's completely inconsistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church. This means that either 1) You're not really a Catholic, 2) You are deeply confused about the dogmas of Catholic faith (which carries the implication that you're not, strictly speaking, a Catholic), or 3) You're deeply confused about the notion of reincarnation.

Moe, it's all three. He lives in his own little bubble world. Go visit his Traditional Catholics thread to find out more.

(and for a bit of word playing, reunion sort of assumes both parts stil exist, which won't be the case for your body (worms and insects say hello),

I think we can all agree that reincarnation where people/animals are literally reborn as the same person is demonstrably, utterly falsifiable. We have no recorded instances of the 'same' person appearing twice, and we know that our biological bodies decay.
1,315 posts

This means that either 1) You're not really a Catholic

Well, going by another thread, we're looking at a Catholic Libertarian (or possibly Libertarian Catholic. Or perhaps Traditional Catholic Libertarian, or vice versa.)

Now there's an eceptional minority (of one?) if ever I heard of one
9,808 posts

Well, going by another thread, we're looking at a Catholic Libertarian (or possibly Libertarian Catholic. Or perhaps Traditional Catholic Libertarian, or vice versa.)

Just because you claim to be something, doesn't actually make it so
3,937 posts

By having a quick read about the above, I think Declan meant another thing with reincarnation. As I understand my religion, what will happen at the end of time is not necessarily reincarnation (with the definition you're using).

1 posts

I think everybody is getting away from the actually video. if you look at the channel it is on, you'll find stuff like, "how to stop global warming, "how to feel good about yourself everyday all the time", and &quotower of subconscious mind". I think the channel is more about "everyone else is doing the wrong thing, but I know what to do" then stating religious truths.

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