ForumsWEPRGeorge Zimmermann Found Not Guilty

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I feel that these institutions that were once needed for progress have become the very hate mongering institutions they set out to destroy.

Yep, it seems they need to perpetuate this BvW mentality in order to stay relevant and to keep the money flowing. It doesn't sound as good to say 'a half-Peruvian shot a 17-year-old pot-smoking African American who was serving his 3rd suspension from school' when they can rake in donations from 'White man guns down black youth'.
478 posts

Just sayin, I think that people aren't surprised when it's a black guy that commits the crime...

5,129 posts

Just sayin, I think that people aren't surprised when it's a black guy that commits the crime...

A. what crime?
B. sure, all white boys are angels...
1,322 posts

The thought behind his statement has nothing to do with all of anyone. It's an observation based on either facts or personal experience saying that for being a minority African American males seem to be responsible for a disproportionately large number of crimes compared to other ethnicities. Even the black individuals speaking out against the N double the hate C P cite things like ~500'ish black on black murders last year in Chicago alone. African Americans also comprise a disproportionately large part of the lower income housing developments/bracket.

I've recently watched this documentary style video about a teacher who performed a racism experiment on her all white kids. She manipulated them into believing blue eyed people were better than the brown eyed and then she flipped it the next day. Bullying and other negative things were soon where they had once been absent. But the one observation that caught my interest was that the performance level of the "lesser" children immediately started to diminish. When asked why they replied "I have blue eyes... I'm stupid." What I took from this is that the moment an individual perceives that someone else (individual or group) perceives them as different they may start acting, subconsciously or otherwise, to make it happen... Or to at least form a mental barrier of self identity that sets themselves apart from the other group. Maybe I'm wrong, but it does seem to explain self perpetuating differences observable amongst different parties involved.

With the huge identity rifts that are based solely off of color (I call it social epigenetics) and the fact that all colors, ethnicities, etc are not represented equally amongst the income brackets that we MUST be equal in everything statistical. There are wrongful decisions made in courts and statistics don't always show what they rightfully should... But saying things shouldn't be appreciably different is crazy. An ideal world isn't always (actually, it's not most of the time) a real world. Saying that social (or other such styles of ) epigenetics can't and don't promote inherent differences in those who acknowledge such rifts is grossly irresponsible to the plight of truly fixing the problems at hand.

I feel that there are things that need to be changed on both sides, but there will forever be a rift as long as the NAACP isn't the NAAAP, National Association for the Advancement of ALL PEOPLE.

All that rambling aside, I don't think Declan's comment was merited. It comes across more so as a childish ignorant stab at a kid he never met or knew.

478 posts

A. what crime?

I wasn't talking about this whole incident. Neither Martin nor Zimmerman are
white, and the only crime here was that Martin wasn't raised to mind your own business and keep to yourself when it comes to strangers.

B. sure, all white boys are angels...

No, alot of white people are sinful, immoral, and sometimes criminal, but blacks do have the highest crime rate. Then Hispanic. Black's are actually above 50% in most crimes.
1,269 posts

I wasn't talking about this whole incident. Neither Martin nor Zimmerman are
white, and the only crime here was that Martin wasn't raised to mind your own business and keep to yourself when it comes to strangers.

You mean Zimmerman right? Through I would be a little suspicious if I saw a guy walking down a street with a hood on at night when break in's happen a lot in the same neighborhood.

No, alot of white people are sinful, immoral, and sometimes criminal, but blacks do have the highest crime rate. Then Hispanic. Black's are actually above 50% in most crimes.

Link to evidence please?
165 posts

In my opinion, the crime was not racial, it was the fact that George Zimmerman had acted like an idiot.

4,170 posts

Does anyone know where I can get actual facts on the case? It's hard to find information without a load of bias.

9,462 posts

Does anyone know where I can get actual facts on the case? It's hard to find information without a load of bias.

How about the documented video of the trial?
George Zimmerman Trial - Day 1 - Part 1 (Opening Statements)
4,170 posts

Thank you Mage. I probably should have checked YouTube.

888 posts

I want to know how the Court finds people who know little enough about this case to be on the Jury. I swear you would have to be living under a rock, Amish, or a hillbilly (The more sophisticated one's prefer to be called hillwilliams)

Not that there is anything wrong with hillbillies, or the Amish

1,298 posts

Saw all those people on the streets because a person that is not on their family dead?

1,322 posts

Copy pasted from 's
PRISON DATA section. It has its own sources smattered all over the page. I'm sure it's within your power to click them yourself.

According to the BJS non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the prison and jail population in 2009.[21] Hispanics (of all races) were 15.9% of those incarcerated in 2009.[21] Hispanics comprised 16.3% of the US population according to the 2010 US census.[22][23] According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics from 2000 to 2008 the rate of prevalence of incarceration for blacks declined to 3,161 per 100,000 and the white rate slightly increase to 487 per 100,000.[24] In 2009 American Indians and Alaskan Natives were jailed, paroled, or on probation at 932 per 100,000, 25% higher than for non-Indians/Natives (747), up 5.6% that year and 12% higher than 2007.[25] However, crime in general declined during this time down to near 1970 levels, an 18% decrease from the previous decade.[26] (US Imprisonment Rates by Race, Age, and Gender, 2011) "In 2011, imprisonment rates among age and racial groups tended to increase through age 34 before declining (table 8). The imprisonment rates indicate that about 0.5% of all white males, more than 3.0% of all black males, and 1.2% of all Hispanic males were imprisoned in 2011. Between 6.6% and 7.5% of all black males ages 25 to 39 were imprisoned in 2011, which were the highest imprisonment rates among the measured sex, race, Hispanic origin, and age groups. Slightly fewer than 3% of Hispanic males were imprisoned in each of the age cohorts between ages 25 and 39. "In 2011, blacks and Hispanics were imprisoned at higher rates than whites in all age groups for both male and female inmates. Among prisoners ages 18 to 19, black males were imprisoned at more than 9 times the rate of white males. In 2011, Hispanic and black male prisoners age 65 or older were imprisoned at rates between 3 and 5 times those of white males. Excluding the youngest and oldest age groups, black males were imprisoned at rates that ranged between 5 and 7 times the rates of white males. Among persons ages 20 to 24, black males were imprisoned at about 7 times that of white males. Among persons ages 60 to 64, the black male imprisonment rate was 5 times that of the white male imprisonment rate. In comparison, Hispanic males were imprisoned at 2 to 3 times the rate of white males in 2011. Black females were imprisoned at between 2 and 3 times the rate of white females, while Hispanic females were imprisoned at between 1 and 3 times the rate of white females."

Guess what I did tonight, everyone!!!

You guessed it! I watched CNN instead of Fox and managed to do nothing but get aggravated. This one woman with a hat on was probably the worst one of all of them. "You've had over 400 years to stop being racist!" she said... Last time I checked it was black on black violence that started and fueled their slavery in the first place. It was white people that freed them. Statistically speaking, a black child is safer alone in an auditorium filled with southern whiteys, than he is in an auditorium filled with black people from Chicago. If we're simply going to say that someone who is of ____ skin color killed someone of _____ skin color and is therefore a racist.... then black on black racism is by far the black man's worst enemy. It's this giant monster in the background that no one wants to address.... but our White Black president alongside multiple other celebrities feels the need to fuel this fire that shouldn't even be burning.

"THERE ARE TOO MANY CEMETERY PLOTS FILLED WITH THE BODIES OF BLACK CHILDREN PUT THERE BY THE HANDS OF THEIR WHITE KILLERS." Those numbers are so far fewer than the numbers of black children put into their graves by their black murderers it's ridiculous!

It seems that to point at anything other than a racial issue where it doesn't exist is to be yourself a racist. I have tried watching the other side of the argument... I tried it for the last few days, actually. Rarely did I see more than a factually baseless appeal to emotion. There was no evidence suggesting racism.

"he shouldn't have gotten out of the car"

Trayvvon should not have been out at 1:30 in the morning walking around just to get junk food.

There are laws against neither of those things. If you choose to do them, then they are acceptable to do amongst a free people. A series of unfortunate events occurred where either party would have most likely been justified in killing the other party, yet not been murderers. It falls under the classification of "**it happens."

For anyone to say that "I know Zimmerman is a murderer" is to claim things that they cannot know. They were not there. Which degree of murder would you classify him under? Under what justification? You need more than "he killed Trayvvon!!" You have no idea if George's testimony is the truth or not. There is nothing indicating hate or otherwise. He didn't walk up and shoot him on sight. He could've gunned him down from a ways away with no problem. The problem is that he didn't just outright gun him down. I haven't heard for certain, but I don't even think he had his gun drawn as he approached him. His testimony that he gave several times prior to not taking the stand at the actual hearing said (if I remember correctly) that he told TM that there was nothing to worry about and that he was neighborhood watch making sure nothing was up"... only to be told "you're going to die tonight." I don't know how a 270lb hispanic man catches a 150lb black kid that wants to run away from him... I don't guess I'll ever understand that one. Being followed aside... after Zimmerman got out of his car, trayvvon has to have either stood there or gone on the offensive. There's no way that fat man could have caught him. Did he roll down hill and pick up so much speed that in an adrenaline induced lack of good judgment Trayvvon forgot to step to the left or the right before getting tackedled by GZ?

In lieu of today's car wreck near GZ's home and how he helped people in the wreck the CNN people had a few things to say about him... here's one.
"how is he all of a sudden strong enough to move around adults to help them out when he couldn't lift a 17 year old off of him???" ----see the below

Those texts that weren't allowed in court supposedly talked about how TM knew how to fight and knew how to incapacitate an opponent by hitting them in the nose. ...............wasn't Zimmerman's nose broken? To the man that posited that question... I can find 17 year olds in probably 99.999% of the high school in the country that could knock your lights out and put you into a life threatening situation. It's not a matter of size, but how you attack your opponent. To claim that a poor innocent child armed with nothing but sweet tea and skittles has not the capacity to seriously harm and/or kill someone is beyond laughable.

there was a case cited tonight where a black man gunned down a 17 year old white kid in new york in the past few years when the kid charged him but never touched him. That man was justified in his actions according to the information present (he was acquitted, eeerrrmmmaaageeerrrdd) and you can't tell me that you know that GZ wasn't justified in his.

The facts are that you don't know what happened, Zimmerman is hispanic, hate mongering is getting in the way of true progress for a better tomorrow, and the jury members have made their decision on a case you didn't listen to all of when they did. Quit trying to see racism where there isn't any. Quit trying to lynch a man for nothing more than emotional reasons! ...AND FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GET HIS HORSE CRAP OFF OF THE NEWS SO WE CAN FINALLY BE INFORMED ON ISSUES THAT ARE ACTUALLY PERTINENT TO OUR LIVES AND THE HERE AND NOW!!!
9,439 posts

To claim that a poor innocent child armed with nothing but sweet tea and skittles has not the capacity to seriously harm and/or kill someone is beyond laughable.

It was much funnier when the prosecution wanted to say that GZ was also armed with a cheapo plastic flashlight. The very notion of it being presented as a dangerous weapon even gave the pathologist a chuckle.
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