Welcome to the Tower! This thread allows users to destroy or defend the Tower. The destroyers want it gone because it contains Treasure beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and the defenders must guard it down to the last second of their lives. Let the war begin.
Tower: 100,000 Hp Status: Good Affects: None
How this works is that attackers will post "attacks" to try to destroy the tower. Defenders will post defenses, to protect and save the tower. The game ends and the winner is announced when either the the towers Hp reaches 200,000 or the attackers destroy the tower.
RaNdOm GuY1: I throw stones at the tower.
RaNdOm GuY2: I put a bandage on the tower were it was hurt.
Walrusman72: Guy1: Not very effective -1 hp Guy2: +1 hp
Tower: 100,000 Hp Status: Good Affects: None
Affects are given by me and are just random affects to the tower, such as adding defense and the like.
Rule: Don't disrupt the topic
I being the last good defender I head to the tower to find out why the dragon has taken up residence, take my personal guards and trusted commander with me, has well as a spell book to help me talk to it.
Shadowgun: thank you for ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME! anyways, the dragon has taken up residence to guard the unattended hoard, and will willingly help you defended the treasure, if you let go of part of the hoard to him.
I agree to him, "My men and my fleet of ships will help you keep the treasure safe, and my outpost will help you repair the tower as well." I say to him.
(-_- I don't know whether I should actually play this thing if I'm 'not actually playing the game' -_- and also, your relying on technology, I'm not. 'Building' force fields aren't the same as using energy.)
(-_- I don't know whether I should actually play this thing if I'm 'not actually playing the game' -_- and also, your relying on technology, I'm not. 'Building' force fields aren't the same as using energy.
If you can just tear through peter's energy shield then I think blk can have a force field.
Clyde drags back the remains of peter like a good little rover when he finished with the mines and I repair peter and give him a flame thrower arm for when you try to tear through his shield I then make the Molly the missile robot and outfit her with anti force field missile which point right at BLK's force field generator. I then make Mary the Mom robot, who creates small exploding robots named Evans which run towards BLK's tower.
Clyde drags back the remains of peter like a good little rover when he finished with the mines and I repair peter and give him a flame thrower arm for when you try to tear through his shield I then make the Molly the missile robot and outfit her with anti force field missile which point right at BLK's force field generator. I then make Mary the Mom robot, who creates small exploding robots named Evans which run towards BLK's tower.
I laugh madly from above and suddenly the players realize i have the power to intervene in battle! i materialize a box to sit in the center of the battlefield...waiting silently to be open...
If you can just tear through peter's energy shield then I think blk can have a force field
Not saying he can't have one. He can't BUILD one. You don't just build a force field you have to either create it (with energy) or build a force field creator. Also, I didn't tear through one. I opened a tiny gap and forced it farther open with another shield and then went inside Peter's force field as it closed behind me.)
I raise my hand towards the tower and make the tower bend at my will since all the materials it's made out of is controlled by me. (:P that's what you get when I help fix the tower, although it helps the tower, not destroys it.) The areas where the mines are open up to reveal the mines. They come out as they have no power to resist (:P). I then throw most them towards Mary the Mom Robot and her little minions set to explode on impact. The rest I send at the guys holding miniguns. As the two explode I run towards the box, sending a blast of energy towards blk as I run.
I mean I build a generator, common sense much? It's kind of like how America mean USA
O.o OMG REALLY I DIDN'T KNOW! And also, America doesn't mean USA it's short for USA. USA = United States of America (\\_-. Build a force field is not short for build a force field generator. What I was trying to say and I'll say it to everyone now. YOU CANNOT BUILD EVERYTHING INSTANTLY. IT DOESN'T TAKE TWO SECONDS (about as long as it takes for me to read your posts) FOR YOU TO BUILD A ROBOT OR FORCE FIELD GENERATOR.
(I was going to build towards this after that last post. (the one with the "you can't build a generator")