Easy game. All you have to do is correct the person above you's correction.Example:Player 1 (me): hi guys.Player 2: Um, thats, "Hi guys." With a capital "h".Player 3: Ha, your a fail! It's That's not "thats". Try to annoy each other as much as possible and make it as hard as you can! I'll do the starting sentence. Hey, i really hope you guys like this game. It's to test how you good your grammar is.
No people do this all the time anyway
Wow Gandalf you're post is perfecto! Yay for gandalf..?>>?
You failed to capitalize Gandolf. Also, "erfecto" is not a word. You would use the word "erfect" in that situation. Just a question. Was the editor of "Mien Kampf" be the first grammer nazi?
u midded une.
you know what I looked at the wrong page their...disregard that above post
1. You did not Use capitalization. 2. You used the wrong form of there, the three forms being there, their, and They're. You want the first one.
Your use is captilized, and you also capitilized they're.In the last sentence, you should have put You wantED the first one, since he now has no need of using it.
You never specified who "he" was. Now no one has any idea who you're talking about.
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