ForumsProgramming Forumneed an artist- Graphic novel type stuff

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Need someone to draw Black and White graphic novel type stuff. It's for a game I am making. Need someone pretty good at drawing, it's going to be with stick figures but I'd like someone well versed at drawing to become my artist for the game(just drawing frames, like.. like a graphic novel type thing). If anyone wants more info or is interesting PM me or send me an email( This is a big project, might not need you right now but will need you and want someone.

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1,305 posts

^This was already made the Art, music, and literature category. And since it is an exact copy, it would be considered spam. Although, i am more than willing to help. There have been a few members who are known for there artistic abilities. If i were you i would venture off and take a peek at *Vinky's* profile, and art thread located *Here*. He has some amazing artistic qualities.

Though i may warn you, he is not online that often. Good luck reaching him.

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