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3 posts

Islam to me is the true religion. I was born as a Muslim and I now live as Muslims. I believe that Allah, our God is true and His Messenger, Muhammad ( peace be upon him) is Allah's Massenger. Why I said this?[ ] this link is an example of the holy Quran, translated. I know Islam is true and the reason I made this forum is to discuss it, not because I order you to become a Muslim, but to just tell what we do. It is up to you if you want to read this or not, to believe this or not. If you have any problems or questions about the thread feel free to ask me. If you do not want this thread, ask the moderator to lock this thread. Thank you for reading.


  • 67 Replies
198 posts

You guys don't know anything of why Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) conquered all this places ill tell you the whole story ....... First the Holy Prophet pbuh was born and never did any bad deed in his life and was very honest that a Owner of a caravan Hazrat Khadijah asked him to deliver some things since he was a tradesman and since this trip was successful she sent him a proposal which was accepted...he started go to a cave for meditation when one day at the age of 40 he received his first revelation and was asked to repeat which he did and then the angel Hazrat Gibrael told him that that Allah made him his Prophet........ So he steadily started preaching at first to his family and friends then the people of Makkah but then the prosecutions started to happen and so he started traveling to other places to convert but not very successful until the people of Madina invited him to be their ruler since the two tribes of it were fighting then when he arrived so the Holy Prophet pbuh was successful in converting them to Islam....but like you guys were saying how he broke treaties with the other Jews,Christians in the area..wrong in Madina there were also 3 tribes of Jews so the Holy Prophet pbuh made treaties with them but they betrayed and broke the treaty so the Muslims never broke a treaty, the Jews did and as you said how the Muslims had no mercy why they conquered other cities without saying anything? All wrong The Quraish of Makkah knew the religion of peace and ethics Islam would ruin their way of life so they waged war against them. And don't ever put false accusations of how the Holy Prophet acted or did

1,773 posts

Oh please. After the battle against Meddina, the prophet lost, so on there way back home they sacked a jewish village.

And befor you call me dumb and say i know nothing (john snow), i took Academic courses at Islam history and the rising of Islam.
You just need to carve in the holy stort to get to the dirty truth. As i belive that not all of what happened in the bible is true or what happened in the new testaments, i also belive that the quran is not a word by word true.
Afcours we cant denie the existing of Muhamad or his conquest but lets not forget: the history os writen by the victorius.

And anout the dijins:
Peoples all around the world "swear" that they saw aliens, ghosts, nature spirits etc. etc. Shinto peoples swear that tjere uncle was saved by the river spirit. Budhist tell they saw Budha on there dreams. Old religions tell about meeting with there gods. So who are you to claim that they are all "dijines"? Maybe they are aliens? Maybe this long kid is a doplengar? Or a slenderman?

And also - if in the past the dijins were so active and helpfull, what went wrong? Why the islamic world is nor the major power in the world with such powerfull allies? Why dont we see these magnificents building being built today?

8,256 posts

Are you guys Dumb?

No need to be insulting!

Summoning Dijinn is called black magic

Yeah, that's more or less what we've been concluding, so what's your point?

and Btw there are many true stories about Dijinn told to me by my mother or friends.

Did your mother also use to tell you about santa? How do you know the stories are true if you haven't had any experience with a djinn? If you had had any experience with a djinn why not say so instead of talking of bed-time stories?
1,826 posts

Oh please. After the battle against Meddina, the prophet lost, so on there way back home they sacked a jewish village.

What battle are you refferring to?

Also, are you trying to say that in your opinion, prophet made up quran to justify his every move.
Then by that logic, it can be said that moses went in desert with all the israel on a hunch.
i know nothing (john snow)

Yggerritt dies in the book.
During the attack on Castle Black and John Snow becomes new lor Commander.
God I want to Spoil it ALL!
Joffery Dies Poisoned By Little Finger
Tywin Dies, Killed By Imp
Shae is also killed By Imp
Arya Reaches to Jaqen Hagar's Temple.
Sansa Goes with Petyr to Her AUnt Who Also Dies.
Varys Vanishes.
1,826 posts

the history os writen by the victorius.

By that LOgic
Holocaust is a conspiracy a clever conspiracy of jewish making.
Peoples all around the world "swear" that they saw aliens, ghosts, nature spirits etc. etc. Shinto peoples swear that tjere uncle was saved by the river spirit. Budhist tell they saw Budha on there dreams. Old religions tell about meeting with there gods. So who are you to claim that they are all "dijines"? Maybe they are aliens? Maybe this long kid is a doplengar? Or a slenderman?

May be they are something that Science does not under stand and they have different names in each culture/religion.
and also this conversation can move forward better without insults.
No need to redden faces and hurting throats.
165 posts

I find it very true history is written by the victors. If the Nazis won WW2 and controlled your country (general example, don't tell me that I'm going crazy ahistorical here) for example, would we still view the holocaust in a negative light? Or would the government have told us it was a good thing, or never told anyone at all?

9,439 posts

May be they are something that Science does not under stand

Thanks for the argument from ignorance. "We don't know, so let's throw in a filler until we do."


Science is not a thing which does or does not understand. It is a process.

and they have different names in each culture/religion.

And entirely different attributes.

If the Nazis won WW2 and controlled your country (general example, don't tell me that I'm going crazy ahistorical here) for example, would we still view the holocaust in a negative light?

It would likely be viewed as a necessary evil by many: "It's a shame, but the weak die to make room for the strong".

Or would the government have told us it was a good thing,

I think the government would play it up as a wholly good thing unless it's politically unpopular to do so.

or never told anyone at all?

Hitler made plenty of speeches singling out the Jewish threat in much the same way that Bush went after Arabic terrorists. It would be a bit difficult to censor the millions who heard and read his words, and there's not much benefit in doing so. Instead, it would be a proud thing. Had they won the war/globe, the camp guards would've been celebrated for eradicating the scourge of the earth and progressing humanity to a brighter future.
198 posts

Daniels don't you think that me as a Muslim would know the life of the holy prophet? I have read about his life many times and what you said is untrue the Holy Prophet pbuh migrated to Madina he didn't fight it and the Quraish fought the wars of Badr,Uhad, and Khandaq with him. In the year 6 A.H The Holy Prophet pbuh decided to perform umar so he left for Makkah with fifteen hundred of his followers but the Quraish didn't let him enter Makkah so The Holy Prophet pbuh sent 2 messengers to inform them that they had come unarmed and wished to enter Makkah for performing Umra. The following treaty is as writtened : (1) There was to be no fighting between Muslims and the Queaish for 10 years. (2)the Muslims were to return to Madinah that year but could enter Makkah to perform Umrah the following year but could stay for 3 days only. (3) The Muslims must bring no weapons. (4) If a Muslim wanted to stay in Makkah , he must not be prevented from doing so. (5) If a person fled to Madinah from Makkah with his guardians permission he had to be returned and vice versa.

198 posts

Conquest of Makkah:in the year 8 A.H the Muslims were strictly observing the terms of the treaty of hudaibiya when the Quraish broke the treaty,the Muslims sent the option of renewing the treaty they chose not too.The Holy Prophet pbuh thought there were no other option but to fight against the Quraish.The Holy Prophet marched against them with 10,000 men and told them that if they took refuge in their homes would be safe and not be killed,all of this was complete and the entry into Makkah was peaceful . The Holy prophet pbuh went into the Kabbah and destroyed the 360 idols which were placed by the unbelievers and when he came out him most bitterest enemies were there and showed the finest example of forgiveness: "There will be no reproach against you this day; Go you are free."

198 posts

And Danielo which battle are referring to as The Punisher said? And by the way the people of Madinah invited the Holy Prophet pbuh to Madinah and the stories that my parents told me are real he encountered a Jinn late at night when there was nobody around when suddenly he heard a voice from behind say his name but he knew that nobody in Gujrat knows him (Gujrat is where he was) so he didn't dare look back but said a prayer and when he was done the Jinn said you got away. In it it shows that jinns are scared of Allah and fear his name that's why Muslims are encouraged to not look back if a Jinn calls you and say a prayer

1,773 posts

Punisher - i belive that Moses made up the storie befor him about Abraham and Jacob and Yitshak.

I dont remmember what fight it was, but if im not mess it up, after the first try of the prophet to take Meddina.

And again, who won,Qurieash or The prophet?

(How is that that the muslims always win, but when they dont its because the other side cheated?)

1,773 posts

Oh and one more thing - Punisher, i thought you were a religius man.

1,826 posts

I dont remmember what fight it was, but if im not mess it up, after the first try of the prophet to take Meddina.

You know nothing (of javier)
Quraish were of Makka not Medina, Also He never had to fight for Medina and there was only one battle for Makkah which we won.
You know nothing.
How is that that the muslims always win, but when they dont its because the other side cheated?

The only battle which muslims lost while under the command of The prophet was UHUD the second battle of Islam and we lost it because of our own fault.
Oh and one more thing - Punisher, i thought you were a religius man.

I am religious man, although I am not a very pious person.
1,773 posts

So why you do such evil as bringing the devil spoiler upon me???

"Watch your clicks, as the comments are dark and full of spoilers"

198 posts

The Punisher i9s right we lost the only battle because somee archers were supposed to protect the pass from behind from the enemy cavalry but they saw some gold and ran to collect it and when the enemy cavalry general saw the pass unprotected they attacked and we unfortunately lost the battle.Then the revelation came that Allah will only support us if we support him and that we left for booty and forgot what we were fighting for

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