ForumsForum GamesThe village (Werewolf game)

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1,773 posts

Back in 1519, in a small village deep deep in the woodlands on England, something strang started to happen. As slaughtered of sheepa and catle in a way a wolf or a bear will never be able to, the villager start to belive that something horrible is begining. As they learnt from cases in the past and from aboard, they know they have to act sweeftly. To gather the citizens of the village amf hang the man who stand behind the beast.

This is a diffrunte kind of RPG. Its less about fighting or Acting, but more of acusing, voting for whome you think the werewolf is and, if you have a secret job, if it choosing wher to lay your ambush as the royal speicel werewolf hunter, Doing whatever you can to make your nemesis die, or choosing your next pray as the werewolf.....

This game need massive number of players - the more the better. Its not a demanding game. Every day is a turn.

Some basic rules:
The game is made of turns, in a cycle of "day turns" and "night turns".
At the day time, the peoples gather and vote and argue of whome is the werewolf.
At night time, The werewolf sneak to his pray, the royal werrwolf hunter choose in which house to ambush and the elder/fool decide on which they gonna read at the village book.

The more peoples to join, more classes will be able.

This game is tutored, mean that you dont have to have any experience in forum games befor - i narrate it fully.

So if you want to join, type your ingame name (make it british-like), your job in the village (lumberjack, smith, farmer and so on - not "werewolf ". I choose these), basic apearence and 2 traits - angry, calm, tend to swear, clean, dirty, piety and so on (these wont change your game, but will let me tell you what are the outcome of the night in more interesting way).

PS to make this game run ill need atleast 7 peoples. So try to invite to this game as much peoples as you can.

Fun is Guaranteed.

  • 12 Replies
182 posts

1. OMG I barely read through that. If you're going to make things like these at least make it readable. Also if your going to narrate scenes then please improve your grammar and spelling.
2. It's a good idea I think...if it was some family board game like Clue. At least that's my understanding of it. You need to do a better job of explaining your idea, I don't really understand what kind of game this is.
3. How will you tell the person who is the werewolf that they're the werewolf? That's assuming you're going to tell them.
4. Leading off from '2' and '3' I don't really understand a lot about this game. Is it an RP? Is it an RPG? Are we going to have any inclusion into this or is everything based on you? Will we be able to change our class after more people join since, "The more people join, the more classes are available." What is this 'village book'?
These are just examples of the questions that are unanswered from your first post.

So please when your making your first post about new games or whatever this is. Think about these things that I mentioned. Because I barely understand what you are talking about...

Have fun =D.

1,773 posts

ill try to make it more clear:

Every reallife day is a turn in the game.
There are 3 basic classes:
Werewolf: 2 - every night, the werewolves choose their target. If both choose the same person, the victim die. If not, ill awar of who the werewllves attacked (not who they are).

The royal werewolf hunter: 1 - every night he choose which person he want to defwned. If one werewolf attack this player, the hunter will know his name. If two werewolves attack, 1 will die. In both cases the hunter stay annonymos.

The village elder - Every night the elder choose 1 person to examine. He will know his class.
Fool - he think he his a elder. Get wrong information (more tend to be simple villager or diffrunte class).
Villagre - every night he sleep.

At the day, the village gather and vote whome he gonna hang. The one who get the most of the votes (more then 20%) get hanged and die.

Dead peoples lose.

Speicel jobs -
Enemies - both knpw about each other. There goal is to make the other one die.
Lovers/gyepsis (depend on the amount of the players) - there goal is to keep each other alive. Can be werewolf/elder/hunter.

Every "morning" ill detail the acts of the night (without giving out names afcours).

You can talk to each other in private, just find out how.
About the how ill tell you your job...
Welli quite forget the"PM" is open for all, so -

Please enter a email for private mails, like speical classes. If you have another way to communicate which can be handled feom a phone (i dont have a computer at the momment) ill be glad too.

(And sorry for the grammer, as i said im typing from my phone so i cant realy check for it...)

5,340 posts

sorry... i wanted to play but the second explanation made this all too much more complicated. its also more about luck this way then actual thinking. if you can make it more simple (less classes, more freedom of what you want to do) then i might join.

1,773 posts

(Its also called the mafia bluerabbbit).

Its not a full RPG kind of game. The werewolves kill, the village vote. Belive me, its getting interesting.

And if you wish, ill be more "open-minded" with the role play. As long as everyone will remmember his place i will.

1,773 posts


(Does this edit buttom idea will come in the near future?)

64 posts

Same premise as the typical Mafia forum game right? We banter and plot with the other players during the day turn, then privately submit an action for the night turn? I'm interested.

1. OMG I barely read through that. If you're going to make things like these at least make it readable. Also if your going to narrate scenes then please improve your grammar and spelling.

Should be "you're going to narrate," no?
182 posts

Same premise as the typical Mafia forum game right? We banter and plot with the other players during the day turn, then privately submit an action for the night turn? I'm interested.

[quote]1. OMG I barely read through that. If you're going to make things like these at least make it readable. Also if your going to narrate scenes then please improve your grammar and spelling.

Should be "you're going to narrate," no? [/quote]

Herpsederps :P Never said I was perfect either :P. Thanks.
64 posts

Herpsederps :P Never said I was perfect either :P. Thanks

It's all good, none of us are perfect. I just did that because I want you to give this guy an honest chance. He's pitching a variant of a tried and true forum game, and he'd likely improve his spelling and grammar if we help him out.

Any version of Mafia is fun ! I could try to explain the rules. Would you be okay with that, danielo?
1,773 posts

Sure thing.

64 posts

Cool, I'll give it my best shot.

In any Mafia style game, the goal is to keep your character alive. Each forumer plays as a villager. The villagers are quite unsettled by the recent events, as danielo said. The game will probably open up in a town square (or something similar) with the villagers discussing the recent events. The villagers already know that the culprit is a werewolf, but the werewolf's identity is anybody's guess.

Here is what the character sheet will probably look like.
Character Sheet:
Name: Jonathan Reid
Occupation: Hunter
Appearance: slightly better than average build, dark hair
Personality: stupid but level-headed
(I'd like to use this as my character if that's okay, danielo)

The private messaging on this site won't work, so you'll have to provide danielo with some other form of contact. This is crucial. Danielo will use this to give you your true role/class. Don't let anyone else know what your class is!

The game is not necessarily about character development, but is played more for the simplicity and drama.

On to the good stuff! The flow of the game is as follows: Day phase, Night phase, Day phase, Night phase, and so on until there is a winner. The villagers (remember, all characters are villagers) spend the day phase arguing, plotting, and scheming with one another. The day phase is also when each villager casts his or her vote. You may go about this any way you like, as long as all you are doing is talking and voting.

Here's a little slice of what you may see in a day phase, albeit a hastily drawn up one.

Jimbo Slimbo: Methinks 'twas Danny Boy! I vote for Danny Boy!
Danny Boy: What!? I'm innocent! I'm just a kid!
Lady MacIntyre: Oh, hush, you peeping Tom! I know you are the werewolf because you weren't outside my window last night- logic! Irrefutable logic! I vote for Danny Boy.
Danny Boy: But what about Scott, the lumberjack! He's a shady fellow, isn't he? I vote for Scott the Lumberjack.

And it would go on until the 24 hours are up. At that point, the votes are tallied. The majority vote winner meets the lynch mob- game over for that poor villager!

Next is the night phase. During the night phase, the Royal Werewolf Hunter, the elder, the fool, and the werewolves all privately send an action to danielo. Once those are submitted, danielo will reveal the events of the night- the only thing that all the villagers will be aware of is any death that happened overnight. We then go on to the next day phase. From here on out, the drama and hysteria are out of control...

So that's all I've got. Please do correct me where I'm wrong, danielo.

1,773 posts

Couldnt done it better

We need massive number of peoples!

Thisbgame is not demanding, you can play it even if you dont log in twice a day.

435 posts

I'll play. It sounds like fun.

Name: David Smithers
Occupation: Blacksmith
Appearance: Dark Hair, Brown eyes, average height, strong.
Personality: Aggresive, greedy.

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