post 1: I toppled a domino 2:It hit a 3:It went on a see-saw...ETC.I toppled a domino line...
It hit a ball...Yeah, my imagination sucks.
A baby cried...
An old woman lost her hearing...
A hearing aids store bought Best Buy...
no. it must be logical!!!!!
the ball went on a see-saw
It rolled down the see-saw
The see-saw broke.
A fat kid gleefully exclaimed, "Yay, it wasn't me this time!"
Then the bullies came over and punched him
One bully's fist got absorbed entirely into the fat.
*face palm* You guys aren't playing the game right.The bully (whose fist is stuck) trips over a power cord, unplugging a.....
a pump which is inflating a giant pink and red splattered rubber ducky which then...
Deactivates a safety lock on a...
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