ForumsWEPREgypt massacre *Links May Contain Graphic Images And Videos*

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I have never cried in adult life and seen very graphic things.
But this made me cry.
god can one be so cruel?

  • 73 Replies
5,552 posts

Fortunately, I still can and I will fight for this right if I have to.
You despise and say that they are trying to impose Sharia law on the world while you yourself want to impose the opposite of it on them.

Punisher, I've told you this before, but here's the root of all this.

You can't impose freedom, you can only allow it. YOUR beliefs are the ones oppressing, specifically Sharia law. People are allowed to practice their own beliefs, to an extent. YOUR beliefs do not entitle you to rule with a violent and oppressive thumb on all the indoctrinated and brainwashed citizens raised there. It does not make it right to beat the victim, because you raised them to accept that fate.

As for what I consider a moderate Muslim to be, that would be one who does not practice Sharia law.

We're off topic from the events in Egypt, though.
8,256 posts

We're off topic from the events in Egypt, though.

So what's the news? Syria focuses the news, I don't hear much from Egypt. I guess not much change though..
1,773 posts

Sisi is going Nasser on the brotherhood *****.

Well, enough with the dreams about eygept democracy. Back to normal everyone! Back to talk about our favorite food or the repeating god yes/no threads, i guese.

I think its game over.

1,826 posts

Punisher, I've told you this before, but here's the root of all this.

You can't impose freedom, you can only allow it. YOUR beliefs are the ones oppressing, specifically Sharia law. People are allowed to practice their own beliefs, to an extent. YOUR beliefs do not entitle you to rule with a violent and oppressive thumb on all the indoctrinated and brainwashed citizens raised there. It does not make it right to beat the victim, because you raised them to accept that fate.

You exactly want to impose freedom, I think I have said it before and i will say it again.
The only way Islam and west can co exist is if they keep a distance b/w themselves. Which certainly does not happen.
Also Sharia Law is what defines Islam.
If you don't like it, move away, don't go to places where sharia law is applied and gt drunk and have sex.And if you do so, and get caught then don't whine about getting caught.
8,256 posts

The only way Islam and west can co exist is if they keep a distance b/w themselves.

This is just wrong. Sorry but coexistence is possible in one and the same community; in our country we have many muslims and apart from the usual conservatives on each side, everything's peachy. Though, they're the kind of muslims which you say are not real muslims, meaning moderate muslims who do not practise Sharia law.

Keeping both sides separate will only allow oppressive groups to go on imposing their views on everyone.
1,773 posts

In Israel(!!!) we live fine side by side. I know its sound wierd, but all the arab towns inside Israel (not the west bank or gaza wher they will slaughter you if you will enter) are living in harmony with us. And they are proud muslims. They celebrate there holidays in peace and so does us. In Haifa they do this Festival wher they celebrate Passover togheter with the Eid al-Fitr and Easter.

I mean, the western bank and the Israeli-arabs are very open minded. They follow all the rules but yet live a modern life. They hear music and dance and live.

Unlike Gaza, wher Hamas rule (aka MB wing in Gaza {its quite complicated}). They burned down a water park because "its against Islam". They killed a bunch of boars at the Gaza Zoo. They threat resturants owners. They murdured an Israel-arab actor in Hevron for making Israeli and arabic kids theater classes.

So wher is better? Western world Israel or radica-Islam Gaza?

1,826 posts

So wher is better? Western world Israel or radica-Islam Gaza?

You forgot to mention air strikes and the fact unlawful occupation.
Settlements and list goes on and on.
So don't you ***in tell me how great israel is.
Those arabs have to live some where now, have they not?
This is just wrong. Sorry but coexistence is possible in one and the same community; in our country we have many muslims and apart from the usual conservatives on each side, everything's peachy. Though, they're the kind of muslims which you say are not real muslims, meaning moderate muslims who do not practise Sharia law.

Keeping both sides separate will only allow oppressive groups to go on imposing their views on everyone.

\\That is what you don't get, Muslims have NO RIght to impose or practice Sharia law in a non muslim majority country. Sharia is not just law, it is a way of life, prayers, fasting, every thing is part of sharia.
Muslims do have to follow sharia but they can not force a Sharia Law in non muslim majority country.
Also, imposing Sharia Law is muslim govrn. responsibility.
When I say they are not practicing muslims, I nmean they don't say their prayers, don't fast etc.I don't mean it because they don't go around town chopping heads.
Also Danilo, boars are filthy creatures and I don't think they deserve a place in a muslim zoo.
They burned down a water park because "its against Islam"
They threat resturants owners

Links would be nice
1,826 posts

Also dani you did not answer my previous question.

8,256 posts

When I say they are not practicing muslims, I nmean they don't say their prayers, don't fast etc.

But they do. Muslims around here are practising muslims; they pray, they fast, they eat halal, muslimas often cover their heads. But they do it out of conviction, not because they are forced by the Shariah.
1,826 posts

But they do. Muslims around here are practising muslims; they pray, they fast, they eat halal, muslimas often cover their heads. But they do it out of conviction, not because they are forced by the Shariah.

Do you think there is punishment(man administered) for not praying, fasting or hijab?
No there is not, not in quran or hadith atleast, although some people(read radicals) do consider punishments legit.
1,773 posts

To your blames Dear Punisher,

I know how hurt it is when someone build a house some kilometers from wher you live. Almost a genocide. Even trough Israel is arresting the settlers and destroying Settlements and expell the entire settlements in Gaza is still not good enough. And when they get in Urban fighting, the Evil Israeli solider sometime miss on porpuse or even, for the love of god, return fire.

Because the perfect Islamist counteries did much much better in same condotions. When Morsi tried to stop the protest, he killed more civilians then the amount of deaths of civilians since 2005 in Israel. And when Iran fought with Iraq they didnt were affraid to chop down (some times literaly) whoever showen any sign of opposing the regiem. Or even Turkey and the Kurds, in which the TAF didnt affraid to bomb entire villages without a blink.

In Israel, the poor prisoners meet there families only twice a week and also able to finish first degree, or even furture. They also have TV.
We heared what happened in Jails around the Humanic Islamic world.

In Israel its ok to be gay.
In Israel a women is not a sex toy.
In Israel women have full rights.
In Israel, you can vote to whoever you want.
In Israel you can work at whatever you want.
In Israel, we have beer. BEER!.

I think im done here

Mubarak as been set almost free, and the leader of the MB had an heart attack.

Are we officialy done with the Uprising?

1,826 posts

I know how hurt it is when someone build a house some kilometers from wher you live. Almost a genocide. Even trough Israel is arresting the settlers and destroying Settlements and expell the entire settlements in Gaza is still not good enough. And when they get in Urban fighting, the Evil Israeli solider sometime miss on porpuse or even, for the love of god, return fire.

Because the perfect Islamist counteries did much much better in same condotions. When Morsi tried to stop the protest, he killed more civilians then the amount of deaths of civilians since 2005 in Israel. And when Iran fought with Iraq they didnt were affraid to chop down (some times literaly) whoever showen any sign of opposing the regiem. Or even Turkey and the Kurds, in which the TAF didnt affraid to bomb entire villages without a blink.

In Israel, the poor prisoners meet there families only twice a week and also able to finish first degree, or even furture. They also have TV.
We heared what happened in Jails around the Humanic Islamic world.
n Israel, the poor prisoners meet there families only twice a week and also able to finish first degree, or even furture. They also have TV.
We heared what happened in Jails around the Humanic Islamic world.

Are you saying Israel never mistreats its prisoners?
What has this to do with anything?
What are you trying to prove?
Is it "we are better than muslims so we deserve to live there" like so many Israelis and and their crones?
In Israel its ok to be gay.
In Israel women have full rights.
In Israel, you can vote to whoever you want.
In Israel you can work at whatever you want.
In Israel, we have beer. BEER!.

1,773 posts

Thats not what i said. But its nice to see that this is what you feel.

All i said is that your wild blames on Israel are mostly empty.
We do make mistakes. We do have a rasicm problme. But we are not devils, justlike the Muslims areant. I dislike Extrimist from both sides.

And these "Israel provoke", i didnt saw any refference in foregien media about the two side bombs which exploded near Gaza border or the attempt to put bombs at a mall in Jerusalem.
I wish for the peace discusins to be good, but does it a peace treaty or a surrendering? Who are they to say "we will TALK to you if you will do A B C. Then we will agree to hear you of you will give us D E and F. And then there will be a peace until you will do G H I, or when we will feel like it".

Its always Israel fault.
When nasser signed a peace treaty with Israel, he said that this threaty will be on as long as eygpt will gain from it.

Long story short - its better to live in Israel rather then most of not all radical islamic states.

And sorry for bringing Israel up, it was a bad desicion.

Anyone know whats going on in eygpt?

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