This is a nation simlation RPG game Players Start off With 1,000,000,000 Cash 100,000,000 Oil reserves And 600,000 for all metal types if a players geographical features in his country do not have uranium or gold deposts the that player may not build deposits. if you pick a country in the middle east your oil well produce 2 times as much than Any other region. if your empire that you chose was destroyed it may be reassembled .if you pick a country in western africa and you have a dimond mine you get a amount of 500,000 from exports every 6 hours. if you have gold mine you get 250,000 every 6 hours same with iron. if you have a Uramnium Mine you make 1,000,000 every 12 hours. Export tme only happens evey 6 hours. the way it works is you submit a application for your country you can name it what ever you want but you have to say were it is located e.g( Border hopper located in southern mexico) copy and paste this if you want to join this RPG you fill in the blanks
Nation Name: Role in this game: Nation location: Main Battle Tank: Secret weapons: Standard Issue Primary: Secondary weapons: main fighter: main bomber: main IFV: main artilery: main ground transport (humvee): main air transport: Main export: Bio: Other Info:
you can pick a role as "involved in war" "refugee sanctuary" "weapons supplier" or "Neutral" you start off with 400 available land(4000 square miles). what ever amount of units your country already has is the amount you will have. e.g Iraq has 6000 aroumred vehicles(Well just call them tanks) so iraq starts off with 6000 tanks and iraq has about 1500 aircraft and 350,000 infantry thats what someone would get if they chosse iraq building takes 5 months to build (6 hours in real time) you can build a economic center(+250,000 you collect form it every turn), Hospital(Health care for 60,000 citezens),Oil wells,Resident housing(50,000 people per 1 housing), police station, University, Bunker (can be anti air anti tank or anti infantry 1000 infantry need to be in this building) Barracks(ground troops live hear) Airport(air force lives hear) Each military building has 1000 space infantry/spec ops takes up 1 space tanks take up 2 Fighter jets take up 3 space bombers take up 6 and stealth bombers take up 12 space recon planes take up 2 space i need 6 of each player type and 5 admins to take complaints a player can support rebel movments,Pay terrorist organizations to bomb major cities and airport and even start up a mafia but the player who starts up a loses International respect with UN (Me and the admins) If a players inter national respect drops below 10 UN will vote on a sanction making that players income for economic centers from 250,000 to a mier 25,000 Rules:A turn is 30 minutes No nukes until turn 800 no war until Turn 12 heres my nation set up
Nation Name: Soviet Union Role in this game:Involved in war/weapon supplier Nation location:Russia Main Battle Tank: Armata main battle Tank Fitted with 155mm cannon/Black Egale Secret weapons: classified main fighter: SU-35 main bomber: Tupolev Tu-160 main IFV: BMP-3 main artilery:9K720 Iskander-M / SS-26 main ground transport (humvee): GAZ-2330 main air transport C 141 starlift Standard Issue Primary: AK-101/AK-103 Secondary weaponsesert Egale.50 Main export: Uramnium,Oil and Metal Bio: Soviet Union was resembled after many years of Civil war Other Info: USSR Has lost all nuclear missile capabilities until turn 800 but still has 15,000 scuds and Cruise missiles available USSR has 350,000,000 citezen's and 4,000,000 infantry 26,000 tanks and 17,000 aircraft if you join i wish you good luck
Nation Name: Yellrun Role in this game:Involved in war/weapon supplier Nation location: Christmas Island Main Battle Tank: Conquer I Secret weapons: classified main fighter: Hornet-I main bomber: JUG-I main IFV: Jacibin-I main artilery: Howitzer 100 main ground transport (humvee): Kell-I main air transport: Walrus-I Standard Issue Primary: Yellings100 Secondary weapons: HU-28 Main export: Fish/wool Bio:Christmas Island was taken over by the Yelling rebels. Yelling though it would be appropriator to name the country after him. He soon joined the war as a way to conquer more territory, and slowly build his military. We have a large amount of patriotic leaders, and can easily convert people to our side. Other Info: Current population is small mostly using guerrilla tactics to get win battles. No special forces, but the troops are trained very well.
The soviet Unions income has been calculated the current tax rate for all people in USSR is 25% the income from Taxes is 87,564,000 the income from the unused 100,000 land (1 land give 3% income) the income is 3,000. the uranium exports is 120,000,000 the oil exports ( since Iran joined soviet union) Is 5,000,000. The weapons exports gives 1,500,000,000 (Congo conflict Colombian Conflict War on drugs) The soviet Union makes 1,707,567,000 every 30 minutes. The soviet Union Has invaded south Korea,Mongolia,Finland,And Poland The casuilties for The Russain Poland conflict is 567,000 poles(Many civilians from bombings) 2,500 Russians(Mostly from suicied) ,Mongol Russian Conflict 25,000 Mongols 23,000 russians(Only 3500 were soliders) Finish russian war 224,000 finish 45,000 russians(All were soliders),South Korean Russian Causilties 35 russians 145 south koreans( Civilians. The moment USSR delcared war on South Korea the goverment surrendered all but 1 island belonging to SK did not surrender light fighting in Korea Heavy fighting in Finland medium resistance in mongolia heavy resistance in Finland(Many civilians were murdered in retaliation for 10,000 Russian soliders killed in a chemical attack) little resistance in Poland ==================Notice================================= soviet Union has gained 67,000,000 population.USSR has forced 15 million People from Korea (now communist united) to join the armed forces. USSR has Made taxes lower by 15% for All spetnaz (highly trianed soliders) 3 million people have joined the Spetnaz 1,000,000 people joined the russian Navy the soviet union has built 6,000 SU-35s. they have built 4,000 T-90s out fitted with a 205 mm cannon. USSR has finished Its turn it is now your turn