You find yourself in a white room. A door-thingy on the other side. You wear a [pick a color] and [another color] Tights overall which dont keep any space for imagination. And there is this tiny Cubic thing, size of an apple, flying a bit away from each one of you. And there are the other peoples.
To join, post your name, the color of your overall AND: Trait. Pick 2 traits. For every "good" trait you pick you have to pick a "bad" trait.
Here a list. Feel free to messege me if you want a trait which is not in the list so ill you use it. (Its the best if you pick traits which you can relate to. This way you will 'know' your limits more easily).
Strong - Good stamina Weak - Weak body Smart - Initiator (Enterprise) Lack of knowledge - Slow thinker Agile - Brave Clumsy - Coward
Dragonman345 tried to do something samiliar, but you guys quite ruind it. So please be nice. And if Dragonman345 reading this, ill be glad if you will join me to DM this.
name: blue wing blue pants, light blue shirt smart agile weak weak body
i watch everybodies actions with a confused look. "is the door even locked?" i go and try to open the door while i stand behind the door just in case somethings gonna fly at me from that other room
I tell nerdsoft in very descriptive and threatening langauge just how he's going to die if he doesn't give me all of the chocolate. I have my character make up the threatening words using his large, intelligent vocabulary
Bluera[b]bbit - the door open with ease. There is a cyan corridor and a simple wooden door. A voice suudenly say: "All must be in the corridore befor progressing to the next room".
( What does high intellect have to do with picking up chocolate? I'm pretty certain a chimp can pick up chocolate from the floor, and those things aren't exactly rocket scientists)
I once again tell the person who had picked up the other peices of chocolate to give me all of it or die very painfully as my grasping hands close around his neck, slowly cutting off his supply of oxygen until he falls unconcious, after which I will his his own finger nails to make many small lacerations all over his body and drain his blood into his mouth, choking him on his own blood. ( This outta work cause I know the descriptive langauge and nerdsoft's character a coward)