ForumsForum GamesDawn of Survival (RPG)

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It is May 6th, 2058. For three years now, the world has been plagued by a strange virus that decimated the population. The effects of the virus were terrible. At first, you would be light headed for hours. Second, you would start to get a very hot fever, then at last, your body would start to convulse, until it stopped your heart.
You are one of the survivors of this virus, by careful isolation, you managed to avoid the virus. Now, though, there is no government, no electricity providers, nothing that we relied on. The night is dark, candles and gas lamps are the only source of light. You need to survive your way. But be careful, there is no shortage of bandits.

Character Sheet:
Age: (needs to be reasonable, if you want to play a small child your RP will be quite difficult, but as a middle aged or 18-28 year old player, it will be easiest)
Alignment: Neutral
Job: (your previous job before the virus. Depending on the job you choose, you will receive different gear and different amounts of money)
Money: 0
Gear: (you can only carry so much items. You won't be able to carry a sledge-hammer and some bricks at the same time. Leave this empty for now)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

Any suggestions or comments are appreciated. If you think I've left something important out please tell me.

  • 51 Replies
1,282 posts

Name: David Jones
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Automobile engineer
Money: 100
Gear: Toolbox, Torn Backpack, Candy Bar, Kimber Pistol
Torn Backpack: 5 Water Bottles, 2 Soup Cans
Toolbox: 2 Wrenches, 1 Ratchet, One Screwdriver,.45 ACP (2)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Moderate

(sorry about the gear mess-up. It completely slipped my mind that day)

You spend some time searching for a store to scavenge. It took a while, but you managed to find a small food store. Before going in, you notice a few shell casings of recent gunfire by the doorway. There is a large window on the left side wall, and you take a glance inside. There is a person sleeping inside of a worn out sleeping bag. He has cuts on his face. Lying less than a foot away from him is a Lee Enfield Rifle.

435 posts

Name: David Jones
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Automobile engineer
Money: 100
Gear: Toolbox, Torn Backpack, Candy Bar, Kimber Pistol
Torn Backpack: 5 Water Bottles, 2 Soup Cans
Toolbox: 2 Wrenches, 1 Ratchet, One Screwdriver,.45 ACP (2)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Moderate

I yell at the guy to wake up, and once he wakes up I ask if he has any spare supplies he doen't need. If he wants me to leave him alone, I walk away until I find another store.

1,282 posts

Name: David Jones
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Automobile engineer
Money: 100
Gear: Toolbox, Torn Backpack, Candy Bar, Kimber Pistol
Torn Backpack: 5 Water Bottles, 2 Soup Cans
Toolbox: 2 Wrenches, 1 Ratchet, One Screwdriver,.45 ACP (2)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Moderate

You yell at the man to wake up. He jumps out of bed and looks over to you. He quickly grabs his Lee Enfield, and points it at you. "What do you want?"
You ask him if he has any spare supplies. The man shakes his head, and tells you that he himself had been looking for supplies when he got jumped and robbed of all of his stuff. Luckily, he left his Enfield at the store so it wasn't taken. You leave him to himself and you walk down the road to another store. Its a gas station. Two large windows are set into it. You simply open the door, and walk in. Trash covers everything. You can use valuable daylight to look through the gas station, or continue on in your search for another.

435 posts

Name: David Jones
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Automobile engineer
Money: 100
Gear: Toolbox, Torn Backpack, Candy Bar, Kimber Pistol
Torn Backpack: 5 Water Bottles, 2 Soup Cans
Toolbox: 2 Wrenches, 1 Ratchet, One Screwdriver,.45 ACP (2)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Moderate

I search thourougly through the gas station. If I am not able to find anything, then I head back to my apartment to sleep.

1,282 posts

Name: David Jones
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Automobile engineer
Money: 100
Gear: Toolbox, Torn Backpack, Candy Bar, Kimber Pistol
Torn Backpack: 5 Water Bottles, 2 Soup Cans
Toolbox: 2 Wrenches, 1 Ratchet, One Screwdriver,.45 ACP (2)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Moderate
Thirst: Thirsty

You search the gas station and find:
A candy bar, an empty flask, and 5$. There is also an assortment of ripped fabric and trash around, which you could use to attempt to fix the tear in your backpack. While searching through the Gas Station, a single firearm shot cracks through the air, not close enough to cause alarm, though.

1,676 posts

Name: Trevor Daniels
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Firefighter Trainee
Money: 0
Gear: (pending to be chosen)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

Trevor has always dreamed of being a Firefighter. However, the virus has taken away this dream, and he can barely believe it. After being recruited and has been trained in the Fire Academy he's come to love, he can't believe his career has already ended so quickly.

As a reminder of his now past career, he keeps a folded note with him everywhere he goes. He opens it up, reading aloud once again to himself, hoping to keep his sanity as he begins to slowly shed tears.

A Firefighter's Prayer
When I am called to duty, God
Wherever flames may rage,
Give me strength to save some life
Whatever be its age.
Help me embrace a little child
Before it is too late
Or save an older person from
The horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert and
Hear the weakest shout,
And quickly and efficiently
To put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling and
To give the best in me,
To guard my every neighbor and
Protect his property.
And if according to my fate
I am to lose my life,
Please bless with your protecting hand
My children and my wife.

Tears roll down his cheeks as he folds the piece of paper back up and into his back pocket.

After slowly recovering, he checks his gear to make sure he has what he needs to finally remove himself from his hometown. The burden of these memories are proving to be too much weight for him now.

1,282 posts

Name: Trevor Daniels
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Firefighter Trainee
Money: 70
Gear: Fire Axe
Duffle Bag: Water Bottle (5), Beans (2), Can of Soup (1)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

Trevor had been a Firefighter Trainee, and was only a few months away from graduating and continuing on as a full fledged firefighter. The virus hit, and destroyed his dreams. He lives nearly alone now, in the city of Cleveland, Ohio. He had been inside the Academy when the virus hit the government. How he managed to stay healthy was beyond knowing. You gather up the rest of your resources, and you start on your way of heading out of town. You have two choices of exiting the city. You could take the highway, which is faster but more danger from bandits. You could also take the sideroads which are slower but more concealed.

1,676 posts

Name: Trevor Daniels
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Firefighter Trainee
Money: 70
Gear: Fire Axe
Duffle Bag: Water Bottle (5), Beans (2), Can of Soup (1)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

I choose to take the sideroads.

435 posts

Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Automobile engineer
Money: 100
Gear: Toolbox, Torn Backpack, Candy Bar, Kimber Pistol
Torn Backpack: 5 Water Bottles, 2 Soup Cans
Toolbox: 2 Wrenches, 1 Ratchet, One Screwdriver,.45 ACP (2)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Moderate
Thirst: Thirsty

I hide behind a shelf and shoot anyone who comes close to me through the chest until they are dead. If I don't see anyone for twenty minutes straight, then I slowly drink my water bottle bar in small sips until I've drank all of it, and eat my candy bar inbetween sips. I then replace the water bottle and candy bar with the water bottle and candy bar in the gas station. Afterwards, I headback to my apartment to sleep.

1,666 posts

Im a new one: (not new to RPG's)

Name: Spike Hontonchi
Age: 22
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Secret Service Agent
Money: 0
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

one thing: this seems much like a rehash of a zombie survival RPG...
dazzle me bro. I am not Asian, the last name is completely random.

529 posts

Name: Marcus E.
Age: 24
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Unemployed, Failed Musician
Money: 20
Gear: Steel Bat, Water Bottle, Nutrient Bar, Guitar
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

I look for a window to see whats happening outside.

1,282 posts

Name: Trevor Daniels
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Firefighter Trainee
Money: 70
Gear: Fire Axe
Duffle Bag: Water Bottle (5), Beans (2), Can of Soup (1)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Moderate
Thirst: Moderate

You spend the rest of the day walking along the side roads. At one point, you got close to the highway, where a large group of people were camping right on it. They are all armed, thankfully you hadn't taken the highway. You manage to leave the city, and you find a small shack where you can rest. You enter the shack and lock the door behind you. Its going to be a cold night.

Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Automobile engineer
Money: 100
Gear: Toolbox, Torn Backpack, Kimber Pistol
Torn Backpack: 4 Water Bottles, 2 Soup Cans
Toolbox: 2 Wrenches, 1 Ratchet, One Screwdriver,.45 ACP (2)
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

You hide behind a shelf and prepare yourself if anyone comes in, its starting to get dark, and seeing is somewhat hard. Luckily no person entered the building, but someone did sprint across the front doorway. You eat a candy bar, and drink one of your water bottles. When you check the flask you found, it is empty. You head back to your apartment, and by the time you get there it is well into night. You sleep.

Name: Spike Hontonchi
Age: 22
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Secret Service Agent
Money: 0
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

Being a Secret Service Agent, you were there to witness the President go down from the Virus. You managed to stay healthy, somehow, even with the government falling in around you. After the President and Vice President died, you went out to the city of Washington, D.C., where you are today. You live in a small, two bed, two bath house. You've cleaned up the place somewhat, but you could never manage to get the stink of death out of the place. You're parents lived in this house, and you had to bury them. Its early morning, and you hear a woman screaming a few blocks away.

Name: Marcus E.
Age: 24
Alignment: Neutral
Job: Unemployed, Failed Musician
Money: 20
Gear: Steel Bat, Water Bottle, Nutrient Bar, Guitar
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

(We are supposing that La_Presidente isn't active in this thread. There is still going to be someone downstairs, but it will be RPed by me)

You rush to the window just in time to see a Ford Truck scream past your building. Whoever is driving, is having a hard time, because they don't make it very far until they slam into a small building adjacent to yours. You watch the truck, no one gets out. You hear a loud *thump* beneath you.

604 posts

I never got a post for mine...

1,282 posts

Back on Page 2. You did get a post.

604 posts

Name: Pablo Cruz
Age: 19
Alignment: Neutral
Job: CDC Agent
Money: 80
Gear: Backpack, MRE, Water Bottle, Ruger P345 Pistol
Health: Perfect
Hunger: Full
Thirst: Full

I start getting up, and packing. I ask him questions such as

Whos coming
When will they be here
What happened to you?

*Sorry saw your post and got confused with my RP game somehow*

Showing 16-30 of 51