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1.New players are always welcome.

2.Double check to make sure you completely filled out the nation sheet.

3.If I haven't specified something, you can make it up yourself. But nothing too extreme without my permission. For example, if I say your in a forest, you can say that it's made up of only oak and maple trees. What you cannot do is say that there is a native tribe of cannibals hidden in the trees.

4.If you have questions or feel I've done something wrong, feel free to ask or correct me.

5.I'll overlook how your species could have evolved, but not how they currently exist. For example, I'll allow a ants with lungs which allow them to grow very large, but not a chipmunk that's the size of Mt.Everest and only eats a leaf a day. Unless you have an unbelievably good explanation.

6.No aliens.

7.You can do virtually anything in this, but if you do something really stupid that I don't like, for example start a space program when your in the iron age, I'll probaly say a tornado hits and destroys the program.

8. I may change the rules or the character sheet if they need changing. I probaly won't though if your strongly against it.

This country RPG differs from others because you will not play as humans, and you must play as a different species. This species will still be smart enough to eventually build a civilization though. I'd prefer something unique, like a race of giant owls who worship leaf gods, but if you really want to play as elves I'll probaly allow it.

How this works: You will post an action and I will post a reaction. Then you post another action and I post another reaction. You can interact with other players and I may decide to force you to interact with other players, in-game. For example:
You: I send twenty chipmunk gatherers to get nuts.
Me: Your chipmunk gatherers get you enough food to last your entire village about a month.
Another player: I attack the chipmunk tribe to steal their nuts with my elephant warriors.

Your posts will usually be a few sentences though. Everyone will start in a place similar to England, but the exact geography like locations of rivers and forests can change. Everyone will spread out into neighboring areas after the game gets going. You delete everything in brackets in the nation sheet. Those aren't the only questions you answer though, just examples. The more detail you put in the less I make up for you.

Name of Race: (Owleans? Drakkgihn? What will you choose?)
Your Location: ( Are you in a thick forest? Are you on the coast?)
Hierachy: (Does your race elect a president? Do you have slaves? Do you have elders?)
Military: (Do you have spearman? Is it men only? Do you have one big army or smaller squads?)
Physical Description: (This one is pretty straight forward. But genders may differ.)
Mental Description: (Are your people all geniuses, or are they idiots? Do they have innate respect for each other? Are they warmongers naturally?)
Other Anything that doesn't fall into the other categories.)

  • 4 Replies
1,666 posts

Name of Race: Drakvianian
Your Location: mountain side, we live in mountain caves. we prefer heat, however it is no matter being that mountain altitude usually makes it colder anyway. each individual dragon lives in a carved area in the mountain cave. its like land of the ompa lompa's in Charlie and the chocolate factory, but in caves.
Hierarchy: we have an elder council, consisting of 5 very old dragons who know much about the lands. they become replaced only when they die.
Military: being a race of dragons, everyone participates in wars. its much like ancient Sparta.
Physical Description: we are all different, most of us are red or purple but some more extravagant colors. nothing is ridiculous like rainbow though.
Mental Description: we are very headstrong. dragons are noble and honorable, we take these qualities. on an IQ basis, we are average, but the elders are extremely smart.
Other: we eat anything meaty. everyone gathers food for themselves, which is simple because we eat pretty much any living thing. we have no natural predators. we have no enemies as of now, but trust me, if a race pisses us off, we will attack. we have no preferences to anything, and luxury means almost nothing to us. we wear armor in battle, but no other time, since we would never need it. (and we wouldn't need it in battle either).

just a problem...there is really no basis to this. my civilization is a colony of dragons. what exactly am I supposed to do..?

109 posts

Name of Race: Horchus
Your Location: Thick forest
Hierachy: Elders
Military: Swordsmen Male/Female are allowed smaller squads.
Physical Description: like humans accept 2 times bigger and a alot uglier like a bus hit my face kinda ugly.
Mental Description: There not the smartest and not the stupidest there in between They earn there respect there not warmongers but when it comes to it they do it
Other: they have 2 hearts 4 lungs and are pretty scaly like a crocidile.

34 posts

Name of Race: Rubles
Your Location: A large slightly forested grass land
Hierachy: A form of republic with elected congress who decided many actions by a vote
Military: Smaller armies made up of manly light infantry and archers.
Physical Description: Much like humans slightly taller and pale.
Mental Description: They have slightly advanced intelligence but also have a natural need to compete for everything.
Other: They are skilled archers and hunters.

435 posts

I did this thread two times by accident. Post in the other one.

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